Complete 1st Season (2018 - 19)
001 01. “Pilot”
When an apartment building is destroyed by two bomb blasts, it first appears to be part of a gang war. However, further investigation reveals that the mastermind behind the carnage is a white supremacist named Robert Lawrence who wants to create the illusion that groups of non-white people are turning the city into a war zone. The FBI is closing in on Lawrence, but there's one more bomb somewhere, about to go off.
002 02. “Green Birds”
Several people in New York collapse and die after buying food from a take-away. The team quickly locates the store and find CCTV footage showing a young woman spraying poison onto the food. They track her using CCTV cameras and she dumps the dispenser and her clothes. She also collapses and the dispenser is found to have a needle that injects the user on the fifth press. Tracking through her computer, the team finds that she has been attracted to a radical form of Islam and duped into undertaking the terrorist attack. One of her online friends is also being lined up for the same treatment.
003 03. “Prey”
A family argument is interrupted when a young woman staggers onto the property, stabbed multiple times. Following back her steps, the team finds that she had been buried barely alive and dug herself out of her grave. Many others had not been so lucky. She turns out to be an American citizen born in the Ukraine who was fooled into moving to America with her sister, Brooke, by a slave trafficking group. With her help, the team works out the identity of the local ring-leader, catching up with him in an apartment building where he had just killed the Ukrainian doctor that they were looking for. The traffickers shift their bases of operations, so an online booking service is used to entice them to a motel where Jubal is waiting.
004 04. “Crossfire”
Three people, including an assistant US district attorney, are killed by a sniper on Park Avenue. Later, six people in a residential neighborhood on Staten Island are killed by the same man. The FBI agents identify the sniper as Cole Cooper, an army veteran who'd lost everything in his life. Cole had taken a teenage boy named Kofi under his wing; the FBI capture Kofi, and try to gain his trust in the hope that he'll tell them where Cole will strike next. They learn that Cole lost his wife to illness and felt betrayed by faith in life, and discover his last location to be the church he and Kofi went to. Despite Bell trying to empathise with him, she makes the final decision to have him shot. Bell and Zidan find their closures with the case, with Susan Poe and Kofi respectively.
005 05. “Doomsday”
After a drill at a nuclear power plant, a real alarm goes off, warning the water keeping the reactor cool is leaking and an employee is found dead. The situation is stabilized and the FBI is called in. It is first suspected the murdered employee tried to sabotage the plant, but she did not have the expertise needed to attempt it, meaning she had a partner who is still on the loose. They end up working with most wanted felon Jake Fletcher, who was investigating the plant for corruption. Fletcher stayed in Cuba where he also started a relationship with the victim, and he returned to the US after hearing the news of her death. Together with Fletcher, they're able to narrow the suspect pool down to the plant's inspector, who killed IG inspector as collateral damage for the Inspector General's investigation into the plant.
006 06. “Family Man”
When senator Gary Lynch's daughter Gracie, is kidnapped and held for ransom, the FBI must find the little girl before time runs out. To do so, they must dig into the senator's past to find out who is behind it. They discover that Lynch once had an affair with Nicole Sousa, with whom he also had a son, Nathan. Sousa also suffers from ALS, and after she dies, they suspect she worked with Lynch's childhood friend, Joe Finnegan. The kidnapping also reaches the press, which puts a strain on the possibility of getting Gracie back. Finnegan refuses to answer to the FBI, until they allow senator Lynch to talk to him himself. Finnegan's motives reveals that he felt betrayed by Lynch for not doing him a favour regarding his son's prison sentence. He subsequently gives Gracie's location, and the FBI rescue her and apprehends the guarding goons.
007 07. “Cops and Robbers”
Criminals masquerading as police officers rob an armored car and steal two million dollars. The FBI suspects it was an inside job. They manage to identify the members of the robbery crew, but their prime suspect Nick Salerno ends up dead before they can apprehend him. They get Jason Morgan, a former veteran who was involved with the crew, to go in undercover. After they escape, Morgan is compromised as the FBI move in. They manage to apprehend the two remaining members, Ryan Jenkins and mastermind Eric Healy at the docks, but Zidan is almost forced to shoot Morgan. Bell wounds him before he can shoot Zidan. Bell also tries to help Zidan to be more open about his experiences during the war in Iraq.
