1996. “Independence Day” | 29 August 1996 |
Will Smith as Captain Steven Hiller, a Marine F/A-18 pilot. Devlin and Emmerich had always envisioned an African-American for the role, and specifically wanted Smith after seeing his performance in Six Degrees of Separation. Bill Pullman as President Thomas J. Whitmore, a former fighter pilot. To prepare for the role, Pullman read Bob Woodward's The Commanders and watched the documentary film The War Room. Jeff Goldblum as David Levinson Mary McDonnell as First Lady Marilyn Whitmore Judd Hirsch as Julius Levinson. The character was based on one of Dean Devlin's uncles. Robert Loggia as General William Grey, USMC, the head of the United States Space Command. Loggia modeled the character after World War II generals, particularly George S. Patton. Randy Quaid as Russell Casse Margaret Colin as Constance Spano Vivica A. Fox as Jasmine Dubrow James Rebhorn as Albert Nimzicki, the Secretary of Defense and, as former CIA Director, one of the few aware of the alien's existence due to the ship recovered at Roswell. Rebhorn described the character as being much like Oliver North. The character's eventual firing lampoons Joe Nimziki, MGM's head of advertising, who made life unpleasant for Devlin and Emmerich when studio executives forced recuts of Stargate. Harvey Fierstein as Marty Gilbert Adam Baldwin as Major Mitchell, USAF, Area 51's commanding officer. Brent Spiner as Dr. Brackish Okun, the unkempt and highly excitable scientist in charge of research at Area 51. Dr. Okun appeared to have been killed by an alien but returned in the sequel, where it was revealed that the character had merely been in a coma. The character's appearance and verbal style are based upon those of visual effects supervisor Jeffrey A. Okun, with whom Emmerich had worked on Stargate. James Duval as Miguel Casse Bill Smitrovich as Lt. Col. Watson Harry Connick Jr. as Marine Captain Jimmy Wilder. Connick took over the part from Matthew Perry, originally cast in the role. |
On July 2, 1996, an enormous alien mothership that has one fourth the mass of the Moon enters orbit around Earth, deploying 36 smaller spacecraft, each 15 miles (24 km) wide, that take positions over some of Earth's major cities and military bases. David Levinson, an MIT-trained satellite technician, decodes a signal embedded in the global satellite transmissions that he determines is a timer counting down to a coordinated attack. With the help of his former wife, White House Communications Director Constance Spano, Levinson, and his father Julius, gain access to the Oval Office and warn President Thomas J. Whitmore that the aliens are hostile. Whitmore orders large-scale evacuations of New York City, Los Angeles, and Washington D.C., but it is too late; the timer reaches zero and the ships activate devastating directed-energy weapons, killing millions. Whitmore, the Levinsons, and a few others narrowly escape aboard Air Force One as the capital is destroyed, along with other locations over which the ships are positioned. On July 3, international leaders begin ordering individual counterattacks. Their aviation forces attack destroyer ships positioned above the ruins of the cities, but the ships are protected by force fields. Each destroyer launches a swarm of attack fighters, each with its own shield as well, which wipe out the human fighter squadrons. Captain Steven Hiller, a pilot with the USMC squadron VMFA-314 based out of Marine Corps Air Station El Toro, survives by luring his attacker to the enclosed spaces of the Grand Canyon and sacrificing his plane, forcing the alien to crash-land. He subdues the injured alien pilot and flags down a convoy of refugees, hitching a ride with former combat pilot Russell Casse. They transport the unconscious alien to nearby Area 51 where Whitmore's group has landed. Through Secretary of Defense Albert Nimzicki, they learn that a faction of the government has been involved in a UFO conspiracy since 1947, when one of the invaders' attack fighters crashed in Roswell. Area 51 houses the refurbished alien fighter and three alien corpses recovered from the crash. When eccentric scientist Brackish Okun examines the alien captured by Hiller, it regains consciousness and attacks. It telepathically invades Okun's mind and uses his vocal cords to communicate with Whitmore before launching a psychic attack against him. Whitmore sees visions of the alien's plans: their entire civilization travels from planet to planet, exterminating all indigenous life and harvesting the planet of all natural resources. After Secret Service agents and military personnel kill the alien, Whitmore reluctantly authorizes a nuclear attack; a B-2 Spirit fires a nuclear cruise missile at an alien destroyer positioned above