1984. “The Terminator” | 20 December 1984 |
Arnold Schwarzenegger as the The Terminator / T-800 Model 101, a cybernetic android disguised as a human being sent back in time to assassinate Sarah Connor. Michael Biehn as Kyle Reese, a human Resistance fighter sent back in time to protect Sarah. Linda Hamilton as Sarah Connor, the Terminator's target who is soon to be the mother of the future Resistance leader John Connor. Paul Winfield as Ed Traxler, a police Lieutenant who questions Sarah. Lance Henriksen as Hal Vukovich, a police Sergeant who questions Sarah. Earl Boen as Dr. Peter Silberman, a criminal psychologist. Bess Motta as Ginger Ventura, Sarah's roommate. Rick Rossovich as Matt Buchanan, Ginger's boyfriend. |
In 1984 Los Angeles, a cyborg assassin known as a Terminator arrives from 2029 and steals guns and clothes. Shortly afterwards, Kyle Reese, a human soldier from 2029, arrives. He steals clothes and evades the police. The Terminator begins systematically killing women named Sarah Connor, whose addresses he finds in the telephone directory. He tracks the third Sarah Connor to a nightclub, but Kyle rescues her. The two steal a car and escape with the Terminator pursuing them in a police car. As they hide in a parking lot, Kyle explains to Sarah that an artificial intelligence defense network, known as Skynet, will become self-aware in the near future and initiate a nuclear holocaust. Sarah's future son John will rally the survivors and lead a resistance movement against Skynet and its army of machines. With the Resistance on the verge of victory, Skynet sent a Terminator back in time to kill Sarah before John is born, to prevent the formation of the Resistance. The Terminator is an efficient killing machine with a powerful metal endoskeleton and an external layer of living tissue that makes him appear human. Kyle and Sarah are apprehended by the police after another encounter with the Terminator. Criminal psychologist Dr. Silberman concludes that Kyle is paranoid and delusional. The Terminator repairs his body and attacks the police station, killing many police officers in his attempt to locate Sarah. Kyle and Sarah escape, steal another car and take refuge in a motel, where they assemble pipe bombs and plan their next move. Kyle admits that he has been in love with Sarah since John gave him a photograph of her, and they have sex. The Terminator discovers their location, and they attempt to escape in a pickup truck. In the ensuing chase, Kyle is wounded by gunfire while throwing pipe bombs at the Terminator. Enraged, Sarah knocks the Terminator off his motorcycle but loses control of the truck, which flips over. The Terminator hijacks a tank truck and attempts to run down Sarah, but Kyle slides a pipe bomb onto the tanker, causing an explosion that burns the flesh from the Terminator's exoskeleton. It pursues them to a factory, where Kyle activates machinery to confuse the Terminator. He jams his final pipe bomb into the Terminator's abdomen, blowing the Terminator apart, injuring Sarah, and killing Kyle. The damaged Terminator reactivates and grabs Sarah. She breaks free and lures it into a hydraulic press, crushing it. Months later, a pregnant Sarah is traveling through Mexico, recording audio tapes to pass on to her unborn son, John. She debates whether to tell him that Kyle is his father. At a gas station, a boy takes a Polaroid photograph of her which she purchases - the same photograph that John will eventually give to Kyle. |
1991. “Terminator 2 - Judgment Day” | 5 September 1991 |
Arnold Schwarzenegger as The Terminator / T-800 (Model 101): An android, built as a synthetic organism composed of living tissue over a titanium "hyperalloy" endoskeleton, reprogrammed and sent back in time to protect John Connor, becoming his surrogate father in the process. Schwarzenegger was reportedly paid $15 million for the role. Edward Furlong as John Connor: The ten-year-old son of Sarah, given survival training from a young age, but taken into foster care after his mother is institutionalized. Furlong was discovered by casting director Mali Finn while visiting the Pasadena Boys and Girls Club. Furlong, who had no acting ambitions at the time, stated, "I fell into [acting], it wasn't something that I planned". The adult John of 2029 AD is played by Michael Edwards. Linda Hamilton as Sarah Connor: Mother of John, the future leader of the Resistance in the war against Skynet. Hamilton reprised her role from the 1984 film for a salary of $1 million. In preparation for the role, Hamilton underwent an extensive thirteen-week training regimen with personal trainer Anthony Cortes, training for three hours each day, six days a week before filming began. She additionally lost 12 pounds (5.4 kg) on a nonfat diet, conducted throughout the film's six-month shoot. Actor and former Israeli commando Uzi Gal provided her with training for her action scenes. On her work with Gal, Hamilton stated that she undertook "judo and heavy-duty military training" and "learned to load clips, change mags, check out a room upon entry, verify