008 08. “This Land is Your Land”
The FBI is called when Victor Beniov, a Russian chemist who used to create chemical weapons and recently published a tell-all book, is kidnapped. The trail of the illegally-purchased weapons leads to two local brothers related to the far-right militia movement. When they rescue Beniov, he tells them they forced him to make hydrogen cyanide by threatening his daughter. The FBI tracks the middle brother the city courthouse, where he holds members and a judge hostage and threatens to bomb the place. Susan manages to convince him that his father is in the courthouse, in an attempt to pursuance him to surrender. Mosier is approached by her Russian contact, who warns her that the Russians are keeping tabs on them equal to them keeping tabs on the Russians.
009 09. “Compromised”
The FBI team is called to assist when Damian Cruz, a witness in witness protection program is assassinated. Suspicion falls on his US Marshall handler Paul Ackerman when another protected witness, Maya Nelson, is killed, name sold to someone who wanted the witnesses dead. Despite Nelson's name being leaked, the hit on her was ordered by Nate Skinner, who she helped put behind bars. The FBI discover that Ackerman had exploited vulnerable female witnesses, including Amber Turner, who was sponsored by Vincent Marino, who threatened to reveal her and Ackerman's affair to the public. Bell goes undercover as Turner, leading to Ackerman's arrest.
010 10. “The Armorer's Faith”
O. A. is called upon to go undercover when an arms buyer is assassinated. The dead man had been turned by members of another branch of the FBI and was going to help take down Martin Vickers, who is selling 50 new generation shoulder-mounted, laser-guided anti-tank missiles that could be used to shoot down planes. The handler of the dead man was O. A.'s former instructor at Quantico, Rowan Quinn. They almost bring down Vickers but are beaten to the punch by Vickers' daughter, Arianna, who was also involved in her father's business, and who had sold him out to a Mexican cartel prepared to pay more to get the weapons. She kills her father, before leaving O. A and Quinn to fend her goons, but is arrested in her attempted escape.
011 11. “Identity Crisis”
After judge Leslie Chapman sentences a man to life in prison, she is assassinated along with her daughter, Sam. Maggie and O. A. investigate the scene and looks for a possible link related to the sentencing. Bell and Zidan come across club owners Jack Rossi and Ray Costa, whose club Chapman visited only hours before her death. They also cross paths with Gina Pratt, a friend of Bell and undercover agent working in Rossi and Costa's inner circle. The team implements Pratt's operation into their investigation after its revealed that Rossi and Costa are secretly dealing drugs, with Rossi also having a connection to Sam Chapman. After failing to strike deals with Rossi, Pratt expresses sympathy with him, putting her career at risk. The team manages to stop Rossi and Costa before they make it to Essex County Airport, charging Costa with the murder of Chapman and her daughter.
012 12. “A New Dawn”
The FBI team investigate the murder of a misogynist white-supremacist right-wing activist, Nathaniel Bain, at the Paul Rivera college campus, the same college O. A.'s younger sister, Amira, attends. When the investigation leads them to a former staff member of the campus' newspaper, Claire, O. A. and Maggie turn to Amira, who also works in the paper, for information. Thanks to Amira's former friendship with Claire, Maggie infiltrates the radical organization they believe responsible for the murder, New Dawn. Their investigation reveal that the college headmaster's son, Connor Whitman, murdered Bain and torched the Savage Sons club house. Whitman outs professor Will Kelly being the mastermind behind ideas. Kelly is revealed to have manipulated students into taking action. Amira is taken hostage by New Dawn member Heather, threatening to bomb the church Bain's funeral is taking place at. Bell and Zidan manage to get Heather to give up and saving Amira.