Houston, but the ship remains intact. On July 4, Levinson demonstrates that the key to defeating the aliens lies in deactivating their force fields, and devises a way to do so by uploading a computer virus into the mothership. He proposes using the refurbished alien fighter to implement the plan, which Hiller volunteers to pilot. The two are able to implant the virus and deploy a nuclear weapon on board the mothership. With military pilots in short supply, Whitmore enlists the help of volunteers with flight experience, including Casse, and leads an attack on a destroyer ship bearing down on Area 51. With the alien's shields deactivated, the fighters are able to inflict damage but their supply of missiles is quickly exhausted. As the destroyer prepares to fire on the base, the last missile, equipped on Casse's plane, jams, and Casse decides to sacrifice his own life. He flies his plane kamikaze-style into the directed-energy weapon port, which results in an explosion that destroys the ship. Human resistance forces around the world successfully destroy the other craft using this vulnerability. As humankind is rejoicing in victory, Hiller and Levinson return to Area 51 unharmed and reunite with their families. They and military officers nearby accompany Whitmore and his daughter in watching the wreckage from the mothership burn up, resembling a fireworks display as it enters Earth's atmosphere. |
2016. “Independence Day - Resurgence” | 23 June 2016 |
Liam Hemsworth as Jake Morrison, a U.S. pilot serving as a lieutenant in ESD, Patricia Whitmore's fiancé, Charlie Miller's best friend, and Dylan Hiller's estranged friend and competitor for Legacy Squadron's leadership. Originally from the city of Los Angeles, he grew up in an orphanage after his parents were killed in the invasion of 1996 and later joins the ESD. Jeff Goldblum as David Levinson, a scientist, MIT-educated computer expert, strategist, and environmental activist. Formerly a satellite technician at a cable television company in New York City and now in charge of research at Area 51 after Brackish Okun. Whitmore went on to recommend him as Director of ESD, in charge of its civilian sector where he provides the United Nations the resources to combat extraterrestrial threats with his subordinates and in the process using his political influence to promote his activism. For twenty years, David is dedicated to protect Earth at the cost of his relationships with his family, and is revered as a hero alongside Steven Hiller, Thomas J. Whitmore, and William Grey. Jessie Usher as Dylan Hiller (born Dylan Dubrow), the son of Jasmine Dubrow-Hiller and adoptive son of the now-deceased war hero, Col. Steven Hiller, USMC (Will Smith's character in the previous film) and childhood friend of Patricia Whitmore (whom he befriended twenty years previously at Area 51), now a pilot and captain in ESD, serving as a fleet leader for its Legacy Squadron. Dylan secured leadership of Legacy Squadron after competing with Jake, but strained their friendship in the process. Usher plays the adult version of the character that was played by Ross Bagley as a child in the original film. Bill Pullman as Thomas J. Whitmore, the 42nd and former President, Patricia's widowed father, and a Persian Gulf War combat pilot veteran. Though his presidency has ended, 15 years after his second term, Whitmore remains a significant figure and some still refer him as the country's leader as the result of his role during the first invasion and its aftermath. Whitmore remains traumatized by the death of his wife Marilyn (Mary McDonnell's character in the previous film) and his past encounter with one of the Harvester fighters. Maika Monroe as Patricia Whitmore, the former First Daughter, Jake's fiancee, and Dylan's childhood friend (whom she befriended twenty years previously at Area 51). She also works for her father's successor, Elizabeth Lanford, as one of her aides and speechwriter at the White House. Prior to working for the government, she served as an ESD pilot alongside Dylan and Jake, intending to follow her heroic father's footsteps as a combat pilot. She held the rank of lieutenant at ESD, and is a skilled aviator. Monroe plays the adult version of the character that was played by Mae Whitman as a child in the original film. Sela Ward as Elizabeth Lanford, the 45th President of the United States and the first woman in the country's history to hold the Oval Office, who is in her first term, succeeding Thomas J. Whitmore, William Grey, and Lucas Jacobs. Lanford is also a member of ESD's Security Council, founded by Thomas Whitmore and other world leaders. About her character she said, "She's strong, decisive and not afraid to kick ass!" Prior to her presidency, Lanford lost her family