1976. “Rocky” |
Sylvester Stallone as Robert "Rocky" Balboa, "The Italian Stallion" Talia Shire as Adrianna "Adrian" Pennino, Rocky's love interest Burt Young as Paulie Pennino, Rocky's friend, and Adrian's brother Carl Weathers as Apollo Creed, Rocky's opponent and the heavyweight champion Burgess Meredith as Mickey Goldmill, Rocky's manager and trainer Thayer David as Miles Jergens, the fight promoter Joe Spinell as Tony Gazzo, loan shark and Rocky's employer Tony Burton as Tony "Duke" Evers, Apollo Creed's manager, trainer, and friend Pedro Lovell as Spider Rico, a Puerto Rican boxer |
In late 1975, Rocky Balboa is a hard-living but failing boxer from an Italian neighborhood of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Between fights, he works as an enforcer for loan shark Tony Gazzo. The World Heavyweight Champion, Apollo Creed, announces plans to hold a match in Philadelphia during the upcoming United States Bicentennial. However, he is informed five weeks from the fight date that his scheduled opponent, Mac Lee Greene, is unable to compete due to an injured hand. With all other potential replacements booked up or otherwise unavailable, Creed decides to spice things up by giving a local contender a chance to face him. He finds Balboa in the paper, liking his nickname "The Italian Stallion" and his fighting style, being Southpaw. Rocky meets with promoter Miles Jergens, presuming Creed is seeking local sparring partners. Rocky reluctantly agrees to the match, which will pay him $150,000. After several weeks of training, using whatever he can find, including meat carcasses as punching bags, Rocky accepts an offer of assistance from former boxer Mickey "Mighty Mick" Goldmill, a respected trainer and former bantamweight fighter from the 1920s, who always criticized Rocky for wasting his potential. At the same time, Rocky begins a relationship with Adrian, a clerk at the local pet store. He gradually gains the shy Adrian's trust, culminating in a kiss. Her alcoholic brother Paulie becomes jealous of Rocky's success, but Rocky calms him by agreeing to advertise his meatpacking business at the fight. The night before the match, Rocky becomes depressed after touring the arena. He confesses to Adrian that he does not expect to win, but is content to go the distance against Creed and prove himself to everyone. On New Year's Day, the climactic boxing match begins, with Creed making a dramatic entrance dressed as George Washington and then Uncle Sam. Taking advantage of his overconfidence, Rocky knocks him down in the first round - the first time that Creed has ever been knocked down. Humiliated, Creed takes Rocky more seriously for the rest of the fight, though his ego never fully fades. The fight goes on for the full 15 rounds, with both fighters sustaining many injuries; Rocky suffers his first broken nose and debilitating trauma around the eye, and Creed sustains brutal blows to his ribs with substantial internal bleeding. As the match progresses, Creed's superior skill is countered by Rocky's apparently unlimited ability to absorb punches, and his dogged refusal to be knocked out. As the final round bell sounds, with both fighters locked in each other's arms, they promise to each other that there will be no rematch. After the fight, multiple layers of drama are played out: the sportscasters and the audience go wild, Jergens announces over the loudspeaker that the match was "the greatest exhibition of guts and stamina in the history of the ring", and Rocky calls out repeatedly for Adrian, who runs down and comes into the ring as Paulie distracts arena security. As Jergens declares Creed the winner by virtue of a split decision (8:7, 7:8, 9:6), Adrian and Rocky embrace and profess their love to each other, not caring about the result of the fight. |
1979. “Rocky II” |
Sylvester Stallone as Rocky Balboa, "The Italian Stallion": the underdog who was given one chance at attaining the Heavy Weight Champion title from Apollo Creed in the first film. Due to the public's belief that it was very possible that Rocky would have won, he gets a second shot at the title in this film. Talia Shire as Adrian Balboa: Rocky's love interest-turned-wife. During labor, with their first son, she enters a coma for a large portion of the film. Burt Young as Paulie Pennino: Rocky's friend, and brother of Adrian. Carl Weathers as Apollo Creed: Current Heavy Weight Champion of the world who gave Rocky a shot at the title in the first film, during which he won by split-decision. Because of the close outcome of the fight the general public believes that Apollo did not necessarily win, and thus he gives Rocky a second chance in a rematch. Burgess Meredith as Mickey Goldmill: Rocky's friend, manager and trainer; a former bantamweight fighter from the 1920s and the owner of the local boxing gym. Tony Burton as Tony "Duke" Evers: Apollo's father-figure, friend, trainer, and manager. Sylvia Meals as Mary Anne Creed: Apollo Creed's wife. Seargeoh Stallone as Robert "Rocky" Balboa, Jr.: Rocky and Adrian's newborn child. Seargeoh appeared in the film uncredited. Joe Spinell as Tony Gazzo: Loan shark and Rocky's former employer. Paul J. Micale as Father Carmine: Rocky's ecclesiastical leader. |
On New Year's Day, 1976, Apollo Creed has successfully defended his heavyweight title in a split decision, he and Rocky are taken to the same hospital. Apollo challenges Rocky to a rematch, but Rocky declines and officially retires from boxing. His girlfriend Adrian supports his choice, and so do his doctors, who reveal he will require surgery for a detached retina, which could lead to permanent blindness. In a private moment, Rocky goes to see a recuperating Apollo, and wants a truthful response if Apollo gave his all in the fight, to which Creed agrees. After Rocky is released from the hospital, he enjoys the benefits of his life's changes: Rocky's new fame attracts an agent who sees Rocky as a potential endorsement and sponsorship goldmine, and his sudden wealth encourages him to propose to Adrian. She happily accepts, and they marry in a small ceremony. Soon after, Rocky and Adrian happily learn that Adrian is pregnant. Meanwhile, fueled by hate mail, Apollo becomes obsessed with the idea that a rematch is the only way to prove that Rocky's performance was simply a fluke. Determined to rectify his boxing career's only blemish, Apollo ignores all pleas by his friends and family to forget the fight and move on to other potential opponents, and instead demands his team do whatever necessary to goad Rocky out of his hiatus and have a rematch with him. Rocky at first seems unaffected by Apollo's smear campaign, but his inexperience