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Fictionland Public Library

Services and Facilities information

Services and facilities

Books, newspapers, CDs, DVDs, videos, audio books, large print books, magazines, local history material, online resources - and that's just for starters.
Our branch libraries provide free internet access, study facilities and a wide range of activities for all ages.

Assistive and adaptive equipment

This equipment include25

  • Magnified lenses for use in branch libraries
  • SARA scanner reader - converts printed text to a computer-generated voice
  • MyReader magnifier - magnifies print material and change images from positive to negative
  • Audio loop - offers enhancement to library customers with hearing aids
  • Adaptive technology workstations - provide people with disability access to software and digital resources.

These workstations include:

  • Height adjustable desks
  • Bigkeys LX keyboards
  • PC Deluxe TRACball mice
  • TextHelp computer software which reads text from Microsoft applications and the internet  

ComputersComputer access

All our branch libraries offer fast, reliable and free connection to the Internet, access to word processing and spreadsheet applications and a diverse range of online resources.
Free wireless internet access is also available at most branch libraries. Internet pc's can be booked up to one week in advance. Customers must present their membership card to book and use a library pc.

Housebound service  

If you are confined to your home due to illness or a disability and do not have anyone able to visit the library on your behalf, you may be eligible to join our housebound services. Books and other library resources are delivered to and collected from your home.
Please contact staff at your nearest branch library to discuss your requirements.

Languages other than English

Our branch libraries offer a collection of books and magazines in over 20 languages. In addition, we provide access to PressDisplay - an online newspaper portal that offers over 200 newspapers from 53 countries around the world, in 33 languages.
Books in languages not held by Fictionland Libraries may be requested for loan through the State Library of Far-Far-Away.
A number of branch libraries offer English Conversion Circles to support speakers of English as a second or other language.

Local Studies Library

Provides access to a large and valuable collection of books, manuscripts, images and maps portraying the history of the land of Fiction.

Mobile Libraries 

Visits locations across Fiction making the whole library collection more accessible. The mobile library timetable is available at fictionland.org/mobileservices/library under 'library locations'.

Programs and events  

Library Services offers an exciting program of activities and events designed to inspire, educate and entertain. You can pick up skills in computer use, internet searching and emerging technologies, or learn about a favourite hobby, meet a guest author or join a local book club.

To find our what on, collect a Calendar of Events at your local branch library or view it online at fictionland.org/library/calendar.

Reference and Reader's Advisory service  

Need to finish an assignment or research project? Don't know where to look? Looking for something to read?
Our librarians provide Reference and Reader's Advisory services to help people find reliable information, select library materials and use library and other information resources.
With over 1,000,000 items in our library collections and a vast world of online information resources, we can help you find the information you need.

Special Needs Library

The Special Needs Collection is located at Fictionland South Branch Library and provides a collection of resources and equipment to assist with the development and rehabilitation of adults and children with special needs or disabilities.
Materials in the Special Needs Collection are available to any person with a disability or their legal guardians or carers who live within the Fictionland Council local government area and are Fictionland library members.
A referral from a therapist or other suitable professional is required to join as a Special Needs Library member. An appointment for an initial visit to the Special Needs library should be made by phoning Fictionland South Library on (006) 867 5309.

How do I get there?

Free undercover parking can be accessed from White Street.