kills." Hamilton's twin sister Leslie Hamilton Gearren also portrayed Sarah when it was required that there be two of the character in the same shot. Robert Patrick as the T-1000: An advanced shapeshifting prototypical Terminator composed of liquid metal sent back in time to assassinate John. Cameron stated that he "wanted to find someone who would be a good contrast to Arnold. If the 800 series [the model played by Schwarzenegger] is a kind of human Panzer tank, then the 1000 series had to be a Porsche." Joe Morton as Miles Bennett Dyson: Director of special projects at Cyberdyne and a destined creator of Skynet. Earl Boen as Dr. Peter Silberman: Sarah's psychiatrist, skeptical of her prophecies of machines destroying humanity. Boen is also reprising his character from the 1984 film. |
In 1995, John Connor is living in Los Angeles with foster parents. His mother Sarah Connor had been preparing him throughout his childhood for his future role as the Human Resistance leader against Skynet - the artificial intelligence that will be given control of the United States' nuclear missiles and initiate a nuclear holocaust called "Judgment Day" on August 29, 1997 - but was arrested and imprisoned at a mental hospital after attempting to bomb a computer factory. Skynet sends a new Terminator, designated as T-1000, back in time to kill John. The T-1000 is an advanced prototype made out of mimetic polyalloy (referred to as "liquid metal") that gives it the ability to take on the shape and appearance of almost anything it touches, as well as knives and other stabbing weapons. The T-1000 arrives under a freeway, kills a policeman and assumes his identity. Meanwhile, the future John Connor has sent back a reprogrammed T-800 (Model 101) Terminator to protect his young counterpart. The Terminator and the T-1000 converge on John in a shopping mall, and a chase ensues after which John and the Terminator escape together on a motorcycle. Fearing that the T-1000 will kill Sarah in order to get to him, John orders the Terminator to help free her. They encounter Sarah as she is escaping from the hospital, although she is initially reluctant to trust the T-800. After the trio escapes from the T-1000 in a police car, the Terminator informs John and Sarah about Skynet's history. In addition, it would create machines that will hunt and kill the remnants of humanity. Sarah learns that the man most directly responsible for Skynet's creation is Miles Bennett Dyson, a Cyberdyne Systems engineer working on a revolutionary new neural net processor that will form the basis for Skynet. Sarah gathers weapons from an old friend and plans to flee with John to Mexico, but after having a nightmare about Judgment Day, she instead sets out to kill Dyson in order to prevent Judgment Day from occurring. Finding him at his home, she wounds him but finds herself unable to kill him in front of his family. John and the Terminator arrive and inform Dyson of the future consequences of his work. They learn that much of his research has been reverse engineered from the damaged CPU and the right arm of the previous Terminator. Convincing him that these items and his designs must be destroyed, they break into the Cyberdyne building and retrieve the CPU and the arm. The police arrive and Dyson is shot, but he manages to trigger several explosives, destroying the lab and his research while sacrificing himself. The T-1000 relentlessly pursues the surviving trio, eventually cornering them in a steel mill. The T-1000 and the Terminator engage in physical combat, with the advanced model severely damaging its adversary. The T-800 is seemingly shut down until its emergency back-up system brings it back online. The T-1000 nearly kills John and Sarah until the T-800 appears and shoots it into a vat of molten steel with an M79 grenade launcher, destroying it. John tosses the arm and CPU of the original Terminator into the vat as well. As Sarah expresses relief that the ordeal is over, the Terminator explains that to ensure that he is not used for reverse engineering he must also be destroyed. It asks Sarah to assist in lowering it into the vat of molten steel, since it is unable to "self-terminate", although John begs the Terminator to reconsider his decision. It bids them farewell as it is lowered into the vat. The Terminator gives a tearful John a final thumbs-up as it disappears into the molten steel and shuts down. Sarah looks to the future with hope, musing that "if a machine ... can learn the value of human life, maybe we can too." |
2003. “Terminator 3 - Rise of the Machines” | 17 July 2003 |
