Day 21

19th October 2016

Got up early today to get ready for the drive to Bromsgrove. After showering and brekkie, we set off up the Motorway looking forward to a big catch up with family and friends - AND...... we were not disappointed.

We arrived a little early at the Bromsgrove Golf Centre and made our way into the bar where we were greeted by the very friendly staff. We sat down with soft drinks (yes, SOFT drinks) and waited in anticipation. The first people we saw coming through the doors were Janet and Bob Martin and Jan Tees. What a fantastic surprise! John approached them and introduced himself and it was as if 45 years melted away. Janet said "My bridesmaid!!!" And that was it, there were hugs and kisses all around, such an emotional start. Then John met up with his cousin Colin and his lovely wife Margaret. It has been 45 years since he has had contact with Colin, so John was really feeling the eyes "well up". Then Tony, his lovely wife Koren and the beautiful little Sophie arrived with Vernon and Sue. It was so nice to catch up with Tony again and to meet Koren and Sophie.

Then we met Nigel and his lovely wife Janine, Adrian and his lovely wife Amanda - Linda and Dave Dole (from way back!)and David Shields and his wife. Then Aunty Janet and Jim arrived and also Uncle John and Jackie. We were flitting from person to person going "Remember when? Remember where?" it was just amazing.

We all sat down to a meal (after we re-arranged the table settings so we could talk to each other a bit better - ha!) and I finally was able to order Scampi (I was so looking forward to eating Scampi). Just after we had eaten our meal, I saw another face walking towards us - it was Gary (John's room-mate and cousin). So the hugging started again, oh it was so good.

Everyone was talking and catching up, it was an amazing afternoon and it was all going so quickly. Then the time came when we had to start saying goodbye to everyone. And it really was "Goodbye", as we will probably not ever see most of these people face to face again. When I came to give Vern a hug, it really hit me and I had a little cry. Sue and Vern have done so much to assist John to get his Dad's war medals and War Records, they have asked nothing of us except for a few copies of records and John is now able to take home the medals and records that were his Father's, but never seen by John. We can never express how much we appreciate what they have done, they are very special people.

After thanking the staff for their friendly service and care for the afternoon, Aunty Janet & Jim, Jackie & Uncle John, John, David and myself made our way to the Lickey's Cemetery. This is where the Stretch Family grave is and where the ashes of John's Mum, Dad and brother Malcolm have been placed. We carefully made our way across the cemetery and we were quite taken aback at the care and attention that had been paid to the grave. We saw photos of it some time ago and it was weathered and aged, but thanks to Uncle John and so many of the family, the grave has been restored, a new stone placed with names on it to show those that had faded from the original marble. It has been lovingly tended and cared for by the family so that we would have a lovely memory to take home with us. Thank you all.

After lots of hugs and goodbyes, we set off on our way home to Silvertrees after an amazing day that will stay with us for ever.

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