with money causes him to run into financial problems. After largely unsuccessful attempts to find employment, Rocky visits Mickey Goldmill, his trainer and manager, at his gym to talk about the possibility of returning to boxing. At first, Mickey declines, concerned about Rocky's health, but he soon accepts after Apollo publicly insults Rocky. Adrian confronts Rocky about the danger of returning to boxing and reminds him of the risk to his eyesight. Rocky argues he knows nothing else, so this is the only way he can provide. Adrian, furious at Rocky for breaking his promise, refuses to support him. Rocky and Mickey begin training, but Rocky is not focused on the job at hand due to Adrian's disapproval. Adrian's brother, Paulie, confronts his sister about not supporting her husband, but she faints during the confrontation and is rushed to the hospital, where she goes into labor. Despite being premature, the baby is healthy, but Adrian falls into a coma. Rocky blames himself for what has happened and refuses to leave Adrian's bedside until she wakes up, and will not go to see his new baby until they can see it together. When Adrian comes out of her coma, she finds Rocky by her bedside, and the couple are shown their new baby, a boy, which they name Rocky Jr. Adrian gives her blessing to the rematch, and Rocky quickly gets into shape for the match. When he makes the same training run that he did in the first film, ending at the "Rocky Steps" at the Philadelphia Museum of Art, he is now followed by a crowd of children, some of whom followed him with his consent near the start of his run. The night of the match arrives, and Apollo has made a public goal of beating Rocky in no more than two rounds to prove the first match going the full fifteen rounds was a fluke. Rocky, fighting right-handed to protect his eye instead of his natural southpaw, is not able to mount much of an offensive effort through the first two rounds but manages to survive them, disproving Apollo's theory that the first fight's result was a fluke. Although the match once again progresses to the full fifteen rounds, the judges have given Creed so many points Rocky would once again lose if the rounds expire. However, Apollo's obsession with knocking Rocky out (against the advice of his corner men) leads him to trade blows with Rocky rather than play it safe and win by decision. In the final round, Rocky, who switched tactics and is fighting left-handed again, lands a devastating blow on Apollo that knocks him down, but an exhausted Rocky loses his balance and collapses as well. Just before the match is about to end in a draw (titles cannot change hands in this manner), Rocky manages to get back up by the count of nine. Rocky wins the match by a knockout and becomes the heavyweight champion of the world. In his post-fight announcement, Rocky, who has won back the respect of his fans and Adrian, humbly thanks Apollo for the match and ends by hoisting the world championship belt and screaming, "Yo, Adrian, I did it!" |
1982. “Rocky III” |
Sylvester Stallone as Rocky Balboa, "The Italian Stallion": Heavyweight Champion of the World, who continues to defend his title against other fighters. When Lang challenges Rocky and wins, after the surprising death of Mickey, the public cries for a rematch. As Rocky is reluctant, former rival Apollo Creed befriends and trains The Italian Stallion in his preparation to take on Clubber Lang. Talia Shire as Adrian Balboa: Rocky's wife, and supporter through his boxing career. Burt Young as Paulie Pennino: Rocky's friend, and brother-in-law. Carl Weathers as Apollo Creed: Former Heavyweight Champion, and rival to, who agrees to train him after the death of Mickey; in the process the two become very close friends. Burgess Meredith as Mickey Goldmill: Rocky's friend, manager and trainer, who unexpectedly dies; a former bantamweight fighter from the 1920s and the owner of the local boxing gym. Tony Burton as Tony "Duke" Evers: Apollo Creed's father-figure, friend, trainer and manager, who helps in training Rocky with Apollo. Mr. T as Clubber Lang: The underdog challenger who beats Rocky in a fight, after the unexpected death of Mickey. The public's general dislike for him, and lack of respect for him as Heavyweight Champion of the World, leads to a rematch with Rocky. As an orphan at an early age, he spent most of his childhood on the streets of Chicago's Southside, as well as time in orphanages and juvenile facilities. Later as an adult, Clubber was sent to prison for five years, for one possible count of a felony and/or assault charge. During his time being served he discovered boxing as a way to let out his frustrations and talent, which leads to the events of Rocky III. Ian Fried as Robert "Rocky" Balboa, Jr.: Rocky and Adrian's only child. Hulk Hogan as "Thunderlips": The current Wrestling Champion, who fights Rocky in a charity fighting event. |
In the three years since winning the world heavyweight title, Rocky Balboa has had a string of ten successful title defenses and has seen his fame, wealth, and celebrity increase. He even has time to participate in a friendly boxer vs. wrestler charity event against the world wrestling champion Thunderlips (Hulk Hogan). Meantime, Rocky's manager Mickey worriedly eyes a young and hungry contender rapidly rising through the ranks named James "Clubber" Lang. While unveiling a statue of himself at the steps by the Philadelphia Museum of Art, Rocky is publicly challenged by Lang, now the number-one contender. Lang accuses Rocky of intentionally accepting challenges from lesser opponents, and after he makes a sexual remark toward Rocky's wife Adrian, his challenge is accepted. Mickey initially wants no part of it. Pressed by Rocky, Mickey finally confesses that Rocky's title reign has been massively aided by his deliberately hand picking his challengers and that Lang would stop him inside of three rounds. Mickey rationalizes that he felt he needed to protect Rocky because of the beating he took from Apollo Creed in the rematch, he felt his obligation after winning the title was to keep Rocky healthy and to be as successful as possible. Rocky, not wanting to retire knowing he never really defended his title against the best of his era, convinces Mickey to work with him for one more fight and pledges to 'live in the gym' and be more focused than ever. Rocky's Las Vegas-style training camp is filled with distractions and, despite his promise to Mickey, Rocky is clearly overwhelmed by fame and doesn't take the challenge seriously. In contrast Lang trains with ruthless determination and vigor. Lang and Rocky meet at Philadelphia's Spectrum. A brawl breaks