Arnold Schwarzenegger as The Terminator / T-850 (Model 101): Reprising his role from the first two films. This film was Schwarzenegger's final starring role before becoming Governor of California until his 2013 film The Last Stand. In the 2009 film Terminator Salvation, though, Schwarzenegger's likeness is used in CGI and a body double is used to portray the T-800. Nick Stahl as John Connor: Edward Furlong, who played John in Terminator 2: Judgment Day, reportedly was not asked to reprise his role in T3 because of a substance abuse problem. In a 2004 interview, he responded, "I don't know [what happened]. It just wasn't the time. I was going through my own thing at the point in my life – whatever, it just wasn't meant to be". Kristanna Loken as T-X: the first on-screen female Terminator. Claire Danes as Kate Brewster: In a 2005 interview on NPR's Fresh Air, Danes revealed she was cast in the role as a last-minute replacement after producers felt that actress Sophia Bush was too young to portray the character. David Andrews as Lieutenant General Robert Brewster, USAF: Kate's father and Skynet's primary creator. Mark Famiglietti as Scott Mason: Kate Brewster's slain fiance was originally named Scott Peterson, but was changed in order to avoid association with the Scott Peterson case surrounding the murder of Laci Peterson and her unborn son Conner. In the ending credits his name is still listed as "Scott Peterson". Earl Boen as Dr. Peter Silberman: Reprising his role from the first two films. Boen appears for one scene, attempting to comfort Claire Danes' character after she witnesses the acts of the Terminator. Boen and Schwarzenegger are the only actors to appear in all of the first three Terminator films. Jay Acovone as LAPD Officer. Kim Robillard as Detective Edwards: He is killed by being punched through the chest by the T-X. Mark Hicks as Detective Bell: He is killed by the T-X along with Detective Edwards, in the dialogue he is identified correctly, but in the credits his name is listed as "Detective Martinez". |
John Connor has been living off the grid in Los Angeles following the death of his mother, Sarah. Although Judgment Day did not occur on August 29, 1997, John still fears a war between humans and the machines. Unable to locate John in the past, Skynet sends a new model of the Terminator called the T-X to July 23, 2003, to kill other members of the Human Resistance. The T-X is more advanced than previous Terminators, and has an endoskeleton with built-in weaponry, a liquid metal exterior similar to the T-1000, and can reprogram other machines. Unlike previous Terminators, its standard appearance is female. The Resistance sends a reprogrammed Terminator (T-850 - Model 101) to protect the T-X's targets including John and his future wife, Kate Brewster. After killing several other targets, the T-X locates Kate and John at an animal hospital, where the former works and the latter was stealing from; but they escape with the Terminator's help. The Terminator takes John and Kate to a mausoleum where John's mother is supposedly interred. Inside her vault, they find a weapons cache left at Sarah's request in case Judgment Day occurred. Police arrive and a gun battle ensues, but the three escape in a hearse. The T-X also arrives and chases the Terminator and the others, but they escape. The Terminator reveals his plan to drive John and Kate to Mexico to escape the fallout when Judgment Day begins at 6:18 p.m. that day. John orders the Terminator to take him and Kate to see Kate's father, a Lt. General who is supervising the building of Skynet after Cyberdyne Systems went defunct, and threatens to kill himself if the Terminator refuses. The Terminator calls John's bluff but agrees to take them after Kate orders him to. The Terminator reveals that he killed John on July 4, 2032; Kate sent him back from the future after having him captured and reprogrammed. At the Air Force base, General Brewster faces pressure from the President to activate Skynet to stop a computer virus infecting computers all over the world, unaware that the virus is Skynet establishing control over the worldwide computer network. John and Kate arrive too late to stop Skynet from being activated, and its machines begin attacking the staff. Brewster is mortally wounded by the T-X, which arrived before John, Kate, and the Terminator. Before dying, he gives Kate and John a code book and the location of what John believes is Skynet's system core. John and Kate head for the tarmac to take General Brewster's airplane to reach Crystal Peak, a military base built inside the Sierra Nevada that is hardened against nuclear attack. The T-X and the T-850 battle, and the T-X severely damages the T-850 before reprogramming it to kill John and Kate. The T-X pursues John and Kate through the military base but becomes trapped when a particle accelerator is activated and the magnetic field bonds it to the accelerator. In the hangar, the Terminator, unable to control his outer functions but still consciously aware, attacks John and Kate before John convinces it to reject the T-X's control, and deliberately shuts its corrupted system down, enabling John and Kate to escape. Shortly after they leave, the Terminator's system reboots. John and Kate reach Crystal Peak and begin entering the access codes to gain entry when the T-X arrives by helicopter. Just as she is about to attack, the rebooted Terminator arrives in a second helicopter and crashes into the T-X, crushing it. The T-X pulls itself from the wreckage and attempts to drag itself inside the bunker to follow John and Kate. The Terminator holds the bunker open long enough for John and Kate to lock themselves inside, then uses one of its hydrogen fuel cells to destroy both itself and the T-X. John and Kate discover that the facility is not Skynet's core but a nuclear fallout shelter, and that Skynet has no core because it was within the Internet the whole time. Judgment Day begins as nuclear missiles are fired at locations worldwide, killing billions. They begin receiving radio transmissions on the emergency equipment; John assumes command and begins answering radio calls. |