013 13. “Partners in Crime”
Maggie and O. A. searches for a couple who is responsible for armed robberies that led to the death of an off-duty NYPD officer, Oliver West. The situation turns out to be far more complex than thought, and they realise that the female is a missing 18 year old, Julia Parker. However the CCTV footage does not add up, given the girl's height is different then her actual height. The team deduces that the second girl is missing 15 year old Katharine James. After cornering Patrick Cross and Julia, Cross takes hostages in a nearby restaurant. The FBI bring his father to try and convince him, but to no avail. Bell then goes in as a paramedic to treat a shot victim's wound. In the process she disarms Cross after he loses his temper, while Julia shoots him dead, ending the hostage situation. Jubal is getting to terms with his ex-wife now having a new boyfriend, but decides to attend his son's birthday party despite the new boyfriend being there.
014 14. “Exposed”
An investigative journalist, Rob McCann, is murdered and the team uncovers information linking the incident to past cases. They discover he was investigating a pharmaceutical company who produced a drug for childhood Leukaemia with a 29% mortality rate. McCann's informant, William Patterson, is assassinated in an alleged car accident. They also discover the same jogger who appeared on CCTV in a case in Michigan in the death of a state senator. The jogger is later identified as the assassin, Frank Cutler. Maggie learns her husband's death was not an accident, after spotting Cutler in the background of an old video of her and Jason. O. A. initially dismisses her suspicion, before finding evidence to the contrary. The FBI arrest Russell Donovan for hiring Cutler to kill McCann. Bell and Zidan confront Cutler at a bank, shooting him when he refuses to surrender. After learning that Cutler was involved in Jason's death, Bell confronts him at the hospital, but he dies after a second surgery.
015 15. “Scorched Earth”
Wall Street Keller Hogan CEO Veronica Klein is murdered by a bomb planted in her office. Soon after, a barista, Cindy Fincher, is also killed in a bombing. Their connections are in contrast, with Fincher being a blogger and Klein being known for sacking anyone undermining her leadership. The team question Nick Frost, who sent a threat to Klein. A male profiler, Briggs, is sent by headquarters to help the team and he clashes with Supervisor Dana Mosier's authority, notably arguing with statistics, likelihood and different priorities. Mosier proves him otherwise over time. Frost points the team to Stuart Moore, who was also sacked by Klein. They discover Moore attempted suicide a week before the bombings, and suspicion turns to his son, Cameron, who idolised him. Cameron reveals after his arrest, that he planted another bomb, revealed to be in a gentleman's club attended by Frost. Bell and Zidan evacuate the club and Bell secures the bomb in a freezer vault.
016 16. “Invisible”
Elizabeth Chase, the daughter of media mogul Benjamin Chase, is kidnapped while leaving a dinner with him. The FBI look for possible assailants among high school society, before the kidnapper makes a ransom. The money is picked up by a homeless man, who leads them to an employee working for Chase, who took advantage of the case to get back at him. A lead on Elizabeth's missing inhaler leads them to CCTV footage capturing Charlie Jacobs after stealing one from a pharmacy. After Bell and Zidan chase Jacobs, he commits suicide, blaming Elizabeth. After rescuing her from Jacobs' cabin in Pound Ridge, she reveals that Jacobs possibly worked with someone, revealed to be Sam Musk, in planning school shootings. They manage to stop Musk from shooting up an event, with Zidan jumping in front of his weapon, taking a shot to the vest. Chazal applies to become a field agent, an application which Quantico and Mosier accepts.
017 17. “Apex”
Bell and Zidan assist the NYPD with a possible serial killer who photographs his victims in full make-up in perfect lighting. Initially, the team are faced with three victims, but the number rises to ten after more are revealed. Deputy Mayor Lynn Carver informs Mosier that the mayor does not want bad publicity for the city and scaring away tourists. This forces Mosier to tackle the press with a more softer approach. However they later come to disagree on how evidence should be handled. The team tracks evidence to doctor Edward Praeger, who has a Polaroid of one of the victims, but his DNA does not match the others. He leads them to the killer, revealed to be Robert Burke IV, a member of the Burke property owner family. Burke‘a wife reveals she filed for divorce because he photographed her like other victims. Mosier disobeys Carver's orders, and approves Bell and Zidan to storm Burke's studio, preventing him from taking another victim's life.