out backstage, and Mickey is violently shoved out of the way by Lang, causing him to suffer a heart attack. A now distraught Rocky wants to call the fight off, but Mickey angrily urges him on while he stays in the dressing room. By the time of the match, Rocky is both enraged and severely distracted by his mentor's condition. The match begins with Rocky pounding Lang with several huge blows, going for an early knockout, but the stronger and better prepared Lang is unfazed and quickly takes charge, dominating Rocky and knocking him out with a haymaker left hook in the second round, winning the heavyweight championship belt from Rocky. After the match, Rocky returns to the dressing room and witnesses Mickey dying. Kneeling at his side, Rocky speaks to Mickey, telling him that the match ended in the second round by a knockout, which Mickey misinterprets as a win for Rocky, shortly before succumbing to a heart attack. Stopping by Mickey's closed gym, Rocky is confronted by his former nemesis, Apollo Creed, who witnessed the match as a guest analyst, and offers to help train him for a rematch with Lang in exchange for "a big favor." At first, Rocky is too demoralized to put forth his best efforts, which frustrates Apollo, but pulls himself together after Adrian helps him come to terms with Mickey's death. Apollo then trains Rocky at the gym where he once trained - Tough Gym in Los Angeles - and infuses Rocky's brawling style with more of the skill and speed that is Apollo's trademark. The rematch takes place at Madison Square Garden. Apollo lends Rocky his American flag trunks that he wore during their first match. As the match is under way, Rocky sprints from his corner, fighting with a level of skill and spirit that no one, including Lang, expected. As a result, Rocky completely dominates the first round, demonstrating his new-found speed. After the bell rings, Lang is in a fit of rage over what has just happened and has to be restrained by his trainers. In the second round, Lang gains the upper hand and Rocky adopts an entirely different strategy that bewilders Apollo by intentionally taking a beating from Lang, even getting knocked down twice but getting up both times before he is counted out while taunting Lang that he cannot knock him out. By the third round, Lang, who is used to winning matches swiftly with knockouts in the early rounds, becomes increasingly furious over Rocky's taunts and quickly exhausts his energy trying to finish Rocky off with repeated knockout blows, which Rocky quickly begins to block or dodge entirely. With Lang winded and vulnerable, Rocky seizes the opportunity and throws his energy into increasingly damaging combinations on a winded and outboxed Lang, capping off with four huge straight left haymakers and a right hook to the head. As a result, Lang goes down for the count and Rocky becomes the heavyweight champion for the second time in his career. Afterwards, Rocky fulfills Apollo's vague "big favor": a private rematch with him at Mickey's gym. However, this time they are fighting in the spirit of friendly competition rather than as fierce rivals. The film concludes with both of the fighters throwing their first punch simultaneously. |
1985. “Rocky IV” |
Sylvester Stallone as Rocky Balboa, "The Italian Stallion": Beloved Heavyweight Champion of the World, who agrees to support and train Apollo Creed in his match with Russian boxer, Ivan Drago. After Apollo's death in the ring Rocky agrees to a match versus the Russian, in Russia. Talia Shire as Adrian Balboa: Rocky's wife and support through his boxing career. Burt Young as Paulie Pennino: Rocky's friend and brother-in-law. Carl Weathers as Apollo Creed: Former Heavyweight Champion of the World, and close friend to Rocky who returns to the ring in order to fight Drago, only to die mid-fight, due to the Russian's unprecedented strength. Dolph Lundgren as Ivan Drago: Russia's prize Champion boxer, who with the secret use of steroids and advanced training, gains world-wide attention due to his brute-strength that hasn't been seen before. Drago kills Apollo Creed during their match due to the trauma Apollo receives at the hands of Drago. Brigitte Nielsen as Ludmilla Vobet Drago: Wife and supporter of Ivan Drago. Tony Burton as Tony "Duke" Evers: Apollo's father-figure, friend, trainer and manager, who becomes Rocky's trainer for his match against Drago. Michael Pataki as Nicolai Koloff: Trainer, promoter, and manager of Ivan Drago. |
Ivan Drago, a Russian Soviet boxer, arrives in the United States with his wife, Ludmilla, and a team of trainers from the USSR and Cuba. His manager, Nicolai Koloff, takes every opportunity to promote Drago's athleticism as a hallmark of Soviet superiority. Motivated by patriotism and an innate desire to prove himself, Apollo Creed challenges Drago to an exhibition bout. Rocky has reservations, but agrees to train Apollo despite his misgivings about the match. He asks Apollo whether the fight is against the Soviet, or "you against you?" During a press conference regarding the match, hostility sparks between Apollo and Drago's respective camps. The boxing exhibition takes place at the MGM Grand Hotel in Las Vegas. Apollo enters the ring in an over-the-top patriotic entrance with James Brown performing "Living in America" complete with showgirls. The bout starts tamely with Apollo landing several punches that have no effect on Drago. It soon turns serious though, as Drago starts to retaliate with devastating effect. By the end of the first round, Rocky and Apollo's trainer, Duke, plead with him to give up, but Apollo refuses to do so, and tells Rocky not to stop the match. Drago continues to pummel him in the second round, and despite Duke begging Rocky to throw in the towel, he reluctantly honors Apollo's wish. Eventually, Drago lands one final punch that knocks Apollo to the ground, killing him. In the immediate aftermath, Drago displays no sense of remorse commenting to the assembled media: "If he dies, he dies." Enraged by Drago's cold indifference and feeling a deep sense of guilt, Rocky decides to avenge Apollo's death by fighting Drago himself. Drago's camp agrees to the fight but the conditions are that it must be in the Soviet Union on Christmas Day in an unsanctioned 15-round bout to protect Drago from the threats of violence he has been receiving in America. Rocky travels to the USSR without Adrian, setting up his training base in Krasnogourbinsk with only Duke and brother-in-law Paulie to accompany him. To prepare for the match, Drago uses very high-tech equipment, steroid enhancement, and a team of trainers and doctors monitoring his every movement. Rocky, on the other