2009. “Terminator Salvation” | 4 June 2009 |
Christian Bale as John Connor. Director McG deemed Bale "the most credible action star in the world" during development. McG wanted Bale for Marcus, but the actor - even though he "can't really remember why" - wanted to play John, and that led to the character's role getting expanded in rewrites of the script. Bale was the first person to be cast and signed on for the role in November 2007. McG talked extensively with Bale in the UK about the role while the latter was filming The Dark Knight, and they both agreed to proceed. Although a fan of the Terminator series, he was at first uninterested until McG convinced him the story would be character-based and not rely on special effects. They kept working on the story every day, along with Worthington. McG said Bale broke his hand punching a Terminator prop during filming. Bale also spent six to eight hours each day with McG in the editing room to advise the finished product. Sam Worthington as Marcus Wright, a human-terminator hybrid experiment. Worthington compared Marcus to Dorothy Gale and Alice due to being "this person waking up in another world [who then] tries to find himself". Terminator creator James Cameron personally recommended Worthington (whom he directed in Avatar) to McG. Russell Crowe also recommended him to McG. The director decided Worthington looked tougher than the "great many of today's [waify] young male actors". Worthington recalled Cameron told him "the Terminator to make is the one with the war". Worthington tore his intercostal muscles during the first weeks of filming, but nevertheless insisted on performing his own stunts. McG once expressed interest in casting Christian Bale, Daniel Day-Lewis or Josh Brolin in the part. Brolin did talk to Bale and read a draft of the screenplay, which he found "interesting and dark; ultimately, though, I didn't think it felt right". Anton Yelchin as Kyle Reese, a teenage refugee and admirer of John Connor and the Resistance. As portrayed by Michael Biehn in The Terminator, he was sent back in time to 1984 to protect Sarah Connor to ensure the survival of the human race, and fathered John with her. Yelchin said he wanted to portray Kyle as Biehn did and not make him appear weaker because it was a younger version of the character. The difference in his portrayal lies in showing Kyle as intense, but not concentrated until he joins the resistance proper. Yelchin tried to convey Kyle's intensity by focusing on how fast Biehn appeared when running in the original film. Moon Bloodgood as Blair Williams, a "no-nonsense and battle-hardened" pilot of the Resistance who suffers from survivor's guilt and serves as a romantic interest for Marcus. McG characterizes her as continuing the feminine strength that has been prominent throughout the franchise. Bryce Dallas Howard as Kate Connor, John's wife. Charlotte Gainsbourg was originally set to play the part, but left due to scheduling conflicts with another film. As portrayed by Claire Danes in the third film, Kate was a veterinarian; but in this film, she is now a physician. Howard suggested, as part of the character's backstory, that Kate studied medical books and interviewed many surviving doctors after the events of Judgment Day. The film's subject matter reminded her of developing countries, devastated by war and lacking basic supplies such as clean water, which "reflects things that are going on currently in this privileged world that we are living in where there hasn't been an apocalypse and robots haven't taken over the world. I think that's something definitely for us to reinvestigate and that we continue to make choices for our own future to take that into consideration". Howard also focused on Kate "being accustomed to fear and loss" because the character was a military brat. Common as Barnes, John's right-hand man. Common stated the character was not overly developed, being "only just a bad-ass character, you know, really the big heavy of the movie", before McG's intervention. Common agreed with this, as "I didn’t want to just be the big, bulky guy there" and worked on the emotional side, "thinking about how it would be in a world that's post-apocalyptic, a world where, you know, things have been destroyed and we're really fighting for survival." Helena Bonham Carter as Dr. Serena Kogan/Skynet: an ex-Cyberdyne scientist who convinces Marcus to donate his body for her research. Her face is later used by the Skynet computer