018 18. “Most Wanted”
When ICE deportation officer Thomas Gilman kills his family and runs, O. A. and Maggie teams up with the FBI's Fugitive Task Force led by SSA Jess LaCroix to apprehend him. LaCroix and his team track Gilman through various locations around New York state, picking up clues from people Gilman encountered, attacked and even killed. Gilman's motives are revealed to be revenge against his mother for abandoning him as a child and placing him and his brother, Mike Venutti. They manage to lure Gilman to a house, but are cornered by Venutti. Once Gilman arrives, he holds his brother hostage while LaCroix negotiates with him. Bell arrives and gives him a shotgun, making able to disarm Gilman, shooting one of his hands off.

This episode is the backdoor pilot for FBI: Most Wanted. base on FBI Ten Most Wanted Fugitives "Robert William Fisher".
019 19. “Conflict of Interest”
The FBI investigates the murder of Ryan Parker, the Deputy Assistant Secretary of Trade and his driver, who was unknowingly used as a pawn by a dangerous drug-trafficking ring, the White Horses. The drugs are revealed to have been delivered unbeknownst through with his translator, Michelle Chang. The team track down a JFK airport worker, Kevin Okoro, who served as a middle man, but he is killed at the hospital before they can speak to him. Jubal unwillingly gets his friend and former drug addict Morris Kalu involved, putting him through an undercover operation to get to the leader Tayo. Tayo is killed after he attempts to escape and holding Kalu hostage. Jubal gets Kalu through a new rehab meeting and O. A. helps his friend Juan, who unbeknown to him also used the same drug Tayo sold, which later costs him his life.
020 20. “What Lies Beneath”
When controversial secret police leader Ahmed El-Masri from Egypt comes to New York for a heart transplant, O.A. struggles to balance his personal opinion with his professional duty when he is assigned to the security detail. While on route to the hospital, El-Masri's convoy is ambushed and is diverted to Hope General Hospital. Bell works with agent Art Perkins (Titus Makin) to track down the assailant, Karim Mohammad, who is revealed to be working for professional assassin, Zev Solin. Solin takes matters into his own hands and infiltrates the hospital disguised as a doctor, but escapes once spotted by O. A. State Troopers later disarm him, and O. A. confronts him about a bomb revealed to be in the hospital. The FBI bomb squad manages to disable the bomb and El-Masri safely gets his transplant, but dies after complications. His advisor gives O. A. closure about his missing cousin who disappeared during the Arab spring, revealing she died during an outbreak at the prison she was sent to.
021 21. “Appearances”
The FBI investigates the murder of a fellow FBI agent, Greg Kennedy. When it is revealed he was living a double life, the team struggle to decide how much to tell his wife, Linda, also an agent, and one of Maggie's closest friends. They learn from the bartender Kennedy met, that he was looking into “the devil”, revealed to be biker gang member Mason Thorne. The gang was also dealing drugs after attorney Mike Krawley got them in touch with Philadelphia dealer Michael Rizzo. Thorne is found murdered, and Rizzo reveals that Krawley murdered him and has CCTV footage to prove it. As Linda interferes with the investigation, they learn she went to Krawley's office, before finding him dead at the biker club house. They arrest the gang leader, Tommy Chase, for murdering Krawley in retaliation for Thorne's death. Kristin and O. A. dig into Jason's death, discovering he met a businesswoman, Angela Perez, some time before his death.
022 22. “Closure”
Angela Perez is kidnapped and later murdered by assassin Carlos Sanchez. Mosier advises Bell against taking on the case, but later changes her mind. The FBI connect Sanchez to a Mexican drug cartel, and later the company Perez worked for, as a front for money laundering. Initial suspicion is held against Perez' ex boyfriend Nathan Post, but he has an alibi for the day of the ordered hit and Perez' kidnapping, but the hit was ordered from the same building. Bell deduces that the same person ordered Jason dead, and it is revealed to be Perez's supervisor Sophie Keller, who ordered the hits. After chasing her to a marina in an attempted escape, she tells Bell that the cartel forced her to order the hits. With Keller giving up information on the cartel, Bell finally gets closure for Jason's death. Mosier confides in Jubal and announces that she will be retiring as special-agent-in-charge.