hand, throws heavy logs, chops down trees, pulls an overloaded snow sleigh, jogs in heavy snow with treacherous icy conditions, and climbs a mountain. Adrian arrives unexpectedly to give Rocky her support after initially refusing to travel to the Soviet Union because of her doubts on his fighting chances. Her presence increases Rocky's focus and enhances his training. Drago is introduced with an elaborate, patriotic ceremony that puts the home crowd squarely on Drago's side and against Rocky. In contrast to his match with Apollo, Drago immediately goes on the offensive and Rocky takes a fierce pounding. Drago even throws Rocky around the ring with impunity. Rocky comes back toward the end of the second round; a right hook inflicts a cut below Drago's left eye that silences the crowd and prompts Rocky to continue punching Drago even after the bell rings. While Duke and Paulie cheer Rocky for his heroism, they remind him that Drago is not actually a machine, but a normal man. Ironically, Drago comments that Rocky "is not human, he is like a piece of iron" with his own corner reprimanding him for being "weak" in comparison to the "small American." The two boxers continue their battle over the next dozen rounds, with Rocky holding his ground despite Drago's powerful punches. His resilience rallies the previously hostile Soviet crowd to his side, which unsettles Drago to the point that he shoves Koloff off the ring for berating his performance. Rocky finally takes down Drago in the last round, winning by knockout to the shock of the Soviet politburo members watching the match. A bloody and battered Rocky gives a victory speech, acknowledging how the local crowd's disdain of him turned to respect. He compares it to the animosity between Soviets and Americans, and says that seeing him and Drago fight was "better than 20 million," implying war between their two countries. Rocky finally declares, "If I can change, and you can change, then everybody can change!" The Soviet General Secretary stands and passionately applauds Rocky, and his aides follow suit. Rocky ends his speech by wishing his son a Merry Christmas, and raises his arms into the air in victory as the crowd applauds on Christmas Day. |
1990. “Rocky V” |
Sylvester Stallone as Rocky Balboa, "The Italian Stallion": Beloved Heavyweight Champion of the World, who after his fight with Ivan Drago in the previous film, suffers from brain damage caused by the head-trauma he received at the hands of the Russian boxer. Because of his injuries, Rocky is forced to officially retire from boxing. Moving back to Philadelphia, Rocky agrees to train and manage underdog boxer Tommy Gunn and helps him to rise to fame. Talia Shire as Adrian Balboa: Rocky's wife and support throughout his life and his boxing career. Burt Young as Paulie Pennino: Rocky's friend, and brother-in-law. Sage Stallone as Robert "Rocky" Balboa, Jr.: Rocky and Adrian's only son, who gets involved with the wrong crowds during the absence of his father's presence, throughout the training and mentoring of Tommy Gunn. Richard Gant as George Washington Duke: Loud and obnoxious boxing promoter, who repeatedly tries to convince Rocky to re-enter the ring. He becomes Tommy Gunn's manager during his shot at the Heavyweight Champion title. Duke was the main antagonist of the film. Tommy Morrison as Tommy "The Machine" Gunn: Underdog boxer, who rises to fame under the training of beloved Heavyweight Champion of the World, Rocky Balboa. Throughout his career and rise to fame he is called Rocky's "shadow", and angrily seeks out another manager. After his achievements as Heavyweight Champion, and the public's continued dis-appreciation for him, he attempts to fight Rocky in an unofficial street fight, only to lose; proving he was something to be forgotten as the public had repeatedly stated throughout his career. Burgess Meredith as Mickey Goldmill: Rocky's deceased friend, manager and trainer; a former bantamweight fighter from the 1920s and the owner of the local boxing gym. Burgess appears in new footage, filmed as a flashback to before Rocky's first fight with Apollo. Tony Burton as Tony "Duke" Evers: Rocky's friend, and former trainer and manager of Apollo Creed. Paul J. Micale as Father Carmine Michael Williams as Union Cane: Reigning Heavyweight Champion of the World who wants to fight legendary Rocky, and eventually fights Tommy Gunn, only to lose. |
Shortly after Rocky Balboa's victory over Ivan Drago in Moscow, he, his wife Adrian, his brother-in-law Paulie, and his trainer Tony "Duke" Evers return to the United States, where they are greeted by Rocky's son, Robert. At a press conference, boxing promoter George Washington Duke attempts to goad Rocky into fighting his boxer Union Cane, who is now the top rated American challenger. They want the bout for the World Heavyweight Championship in Tokyo, but Rocky declines the offer. Duke refuses to give up on the mega money with Balboa and surmises he needs to come up with an angle to convince him to fight. Shortly after returning home, it is discovered that Paulie unknowingly had Rocky sign a "power of attorney" over to Rocky's accountant, who had squandered all of his money on real estate deals gone sour; in addition, the accountant had failed to pay Rocky's taxes over the past six years, and the mansion is discovered to be unpaid by $400,000. His lawyer confirms this, but he tells Rocky the situation is easily fixable with a few more fights. Rocky not wanting to go bankrupt decides to accept the mega fight with Cane for the money. However he later discovers he has sustained permanent, irreversible, brain damage from the fight with Drago and at Adrian's insistence, Rocky retires from boxing. He files for bankruptcy, has his mansion and belongings auctioned off and moves his family back into Paulie's old house in South Philadelphia. Adrian returns to working part-time at the J&M Tropical Fish pet shop while Paulie goes back to the Shamrock Meat Packing plant. Rocky makes plans to refurbish and reopen Mighty Mick's Boxing Gym, willed to his son Robert by his late trainer Mickey Goldmill (thus safe from the crooked accountant's hands). He walks through the dark, abandoned gym and reminisces about a training session between the two just before Rocky fought with Apollo Creed years before, where Mickey gave Rocky a cufflink given to him by Rocky Marciano. One day, Rocky and Paulie meet a hungry young fighter from Oklahoma named Tommy Gunn, and Rocky takes him under his wing. Training the young fighter gives Rocky a sense of purpose, and Gunn fights his way up the ladder to become a top contender. Rocky eventually becomes so distracted with