Day 18

16th October 2016

We woke up to pouring rain this morning. It is the heaviest rain we have seen since arriving in England, and we have been so blessed so far with amazing weather that has made travelling around so much easier.

As we all find it a bit difficult with our moving around (feet, back etc), it is good to have days where we are doing nothing more than sitting watching the beautiful scenery. It is relaxing and reviving. We felt no rush to do anything today and are just taking our time watching the weather change to a lovely blue sky.

There is a lot of "goings on" up the hill though!!! This time of year for the deer is called the "Rutting Season". The stags are at their best as they walk around posturing in front of the Does and pushing the smaller males out of the way. So far today, we have seen quite a number of head butting sessions with the smaller stags, but there are two very large stags who regally walk around taking charge while bellowing and grunting. It is all quite fascinating to watch, especially when the fights start and the little fawns dive into the undergrowth so they can't be seen. There are plenty of locals around taking photos of it all, so it is a big deal.

We will be enjoying this today as we make plans for our big trip to Rubery and Redditch tomorrow to see Aunty Janet.

Had a fairly early night and turned in ready for a big day's travel tomorrow, see you then!

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