to communicate with Marcus. Tilda Swinton was originally considered for the part, but Bonham Carter replaced her before filming. She accepted the part because her domestic partner, Tim Burton, is a Terminator fan. Her role was a "small but pivotal" one and would only require ten days of shooting. On July 20, 2008, Bonham Carter delayed filming by a day, and was given an indefinite leave due to the death of four of her family members in a minibus accident in South Africa. Michael Ironside as General Ashdown, the leader of the Resistance. Roland Kickinger as The Terminator / T-800 (Model 101): the first Terminator covered in living tissue. Bodybuilder and actor Kickinger, who previously portrayed Schwarzenegger in the 2005 biographical film See Arnold Run, was his physical double on set. When asked about his role, Kickinger said it is "Arnold's character in the first Terminator. That's basically my role, but 20 years before, so it establishes how the Terminator came about." Polish strongman athlete Mariusz Pudzianowski was also considered for doubling Schwarzenegger. If Schwarzenegger had decided not to lend his appearance to the film, then John would have shot the T-800s face off before the audience got a good look at him. Arnold Schwarzenegger's facial likeness was utilized via CGI, with a mold of his face made in 1984 scanned to create the digital makeup. Jadagrace Berry as Star, an 8-year-old girl in Kyle's care. Born after Judgment Day, Star is mute due to the trauma of the post-apocalyptic world. However, this has given her the unnatural ability to sense when a Terminator is approaching. Terry Crews as Captain Jericho, Barnes' brother. Linda Hamilton as Sarah Connor, John's mother. Sarah's voice is heard from tapes she recorded before her death prior to the film's events. |
In 2003, Dr. Serena Kogan (Helena Bonham Carter) of Cyberdyne Systems convinces death row inmate Marcus Wright (Sam Worthington) to sign over his body for medical research following his execution. Sometime later, the automated Skynet system is activated, becomes self-aware, begins to perceive humans as a threat, and eradicates much of humanity with nuclear weapons in the event known as "Judgment Day". In 2018, John Connor (Christian Bale) leads an attack on a Skynet base, where he discovers human prisoners and schematics for a new type of Terminator, incorporating living tissue (The T-800). He is the only survivor of the assault after the base is destroyed in a nuclear explosion. Following Connor's departure, Marcus emerges from the base's wreckage and begins walking towards Los Angeles, after taking the clothing from a Resistance soldier, who died in the explosion. John returns to Resistance headquarters, located aboard a nuclear submarine, and tells General Ashdown (Michael Ironside) of his findings. Meanwhile, the Resistance has discovered a radio signal believed to have been an order to shut down Skynet's machines. Working on this intelligence, the human militia plan to launch an offensive against the Skynet base in San Francisco in four days; in response to an intercepted "kill list" created by Skynet with a plan to terminate the Resistance's command staff. John Connor learns he is second on this list, following Kyle Reese. The Resistance leaders are unaware of Kyle's importance, but John knows Kyle will eventually go back in time and become his father. John returns to his base and meets with his pregnant wife Kate (Bryce Dallas Howard) and his second-in-command Barnes (Common). Arriving at the ruins of Los Angeles, Marcus sees a T-600 Terminator and yells at it grasping its attention, but before Marcus is killed he is saved by Kyle Reese (Anton Yelchin) and a mute child named "Star" (Jadagrace Berry). Kyle then signs to Star and she sets off a trap for the T-600 that kills it off. After such, Kyle confronts Marcus with a gun and snaps at him about the blood red ribbon on his left arm (symboling Resistance). Marcus snags Kyle's weapon and points it at him instead asking of the year. Kyle tells Marcus about the war between humanity and Skynet and the year. Afterwards, Kyle takes Marcus to their base where Marcus finds a broken radio. He fixes it effortlessly and a broadcast appears on it; after hearing John's radio broadcast the three fall asleep. The three leave in search of others in the Resistance. They survive an attack at a gas station; yet Kyle, Star, and several other people are taken prisoner. Later, two Resistance A-10 airplanes are shot down while trying to intercept a machine transport. Marcus locates downed pilot Blair Williams (Moon Bloodgood) and they make their way to Connor's base, where Marcus is wounded by a magnetic land mine. Attempting to save his life, the Resistance fighters discover that Marcus is, indeed, a cyborg, with a mechanical endoskeleton and a partially artificial cerebral cortex. Although Marcus believes himself to be human, John thinks that Marcus has been sent to execute him and, orders him to be killed. Blair helps Marcus escape. During the pursuit, Marcus saves John's life from Skynet's hydrobots