Gunn's training that he winds up neglecting Robert, who becomes withdrawn and angry. He falls in with the wrong crowd at school and as a result, he begins acting out at home. Union Cane wins the vacant world heavyweight title while Gunn continues his rapid and impressive rise through the ranks. Still wanting to do business with Rocky, Duke sees Gunn's knockout streak and relationship with Balboa as a way of getting control of Rocky. Duke showers Gunn with luxuries and promises him that he is the only path to a shot against Union Cane for the title. Duke hopes to take control of Gunn as his manager and keep Rocky on as head trainer. On Christmas Eve, Duke visits the Balboa house with Gunn to explain the new scenario which would financially benefit all of them, however Rocky insists dealing with Duke will end badly and is dirty business. Gunn drives off in a huff, leaving Rocky for good. Adrian attempts to comfort Rocky, but his frustrations finally boil over. He confesses his life had meaning again when he was able to live vicariously through Gunn's success. She reasons with him, telling him Tommy never had his heart and spirit - something he could never learn. When this realization hits him, Rocky embraces his wife and they begin to pick up the pieces. After finding Robert hanging out on a street corner, Rocky apologizes to his son and they mend their broken relationship. Gunn fights Cane for the heavyweight title as Rocky watches from his basement still rooting for his protégé. After taking a good punch Gunn goes on to completely dominate and dismantle a passive Cane scoring a first round knockout. Gunn is is booed by spectators for leaving Rocky and hounded by reporters after the fight. They insist Cane was nothing but a "paper champion", because Cane did not win the title from Balboa, and also suggest he wasn't necessarily trying his best to win. Gunn is enraged when they say he will never be the real champion unless he fights a worthy opponent, like Rocky; they drive the point home when one reporter announces, "...he's no Rocky Balboa!" With Gunn incensed by the press's reaction, Duke convinces him that he needs to secure a title fight with Rocky to put to bed the notion that he's not the real champion. Duke and Gunn show up at the local bar to goad Rocky into accepting a title challenge. Rocky declines the prospect of a title fight and tries to reason with him, but Gunn rebukes it and calls him weak, prompting Paulie to stand up for Rocky. However, Gunn punches Paulie and he falls to the ground. Enraged, Rocky accepts the challenge but tells Gunn "my ring is outside." Despite Duke's warnings to keep the fight in the ring, Gunn accepts. During the fight, Rocky is eventually beaten down and is seemingly out for the count. He then hears the voice of Mickey urging him to get up and return in the fight, to go just "one more round". Rocky gets up and, utilizing his vast street fighting knowledge as Robert, Paulie and the crowd root for him, is able to knock out his former protege. While Gunn is escorted away by the police, Duke threatens to sue Rocky if he touches him, but after a brief hesitation and with nothing else to lose anyway, Rocky knocks him onto the hood of a car and quips, "Sue me for what?" The next morning, Rocky and Robert take a jog to the Philadelphia Museum of Art, and Rocky gives his son Rocky Marciano's cufflink, given to him years ago as a gift from Mickey. The film ends with a shot of Rocky's statue looking out over the Philadelphia skyline. |
2006. “Rocky Balboa” |
Sylvester Stallone as Rocky Balboa: Retired boxing legend and former two-time Heavyweight Champion of the World. After a virtual-match created by ESPN determines that if Rocky (in his prime) fought the current Heavyweight Champion, Mason Dixon, he would win - publicity and attention from the media, brings Rocky out of retirement to again enter the ring. Burt Young as Paulie Pennino: Rocky's moody brother-in-law, best friend and Adrian's brother. Milo Ventimiglia as Robert "Rocky" Balboa, Jr.: Rocky and Adrian's only son. Geraldine Hughes as Marie: A woman whom Rocky originally met over thirty years ago (as seen in the first installment of the movie series), who becomes a friend, and supporter of Rocky's return to boxing. James Francis Kelly III as Stephenson "Steps": Marie's son, whom Rocky befriends. Tony Burton as Tony "Duke" Evers: Rocky's trainer who has been his head cornerman since Balboa's second fight with James "Clubber" Lang in Rocky III. Duke previously trained Apollo Creed, who was Rocky's opponent in the first two films and later his friend in the third and fourth films. Antonio Tarver as Mason "The Line" Dixon: Reigning Heavyweight Champion of the World, who challenges Rocky to a fight, after the attention of a virtual-match says that Rocky would win. Dixon is shown as the current undisputed heavyweight champion of the world, but a fighter who is not shown the same respect as Rocky was when he was the world champion. Henry G. Sanders as Martin, Dixon's trainer. Pedro Lovell as Spider Rico: Former local club boxer and opponent of Rocky's early career. With the two now friends, Spider has become a strong Christian, eats for free, and works as dish-washer at Rocky's restaurant. Jacob "Stitch" Duran as himself: Dixon's cut-man. |
Former Philadelphia boxer Rocky Balboa has been retired from boxing for 16 years and lives a quiet life as a widower following the death of his wife, Adrian Pennino Balboa, due to cancer four years earlier. He runs a small but successful Italian restaurant named after her, where he regales his patrons with stories of his past. He also battles personal demons involving his grief over Adrian's death, the changing times, and his eroding relationship with his son Robert, a struggling corporate employee. Paul "Paulie" Pennino, Rocky's brother-in-law and best friend, continues to keep by his side, but is tired of reliving the past. Late one night, Rocky reunites with a much-older "Little" Marie, a once mischievous neighborhood girl Rocky met when she was a child, now working as a bartender at Rocky's former neighborhood bar, the Lucky Seven. She is a single parent of a teenaged son born out of wedlock: Stephenson, nicknamed "Steps". Rocky's friendship with the two blossoms over the following weeks. Marie becomes a hostess at his restaurant and Steps takes to him as a father figure. Meanwhile, on the professional boxing circuit, Mason "The Line" Dixon reigns as the undisputed yet unpopular world heavyweight champion. ESPN broadcasts a computer simulation of a fight between Rocky (in his prime) and Mason - likened to a modern-day version of The Super Fight, a 1970 computer