during the first attack, and she served as Vice President under Jacobs. William Fichtner as Joshua T. Adams, a U.S. General in charge of ESD's defense sector, David Levinson's military counterpart within the organization; he later becomes the 46th President of the United States after being named designated survivor following Lanford and the rest of the presidential line of succession's deaths. Judd Hirsch as Julius Levinson, David's widowed father, retired rabbi, and author of How I Saved The World, who now lives in a retirement home in Florida and is an avid fisherman. Brent Spiner as Dr. Brakish Okun, the unkempt and highly excitable scientist formerly in charge of research at Area 51 and thus David Levinson's predecessor. He awakens 20 years after being rendered comatose by a Harvester's psychic attack and then works with ESD. Okun is revealed to be gay; he and Dr. Milton Isaacs are romantic partners. Patrick St. Esprit as Reese Tanner, the United States Secretary of Defense. Tanner was indirectly responsible for Steven Hiller's death in 2007, after he and his administration under then-President Lucas Jacobs ignored Levinson's warning regarding the prototype hybrid fighter that killed Hiller and caused an international scandal. He has been at odds with Levinson and the Hillers ever since. Vivica A. Fox as Jasmine Dubrow-Hiller, the widow of the late war hero Steven Hiller, and a former exotic dancer. After her marriage, Jasmine returned to school to study nursing and is now working as a hospital administrator. Angelababy as Rain Lao, a Chinese pilot and lieutenant in ESD and the niece / adoptive daughter of ESD Moon Base commander Jiang Lao. While still a child, Rain, Chinese name Lao Meifeng, lost her mother after the aliens' first attack in Beijing and later her father, who was one of the pilots that participated in the final battle against the aliens above the ruins of Wuhan during the war. She was then raised by her late father's brother. Rain is also a fan of the late American colonel, Steven Hiller; she had witnessed his death in 2007. Charlotte Gainsbourg as Dr. Catherine Marceaux, a French psychiatrist who is an associate of David Levinson; though trained as a physician, she is researching exolinguistics and telepathy after witnessing her patients writing logograms after personal encounters with aliens, becoming a renowned inquirer of her investigation. She is also David's new love interest; she and David first met at the 2012 ESD Spring Expo in French Guiana three years after the latter's wife, Constance Spano (Margaret Colin's character in the previous film, whom David previously divorced but later remarried to), died in a car accident. Deobia Oparei as Dikembe Umbutu, head of government of a Congolese provincial state named "Republique Nationale d'Umbutu", after his late tyrannical warlord father; he leads a resistance group that has fought the Harvesters for years. After Umbutu's father was assassinated by his own people, he took over his father's position in hopes of making amends to his countrymen. He advises Floyd Rosenberg and Jake Morrison of the aliens' biomechanical suits' critical weaknesses based on his experience, which helps their respective survivals against them. Nicolas Wright as Floyd Rosenberg, a mild-mannered government controller from the Federal Accounting Standards Advisory Board appointed to the ESD and amateur combatant; he wants to learn how to fight aliens after meeting Dikembe Umbutu and to participate the battle against them. Travis Tope as Charlie Miller, a U.S. pilot and lieutenant serving in ESD and Jake Morrison's best friend and surrogate brother since childhood, who is infatuated with Rain. Prior to becoming an ESD pilot, Charlie lost his family in the first war, met Jake after he defended him from a group of bullies, and was a valedictorian in the ESD flight school where he, Jake, Dylan, and Patricia enrolled. He is somewhat inept and inattentive to his duties, and is notable for wearing a jacket that states his rank is that of Senior Airman. Ng Chin Han as Jiang Lao, a Chinese General and commanding officer of the ESD's Moon Base. He is also Rain's paternal uncle and adoptive father. Gbenga Akinnagbe as Agent Matthew Travis, a United States Secret Service agent assigned to Whitmore's protection detail. Robert Loggia as General William Grey, USMC (Ret.), the 43rd and former President, who served as Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff during the war and succeeded Whitmore as President for one term. Like Whitmore, Hiller, and Levinson, Grey is revered as a hero because of his military leadership during the war. This is Loggia's final film role before his death in December 2015, and the film was dedicated in his memory. Loggia's wife, Audrey