and the two make a bargain: Marcus will enter Skynet's headquarters in San Francisco, to help John rescue Kyle and the other prisoners, if he lets Marcus live. John pleads with the General to delay the offensive defense, but Ashdown refuses and relieves John of his command. However, the Resistance forces disobey Ashdown's orders and, instead, await John's signal. Marcus enters the base, interfaces with the computer, and disables perimeter defenses so that John can infiltrate the cellblock and release human prisoners. Marcus learns from Skynet (which assumes the form of Dr. Kogan on a screen) that he was created and built to lure John to this base; when the Resistance launches its attack, John will be killed, achieving the goal that Skynet had failed to accomplish so many times before. The radio signal that the Resistance received is revealed to have been a ruse, and Skynet uses it to track down and destroy the command submarine with the Resistance's leaders aboard. Marcus tears out the hardware linking him to Skynet and assists John in battling the new T-800 (Model 101) Terminator. Marcus is soon outclassed in strength and temporarily disabled until John revives him, but John is mortally wounded during the fight. Marcus jumps the T-800 when it is distracted and defeats it, while John destroys the Skynet base by rigging together several Terminator fuel cells to explode and detonates them as he, Marcus, Kyle, and Star are airlifted out. Kate attempts to save John's life, but his heart is too badly damaged. Marcus offers his own heart for transplant, sacrificing himself to save John. Marcus's heart gets put inside John's body. Recovering, John radios to other Resistance fighters that, although this battle has been won, the war is still not over. |
2015. “Terminator Genisys” | 21 June 2015 |
Arnold Schwarzenegger as "Pops" / Guardian, a reprogrammed T-800 (Model 101) Terminator and Sarah Connor's mentor/guardian. Brett Azar stood-in on-set as the body double for the Young Pops in 1973, and the T-800 Terminator from the first film who time-traveled to 1984. Jai Courtney as Kyle Reese, a Resistance soldier and John Connor's protege. He is destined to be John Connor's father. Bryant Prince as Young Kyle. Emilia Clarke as Sarah Connor, Pops' protege and destined to be John Connor's mother. Willa Taylor as Young Sarah. Jason Clarke as John Connor, leader of the Resistance who is turned into a nanorobotic prototypical T-3000 Terminator composed of machine phase matter. J. K. Simmons as O'Brien, an alcoholic police detective from the San Francisco Police Department who investigates Terminators and time travelers. Wayne Bastrup as Young O'Brien, a LAPD beat cop. Dayo Okeniyi as Danny Dyson, son of Miles Dyson and Cyberdyne Systems' president. Matt Smith as "Alex", an advanced T-5000 Terminator who embodies Skynet. Alex's appearance is also used by Skynet as a holographic avatar in 2017. Ian Etheridge as Skynet, age 10. Nolan Gross as Skynet, age 12 - 14. Seth Meriwether as Skynet, age 18 Courtney B. Vance as Miles Dyson, Cyberdyne Systems' CEO. Byung Hun Lee as Cop / T-1000, a shapeshifting prototypical Terminator composed of mimetic polyalloy. Michael Gladis as Lieutenant Matias, a SFPD police lieutenant and O'Brien's superior. Sandrine Holt as Detective Cheung, a SFPD police detective and O'Brien's colleague. |
Human Resistance leader John Connor (Jason Clarke) launches a final offensive against Skynet, an artificial general intelligence system seeking to eliminate the human race, in 2029. Before the Resistance can triumph, Skynet activates a time machine and sends a T-800 (Model 101) Terminator back to May 12, 1984 to kill John's mother Sarah (Emilia Clarke). John's right-hand man, Kyle Reese (Jai Courtney), volunteers to travel back in time to protect her. As Kyle floats in the machine's magnetic field, he sees John being attacked by another Resistance soldier (Matt Smith) and has visions from his childhood about Sarah Connor from 2017. When it arrives in 1984, Skynet's T-800 is disabled by Sarah and its reprogrammed doppelgänger sent to protect her when she was nine years old, nicknamed "Pops" (Arnold Schwarzenegger). Kyle arrives a short time later, and is almost immediately attacked by a T-1000 (Lee Byung-hun). Sarah and Pops join Kyle and destroy the T-1000 with acid; she and Pops reveal that they have constructed a makeshift time machine similar to Skynet's, and Sarah plans to travel to 1997 (the year Skynet becomes self-aware). Realizing that the timeline has been altered, Kyle is convinced that the future has changed because of the warning he received in his childhood vision and persuades Sarah to travel to 2017 to stop Skynet. Kyle and Sarah arrive on August 28, 2017, materialize in the middle of a busy San Francisco highway and are apprehended by city police. While they are treated for injuries, Sarah and Kyle learn that Skynet is called "Genisys" (a soon-to-be-unveiled global operating system which is embraced by the public). John Connor appears and rescues Sarah and Kyle; Pops then appears and shoots John, revealing