simulation of a 15-round fight between Rocky Marciano and Muhammad Ali in their prime (that Marciano "won" by a KO in the 13th round) - which ends in a controversial KO victory for Balboa, riling the champ. In contrast, the simulation inspires Rocky to take up boxing again, an intention that goes public when he successfully renews his license. Dixon's promoters pitch the idea of holding a charity exhibition bout at the Mandalay Bay Resort and Casino in Las Vegas to bolster Dixon's falling popularity. With some hesitation, both men agree to the match, creating a media buzz that stabs at Rocky's has-been status and Dixon's credibility, Dixon having yet to face a challenging opponent. Robert tries to discourage Rocky from fighting, blaming his own personal failings on his father's celebrity shadow, but Rocky rebukes him with some advice: that to succeed in life, "It ain't about how hard you hit; it's about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward," and that blaming others won't help him. The next day, father and son meet at Adrian's grave and reconcile; Robert has quit his job to be at Rocky's side. Rocky sets straight to training with Apollo Creed's old trainer Duke Evers, who quickly surmises that the slow and arthritic Rocky cannot depend on sparring as he did in the past, and can only compete by building his strength and punching power as much as possible, focusing on "blunt force trauma" to pound his opponent. The fight becomes an HBO Pay-per-View event billed as "Will Vs. Skill." Rocky is given little chance, and a TV commentator jokes that it is being called an "exhibition" because it can't be called an "execution." But Rocky enters the ring to the tune of Frank Sinatra's "High Hopes" and wearing the same gold-trimmed black trunks he wore when he beat Apollo Creed and the large crowd is clearly in his corner. Dixon easily dominates the first round, only to injure his left hand against Rocky's hip in the second. Rocky makes a dramatic comeback; he manages to knock Dixon down once and then continues to surprise the audience with his prowess and chin against the younger and faster fighter. Dixon, unprepared for Rocky's resilience, sends Rocky to one knee in the final round, but the elder fighter pulls himself to his feet for one last assault. The two continue to punish each other until the end. Rocky thanks an appreciative Dixon for the fight and leaves the ring to the adulation of the crowd before the result is even announced. It is a win for Mason Dixon by a narrow split decision, but Rocky clearly does not mind. Back in Philadelphia, Rocky brings roses to Adrian's grave again, thanking her for helping him. |
2015. “Creed” |
Michael B. Jordan as Adonis "Donnie" Johnson Creed, "Hollywood Donnie": An underdog but talented light heavyweight boxer and the son of world heavyweight champion Apollo Creed (played by Carl Weathers in Rocky I-IV and appearing in Creed in archive footage). Alex Henderson as young Adonis Johnson Sylvester Stallone as Rocky Balboa, "The Italian Stallion": A two-time world heavyweight champion and Apollo's rival-turned-friend who becomes Adonis' trainer and mentor. He owns and operates an Italian restaurant in Philadelphia named after his deceased wife Adrian (Adrianna, nee Pennino, played by Talia Shire in Rocky I-V). Tessa Thompson as Bianca: A singer-songwriter who becomes Adonis' love interest. Phylicia Rashad as Mary Anne Creed: Apollo's widow, who takes in Adonis as a child following the death of Adonis' biological father. Graham McTavish as Tommy Holiday: Conlan's trainer. Wood Harris as Tony "Little Duke" Evers: One of Wheeler's assistant trainers. His father, Tony Sr. (played by Tony Burton in each preceding Rocky film), was a father figure for Apollo and was Apollo's trainer/manager when Apollo became world heavyweight champion and then one of Rocky's trainers for his rematch against Clubber Lang (Rocky III) and after Apollo's death. Ritchie Coster as Pete Sporino Hans Marrero as Flores: A Mexican fighter. Mauricio Ovalle as Flores's trainer Tone Trump as himself Brian Anthony Wilson as James A number of figures (real-life fighters and trainers) from the sport of boxing play roles in the film: Tony Bellew as "Pretty" Ricky Conlan: A British fighter, and the world light heavyweight champion. Andre Ward as Danny "Stuntman" Wheeler: A light heavyweight boxer Gabriel Rosado as Leo "The Lion" Sporino Jacob "Stitch" Duran as himself: An esteemed cutman in both Boxing and Mixed martial arts, who is recruited by Rocky to be in Adonis' corner. He previously portrayed the cutman of Mason "The Line" Dixon (played by Antonio Tarver) in Rocky Balboa. Ricardo "Padman" McGill as himself: One of Adonis's trainers. Malik Bazille as Amir: Padman's son and Adonis's sparring partner. Derrick Webster as Kevin "The Bank" Grier |
In 1998, Adonis "Donnie" Johnson, the son of an extramarital lover of former heavyweight champion Apollo Creed, is serving time in a Los Angeles youth facility when Creed's widow, Mary Anne, pays him a visit and offers to take him in. Seventeen years later, Donnie walks away from his job at a securities firm to pursue his dream of becoming a professional boxer. Mary Anne vehemently opposes this, remembering how her husband was killed in the ring 30 years earlieragainst Ivan Drago. He tries to get a slot at Los Angeles' elite Delphi Boxing Academy, but is turned down. Undaunted, Donnie travels to Philadelphia in hopes of getting in touch with his father's old friend and rival, former heavyweight champion Rocky Balboa. Donnie tracks down Rocky at Rocky's Italian restaurant, Adrian's, named in honor of his deceased wife, and asks Rocky to become his trainer. Rocky is reluctant to get back into boxing, having already made a one-off comeback at a very advanced age despite having suffered brain trauma during his career as a fighter. However, he eventually agrees. Donnie asks him about the "secret third fight" between him and Apollo just after Apollo helped Rocky regain the heavyweight title, and Rocky reveals that Apollo won. Donnie trains at the Front Street Gym, with several of Rocky's longtime friends as cornermen, and also finds a love interest in Bianca, an up-and-coming singer and songwriter. Donnie, now known as "Hollywood Donnie," defeats a local fighter, and word gets out that he is Creed's illegitimate son. Rocky gets a call from the handlers of world light heavyweight champion "Pretty" Ricky Conlan, who is due to be forced into retirement by an impending prison term. He offers to make Donnie his final challenger - provided that he change his name to Adonis Creed. Donnie balks at first, wanting to forge his own legacy. However, he