O'Brien, also made an appearance as General Grey's wife. John Storey as Dr. Milton Isaacs, a scientist and physician in charge of Area 51's medical facility. He is Dr. Brackish Okun's life partner. Joey King as Samantha "Sam" Blackwell, the oldest of a group of siblings living in Florida. They find a stranded Julius Levinson in Austin, Texas after the aliens land their mothership. Jenna Purdy as the voice of the Sphere, an extraterrestrial virtual intelligence sent to serve as a liaison between Earth and a party of interplanetary resistance who are also victims of the Harvesters' attacks. Garrett Wareing, Hays Wellford, and Mckenna Grace as Bobby, Felix, and Daisy, Sam's younger siblings. James A. Woods as Lieutenant James Ritter, one of General Adams's subordinates in alien technology research at ESD. Robert Neary as Captain McQuaide |
Twenty years after the devastating alien invasion, the United Nations has set up the Earth Space Defense (ESD), a global defense and research program that reverse-engineers alien technology and serves as Earth's early warning system against extraterrestrial threats. As the twentieth anniversary of the invasion approaches, ESD Director David Levinson meets with warlord Dikembe Umbutu and Dr. Catherine Marceaux in the African state Republique Nationale d'Umbutu. They travel to an intact alien city destroyer and discover that alien survivors sent a distress call to their home world before their defeat. It is revealed that former U.S. President Thomas Whitmore, Dr. Brackish Okun and Umbutu are telepathically linked to the aliens following personal encounters and have visions of an unidentified spherical object. An unidentified spherical ship emerges from a wormhole near Earth's Moon, and despite objections from Levinson, is destroyed on the orders of the United Nations' Security Council. Defying orders, American pilots Jake Morrison and Charlie Miller then pick up Levinson, Marceaux, Umbutu, and U.S. federal controller Floyd Rosenberg on a space tug and they head for the wreckage in the Van de Graaff crater, where they recover a large container. An alien mothership suddenly appears, responding to the distress call, and proceeds to destroy much of the Earth's planetary defenses before landing over the North Atlantic Ocean where it starts to drill into the Earth's molten core. Narrowly escaping death, those on board the space tug are able to avoid capture and return to Area 51. Whitmore, Levinson, and U.S. General Joshua Adams' groups interrogate one of the aliens held in captivity at Area 51's prison facility from the war. They learn that the aliens exist in eusociality and that one of their colossal Queens is commanding the invasion. Levinson hypothesizes that, if they kill the supervising Queen, her forces will cease drilling and retreat. An ESD aerial fleet, led by Captain Dylan Hiller, stages a counterattack, but they are caught in a trap within the mothership, leaving only a few survivors, including Dylan, Jake, Charlie, and fellow ESD lieutenant and Chinese pilot Rain Lao. In Area 51, Okun opens the rescued container and releases a giant white sphere of virtual intelligence. She reveals that her mission is to evacuate survivors to a planet of refuge from worlds targeted by the aliens, whom she calls "Harvesters", and unite them in an attack on the Harvesters' planet. In the mothership, all surviving ESD pilots manage to escape by hijacking enemy craft; Dylan, Jake, Charlie and Rain navigate two alien fighters to pursue the Queen's personal ship, which is heading to Area 51 to extract information from the sphere about the refugee planet. Knowing the Harvester Queen has become aware of the sphere's presence, the ESD hide her in an isolation chamber and use a decoy in Jake's space tug to lure the Harvester Queen's ship into a trap. Whitmore volunteers to pilot the transport ship on a suicide mission, leading the Queen's ship into a trap before detonating a bomb, thus sacrificing himself but destroying the enemy ship. However, the Harvester Queen survives by using an energy shield and a fight breaks out. Initially, the ESD soldiers' weapons cannot penetrate the Queen's shield, but after the Harvester Queen lowers her shield to fire her own weapon, a good shot by Whitmore's daughter Patricia disables her shield. This allows Dylan's party, which arrives just in time, to kill her before she can take the sphere. With the Queen dead, all the remaining alien fighters are rendered inactive, while the mothership stops drilling and retreats to space. Okun reveals that the sphere has asked humanity to lead her resistance and has offered them new technology in preparation for a counterattack on the Harvester's home world. |
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