that John is an advanced T-3000 Terminator. While Kyle was traveling back in time a T-5000 (Smith), the physical embodiment of Skynet disguised as a member of the Resistance, attacked John and transformed him into a nanocyte infiltrator. John, tasked with ensuring Cyberdyne Systems' survival, traveled back in time to assist them with the development of Genisys and thus safeguarding Skynet and its machines' rise. A day before Skynet's worldwide attack, Sarah, Kyle, and Pops escape to a safe house and make final preparations to destroy Cyberdyne's Genisys mainframe. They head toward Cyberdyne's headquarters with the T-3000 in close pursuit. During an airborne chase, Pops dive-bombs into the T-3000's helicopter and causes it to crash. The T-3000 survives the crash and enters the Cyberdyne complex, where it advances the countdown from 13 hours to 15 minutes. Kyle, Sarah and Pops plant bombs at key points in the facility while holding off the T-3000. In a final battle, Pops traps the T-3000 in the magnetic field of a prototypical time machine. Both are destroyed, but just before the explosion the T-3000 throws the remains of Pops into a nearby experimental vat of mimetic polyalloy. Kyle and Sarah reach a bunker beneath the facility and the explosion sets off the bombs, preventing Genisys from coming online. Pops appears, upgraded with mimetic polyalloy components similar to that of the T-1000, and helps them escape from the debris. The trio travels to Kyle's childhood home, where Kyle tells his younger self about Genisys and instructs him to repeat the warning in a mirror - critical insurance that the events lead to their arrival in 2017. Sarah, Kyle and Pops drive off into the countryside. A mid-credits scene reveals that the system core of Genisys, located in a protected subterranean chamber, has survived the explosion. |
2019. “Terminator - Dark Fate” | 1 November 2019 |
Linda Hamilton as Sarah Connor, the mother of John Connor, the former future leader of the Human Resistance in the war against the machines (Skynet). Now a battle-hardened senior woman and left alone after her son's death, Sarah hunts and kills Terminators to prevent Judgment Day and forestall the coming conflict. After learning of Dani's destiny leading a new Resistance against the rogue AI Legion, she prepares her as she did John. Actress Maddy Curley serves as Hamilton's stunt actress and body double for young Sarah Connor, with CGI applied to recreate Hamilton's facial likeness from the 1990s in the opening scene. Stuntwoman Jessi Fisher serves as Hamilton's stunt actress and body double for present day Sarah Connor. Arnold Schwarzenegger as Cyberdyne Systems Model 101, credited as "T-800 / Carl", an aging Terminator built by Skynet, and one of several sent back in time to kill John Connor. After completing its mission, it gained autonomy and integrated into human society, eventually beginning a relationship with a woman while raising her son. It lives in Laredo, Texas and owns a drapery business. It later joins forces with Sarah and Grace to help protect Dani Ramos from the Rev-9, although Sarah continues to hate Carl for her son's death. Brett Azar serves as a body double for the young T-800, with CGI applied to recreate Schwarzenegger's facial likeness from the 1990s in the opening scene. Azar reprises this role from Terminator Genisys. Mackenzie Davis as Grace, a soldier from the year 2042 who was previously taken in by Resistance commander Daniella Ramos as a teenager. Grace was subsequently trained and raised by Daniella. Grace is later part of a security detail for Daniella, and she sustains stab wounds while fighting off a Rev-7 Terminator. Following the attack, she volunteers to be converted into a cyborg. Augmented with technology, she has abilities comparable to those of a Terminator for short periods of time, and requires medication and nourishment to replenish her strength. Her augmentations give her the ability to sense machines when they are nearby. Daniella sends Grace to protect her younger self from Legion's Rev-9. Stephanie Gil portrays Grace as a 10-year-old in the present day and as a teenager in the flashforwards. Natalia Reyes as Daniella (Dani) Ramos, a young woman who works with her brother, Diego, at an automobile assembly plant in Mexico City. Dani is being targeted for termination by the Rev-9. At first, Sarah Connor believes that Dani, like herself, is the destined mother of the Resistance leader. Later, it is revealed that Dani is fated to take on a role akin to that of Sarah's deceased son John Connor, as the founding commander of the Resistance in the war against the machines of Legion, with Sarah as her mentor. In the future, Dani sends Grace back in time to stop the Rev-9, and she instructs Grace to seek the T-800 for aid by tattooing its location's coordinates on her. Gabriel Luna as Gabriel / Rev-9, an advanced Terminator that originated from Legion and was sent back in time to terminate Dani. Featuring a traditional solid endoskeleton covered with liquid metal, the Rev-9 possesses the ability to separate