eventually agrees. While helping Donnie train, Rocky learns he has non-Hodgkin's lymphoma. He is unwilling to undergo chemotherapy, remembering that it was not enough to save Adrian when she had ovarian cancer. His diagnosis and the fact that his best friend and brother-in-law Paulie Pennino - Adrian's brother - has now died in addition to Adrian, Apollo and his old trainer Mickey Goldmill further force him to confront his own mortality. Seeing Rocky shaken, Donnie urges him to seek treatment. Donnie fights Conlan at Goodison Park in Conlan's hometown of Liverpool, and many parallels emerge between the bout that ensues and Apollo and Rocky's first fight 40 years earlier. First, before going into the ring, Donnie receives a present from Mary Anne - new American flag trunks similar to the ones Apollo and later Rocky wore. Additionally, to the surprise of nearly everyone, Donnie goes the distance after giving Conlan all he can handle and survives being knocked down to knock Conlan down for the first time in his career. Conlan wins on a split decision (just as Apollo retained his title by split decision against Rocky), but Donnie has won the respect of Conlan and the crowd. As Max Kellerman puts it while calling the fight for HBO, "Conlan won the fight, but Creed won the night." Conlan tells Donnie that he is the future of the light heavyweight division. The film ends with Donnie and a frail but improving Rocky climbing the "Rocky Steps" at the entrance of the Philadelphia Museum of Art. |
2018. “Creed II” |
Michael B. Jordan as Adonis Creed: An underdog but talented heavyweight boxer and the son of world heavyweight champion Apollo Creed. He goes by the name Donnie Johnson. Sylvester Stallone as Robert "Rocky" Balboa, Sr.: A two-time world heavyweight champion and Apollo's best friend and former rival who becomes Adonis' trainer and mentor. He owns and operates an Italian restaurant in Philadelphia named after his deceased wife, Adrian. Tessa Thompson as Bianca Taylor: Adonis's girlfriend, who since becomes his fiancée and the mother of his child. Also a singer-songwriter with progressive hearing loss. Dolph Lundgren as Ivan Drago: Russia's former prize champion boxer, who with the secret use of steroids and advanced training, gained worldwide attention due to his brute strength that had not been seen before. Years prior, he killed Apollo Creed during an exhibition boxing match, and was later defeated by Rocky. Having been disgraced in Russia, he relocated to Ukraine to raise his son Viktor, whom he also trained to box. Florian "Big Nasty" Munteanu as Viktor Drago: Ivan's son who is also a boxer, and Adonis' new rival. Phylicia Rashad as Mary Anne Creed: Apollo's widow and Adonis' stepmother, who takes in Adonis as a child following the death of Adonis' biological mother. Wood Harris as Tony "Little Duke" Evers: One of Wheeler's assistant trainers. His father, Tony "Duke" Evers, was a father-figure for Apollo as well as his trainer/manager when Apollo became world heavyweight champion. He then became one of Rocky's trainers after Apollo's death. He trains Adonis for his first match with Viktor after Rocky refuses, and acts as an assistant trainer for the rematch. Andre Ward as Danny "Stuntman" Wheeler: A heavyweight boxer and Adonis' rival whom Adonis beats to become the heavyweight champion. Brigitte Nielsen as Ludmilla Drago: Ivan's ex-wife and Viktor's mother who left the pair during the latter's infancy. Milo Ventimiglia as Robert Balboa Jr.: Rocky's estranged son, who moved to Vancouver in the period between Rocky Balboa and Creed and is now a father himself. Russell Hornsby as Buddy Marcelle: A boxing promoter who sets up the match between Adonis Creed and Viktor Drago. Archive footage of Carl Weathers as Apollo Creed is used throughout the film, and the actor's likeness appears through the use of photographs and murals. |
Three years after his loss to "Pretty" Ricky Conlan, Adonis Creed scores a string of victories, culminating in a victory over Danny "Stuntman" Wheeler to win the WBC World Heavyweight Championship. Now a worldwide star, Adonis proposes to his girlfriend, Bianca Taylor, who agrees to marry him. When Bianca suggests starting a new life together in Los Angeles, Adonis is reluctant to leave his life in Philadelphia behind. Meanwhile, Ivan Drago, a former Soviet boxer who killed Adonis' father, Apollo Creed, in the ring thirty-three years earlier, sees an opportunity to regain the glory that was taken from him as a result of his loss to Rocky Balboa in Moscow later that same year by pitting his son, Viktor Drago (with the assistance of Buddy Marcelle, a promoter who has followed Viktor's career closely), against Adonis. When Rocky refuses to support Adonis's decision to accept Viktor's challenge, Adonis, feeling betrayed, decides to leave for Los Angeles. Adonis and Bianca settle down in a luxurious apartment in Los Angeles close to Adonis's adoptive mother, and Apollo's widow, Mary Anne. As Adonis and Bianca adjust to their new life on the West Coast and prepare for the upcoming match with Viktor, Bianca learns that she is pregnant. Adonis recruits Tony "Little Duke" Evers, son of his father's trainer and later Rocky's trainer, but overwhelmed with all the recent developments in his life, he rushes into the match, getting himself badly injured. Viktor is disqualified for hitting Adonis while he is down allowing Adonis to retain the World Heavyweight Championship. Viktor becomes extremely popular in Russia and wins a series of fights given top billing. His body and ego shattered, Adonis becomes increasingly disconnected from Bianca. Mary Anne reaches out to Rocky in hopes of having him come to help Adonis out of his slump; Rocky arrives, he and Adonis make up, and Rocky agrees to train Adonis (with Little Duke) properly for a rematch against Viktor, who is suffering near-torturous levels of physical tests by his father. Bianca gives birth to a baby girl, and they name her Amara, but Adonis and Bianca's fears are realized when their child is born deaf, inherited from her mother's progressive degenerative hearing disorder. While Viktor continues to taunt Adonis publicly, he is constantly pressured by his father to regain their honor. Ivan appears to be enjoying the attentions of the media and various Russian delegates, with which Viktor appears uncomfortable. At a State Dinner, he and Ivan meet Ludmilla, his mother, and Ivan's ex-wife, for the first time in several years after she abandoned both of them after the loss to Rocky. Viktor is immediately enraged at the sight of his mother and chastises Ivan for his interactions with the people who outcasted them. Back in