these two components into two separate, fully autonomous units. Diego Boneta as Diego Ramos, Dani's brother. Tristán Ulloa as Felipe Gandal, Dani's uncle and a border coyote. Alicia Borrachero as Alicia, Carl's wife. Manuel Pacific as Mateo, Carl's step-son. Enrique Arce as Vicente, the father of Dani and Diego. Fraser James as Major Dean, a United States Air Force intelligence officer and acquaintance of Sarah. Tom Hopper as William Hardell, Grace's commanding officer in the Resistance. Stuart McQuarrie as Craig, Dani and Diego's work supervisor. Steven Cree as Rigby, a United States Border Patrol agent. Georgia Simon, the film's ADR voice casting director, provided the voice of Grace's mother. Jude Collie served as a body double for young John Connor, with CGI applied to recreate Edward Furlong's facial likeness from the 1990s in the opening scene. Furlong provided motion-capture for his facial performance, which lasted for a day of filming. Aaron Kunitz provided the voice of young John Connor. |
In 1998, three years after averting the threat of Skynet, Sarah and John Connor are enjoying life by a beach in Livingston, Guatemala, when they are suddenly attacked by a T-800 Terminator. Sent back through time by Skynet prior to its erasure, the Terminator murders John before leaving. In 2020, an advanced Terminator, called Rev-9, is sent back in time to Mexico City, to murder Daniella "Dani" Ramos, who will become a threat to the machines in the future. A cybernetically enhanced soldier, Grace, is sent from 2042 to protect her. The Rev-9, disguised as Dani's father, infiltrates the automobile assembly plant where Dani and her brother Diego work, but is thwarted by Grace, who escapes with the siblings. The Rev-9, revealing its ability to split into its cybernetic endoskeleton and shape-shifting liquid metal exterior, pursues them, killing Diego and cornering Grace and Dani. However, Sarah arrives and temporarily disables the Terminator with explosives. Dani, Grace, and Sarah retreat to a motel. Sarah reveals that she found them because, in the years since John's death, she has received encrypted messages detailing the locations of arriving Terminators, each ending with "For John". Grace notes that neither Skynet nor John exists in her timeline. Instead, humanity is threatened by an AI called Legion, originally developed for cyberwarfare. When Legion became a threat to humans, an attempt was made to neutralize it with nuclear weapons, resulting in a nuclear holocaust and the AI creating a global network of machines to terminate the human survivors. Grace traces Sarah's messages to Laredo, Texas. Barely evading the Rev-9 and the authorities when crossing the Mexico-United States border, they arrive at their source, where they discover the same T-800 that murdered John. Having fulfilled its mission and with Skynet no longer existing, the T-800 was left aimless, and through learning, it developed self-awareness. During that time, it learned from humanity and built a conscience, taking the name "Carl" and adopting a human family. After learning how its actions affected Sarah and being able to detect temporal displacements, Carl decided to forewarn her of them to give her purpose. Carl offers to join them against the Rev-9, and they make preparations to destroy it. Sarah begrudgingly agrees to work together for Dani's sake. Anticipating the Rev-9's arrival, Carl bids its family farewell and tells them to escape. The group gives Dani tactical weapons training and plans on how to ambush the Rev-9. To do so, they seek out a military-grade electromagnetic pulse (EMP) from an acquaintance of Sarah's. The Rev-9 catches up with them, forcing them to steal a C-5 Galaxy to escape, though the EMP's are destroyed in the resulting shootout. During the flight, Grace reveals that Dani becomes the future founding commander of the Resistance, as well as her rescuer. The Rev-9 boards their airplane by using a KC-10 Extender and temporarily subdues Carl, forcing Grace, Sarah, and Dani to jump from the plane into a river near a hydro-power plant, with Carl and the Rev-9 following close behind. Bludgeoned, the group makes a stand inside. In the ensuing battle, Carl and Grace force the Rev-9 into a spinning turbine, causing an explosion that critically damages the two Terminators and mortally wounds Grace. The blemished Rev-9's endoskeleton then incapacitates Sarah, forcing Dani herself to confront it. A dying Grace tells Dani to use her power source to destroy the Rev-9. Dani tries to fight the Rev-9 but is quickly overpowered. Carl reactivates itself and restrains the Rev-9, allowing Dani to stab it with Grace's power source. Carl drags itself and the Rev-9 over a ledge and tells Sarah, "For John", right before the power core explodes, destroying them both. Sometime later, Dani and Sarah watch over a ten-year-old Grace at a playground with her family, the former determined to avert Grace's death. Sarah then tells Dani she needs to get ready, with Grace watching as the pair drives off. |
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