America, Rocky and Little Duke take Adonis to a decrepit location in the California desert to retrain, focusing on fighting from the inside and training Adonis's body to repeatedly absorb the heavy impact he will receive from Viktor in the ring. The rematch in Moscow is considerably more balanced as a more controlled and focused Adonis exchanges equal blows with Viktor. Since Viktor is accustomed to winning all of his fights by knockout, his fights have never lasted beyond the fourth round, something that Adonis uses to his advantage as he endures Viktor's punishment deeper into the match, even after his ribs are broken. In the tenth round after being knocked down again, Adonis unleashes a furious rage, landing sequence after sequence of effective blows and knocking Viktor down twice. Ludmilla, who had been sitting ringside with some of Viktor's supporters, departs after the second knockdown, knocking Viktor off-balance emotionally. Ivan notes this as well, coming to terms with Viktor's earlier statements on the fair-weathered nature of the same supporters who had run Ivan out of Russia. With Viktor exhausted, cornered and receiving multiple strikes without defending himself, but unwilling to go down, Ivan throws in the towel, conceding the fight to Adonis to ensure his son isn't seriously injured or killed. Though Viktor is ashamed, Ivan assures Viktor it is okay that he lost, and embraces him. As Bianca enters the ring to celebrate with Adonis and Little Duke, Rocky recuses himself from joining them, telling Adonis "it's your time", and takes a seat to watch them from outside the ring. Viktor and Ivan are later training together back in Ukraine. Rocky travels to Vancouver to make peace with his own estranged son, Robert, and meets his grandson Logan for the first time, noting how much he looks like Adrian. Adonis visits Apollo's grave where he makes peace with his deceased father and the burden of carrying on his legacy, as he and Bianca introduce him to his granddaughter, who is sporting a new hearing aid. |
2023. “Creed III” |
Michael B. Jordan as Adonis "Donnie" Creed (né Johnson) Thaddeus J. Mixon as 15-year-old Adonis "Donnie" Johnson Tessa Thompson as Bianca Taylor-Creed Jonathan Majors as Damian "Diamond Dame" Anderson Spence Moore II as 18-year-old Damian "Dame" Anderson Wood Harris as Tony "Little Duke" Evers Mila Davis-Kent as Amara Creed Florian Munteanu as Viktor Drago Phylicia Rashad as Mary Anne Creed José Benavidez Jr. as Felix Chavez Selenis Leyva as Laura Chavez Anthony Bellew as "Pretty" Ricky Conlan Additionally, Barry Pepper provides the narration for the televised "Anderson v Chavez" promo. Sports television personality Stephen A. Smith, news anchor Jessica Holmes, boxer Canelo Álvarez and his wife Fernanda Gómez, and singer Kehlani make cameo appearances as themselves. Also appearing as themselves are: boxing referees Kenny Bayless, Russell Mora and Tony Weeks; ring announcers Jimmy Lennon Jr. and David Diamante; and broadcasters Todd Grisham, Jessica McCaskill, Al Bernstein, Mauro Ranallo, and Christopher Mannix. Michael B. Jordan's father, Michael A. Jordan, also cameos as a Golden Gloves referee. Boxer Bud Crawford also appears as a sparring partner. |
In 2002 Los Angeles, a young Adonis "Donnie" Creed sneaks out with his best friend, Golden Gloves champion Damian "Diamond Dame" Anderson, to watch him compete in an underground boxing match. After Dame's victory, he tells Donnie about his aspirations to turn professional and become a world champion. During a detour at a liquor store, Donnie impulsively attacks a man named Leon, and Dame is arrested while Donnie escapes.
In the present day, Donnie has retired from boxing to focus on his wife Bianca and their daughter Amara, whose hearing impairment has since led the family to become fluent in American Sign Language. Donnie runs Delphi Boxing Academy with Tony "Little Duke" Evers Jr. and is promoting his protégé, world champion Felix "El Guerrero" Chavez, in a match against Viktor Drago. While the two watch the declining health of Donnie's adoptive mother Mary-Anne, Amara aspires to become a boxer like Donnie, which gets her into trouble at school for punching another student. Released from prison, Dame reconnects with Donnie and shares his desire to resume his boxing career. Donnie reluctantly invites Dame to the gym but his presence draws scorn from Chavez and Duke. Dame later visits Donnie's home, where he meets his family and recounts their time together at a group home, a story that Bianca had never heard. Privately, Dame asks for a title shot against Chavez, but Donnie refuses. After Drago is attacked by an unknown assailant at a party for Bianca's record label, which casts doubt on his ability to participate in his upcoming fight, Donnie nominates Dame as Drago's replacement. Dame wins the undisputed heavyweight championship in a fight against Chavez at Arena. Following the match, an uneasy Donnie visits Mary-Anne, who shows him letters Dame had written to Donnie while in prison that she kept from him due to her believing that he was a bad influence. One letter contains a picture showing Dame with a fellow inmate that Donnie recognizes as Drago's assailant. Realizing Dame orchestrated the attack, Donnie confronts him, and Dame admits that he manipulated him into getting the title shot. Donnie is unable to open up to Bianca about his guilt over Dame, who revels in his newfound fame and publicly slanders Donnie as a fraud who turned his back on him. Mary-Anne suffers another stroke and dies. After her funeral, Donnie confesses to Bianca about the night of Dame's arrest, revealing Leon to be the abusive caregiver in their group home before he was adopted. After Donnie attacked Leon at the liquor store, the ensuing brawl with Leon's friends caused Dame to pull a gun. After Dame was arrested, Donnie never contacted Dame out of guilt. Encouraged by Bianca, Donnie decides to come out of retirement and challenges Dame for the championship, which he accepts. After training with Duke and a recovered Drago, Donnie faces Dame in the "Battle of Los Angeles" at Dodger Stadium. In a grueling, evenly-matched affair, Donnie has visions of his abusive foster home and Dame's life in jail, leading to a knockdown in the final round. Donnie knocks out Dame to win the match and regain the championship. Afterward, Donnie reconciles with Dame, with both men admitting it was not the other's fault. Donnie joins Bianca and Amara in the ring in the empty stadium, where he pretends to box with Amara. As Donnie and his family leave the ring, he looks out on to the empty Dodger Stadium. |
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