Complete 2nd Season (2019 - 20)
023 01. “Little Egypt”
Kristen receives her badge and starts her first day as a field agent, partnered with recently transferred agent Stuart Scola. The case gets personal for O.A. when a bomb detonates at a restaurant in Queens not far from where he grew up. Although the culprits, Justin Murphy and Michael Moosa, are apprehended, things get even more complicated when one of the witnesses, waiter Joseph Nasser, is revealed to be an undercover FBI agent with another agenda, that being apprehending two Muslim youths in the act of terrorism by recruiting them. O. A. joins Nasser's operation, but is conflicted about if it is right to let it happen. Despite reaching a deal with them, the boys join a imam to execute a bombing in Central Park. The FBI are able to evacuate the crowds and neutralise the threat in time.
024 02. “The Lives of Others”
Eli Harper, the six year old son of prominent blogger Stacy Harper, is kidnapped, forcing the team to look through her two million followers. As the team dig into the family's personal life and online presence, not everything is as it seems. The team suspect former convicted sex offender Todd Crebins, who is also the Harper's neighbour, after finding Eli's toy dinosaur in his sofa. However his alibi proves them wrong, and further evidence points them to Wayne Rydell, who admits to having canvassed the Harper's house and attempted to break in. His assessment of a black car, leads them back to the Hernandez park call made to the Harpers earlier. They track down the owner, Lisa Defacio, who is revealed to be Eli's surrogate mother. Bell has her surrender and finds Eli in a bedroom unharmed. Kristen continues to adjust to life as a field agent and Bell reevaluates how she has been coping with her husband's death.
025 03. “American Idol”
Congresswoman Valerie Caldwell, who is running for president, survives a car bomb which kills one of her bodyguards, and Maggie and O.A. must find out if there are any more threats. As the team race against time to find the perpetrator, they discover that the motive for the assassination attempt may not be entirely political. Despite initial suspicions against the sister of one of Caldwell's sentences suspects admitting hatred against her, she did not plant the bomb. Evidence instead points towards a member of the People's Liberation Army Ray Zhao, possibly being a spy who was digging up dirt on Caldwell. The FBI discovers that Caldwell fired her colleague Len Barker back when they worked together, after he started with odd behaviours. Barker targets a campaign meeting at the Roosevelt Hotel, but is thwarted by the FBI. Maggie finds herself at odds with Caldwell's motives to cover up evidence that would have confirmed Wayne Simmons alibi, and manages to put her admiration for Caldwell behind.
026 04. “An Imperfect Science”
A white man opens fire in a black nightclub, killing one and wounding more, and it appears the FBI ignored previous threats from a white supremacist group, the First Order. A high school white supremacist, Ivan Childress, admits to the shooting, but Maggie does not believe he is the shooter and tries to prove his innocence. Kristin must decide between her responsibility to the FBI and the black community. Maggie's hunch about the shooter is proven correct, and the real shooter, Jim Housley Dietz, is determined to have targeted his ex girlfriend in the club, Patrice. Maggie and O. A. races to her safe house, where Housley Dietz ambushes them, also wounding O. A. Castille expresses that they should have taken the threats against the club more seriously, and wants to expand the responsibility for more thoroughness in investigating threats.
027 05. “Crossroads”
Commercial truck driver Jim Russo, with a spotless record and no enemies is kidnapped, but the FBI cannot determine why he was targeted until they realize he was carrying a dirty shovel in his truck. They deduce be buried something, later revealed to be bags of cocaine. The FBI clashes with the DEA when a person of interest, driver Miguel Boaz, is revealed to be an informant. They discover that the DEA was setting up an operation to take down the Juarez gang leader. The FBI decides to raid the gang's house despite DEA's warnings, arresting everyone present and rescuing a badly injured Russo. Jubal must make a difficult decision regarding his divorced wife and children, seeking advice from Maggie. He decides to accept that his ex wife and children will be moving to Scarsdale.
028 06. “Outsider”
Brad Hughes, a Wall Street investor, is found dead by a jogger and the team investigate the shady side of insider trading when they discover he was a whistleblower who had contacted the SEC about an illegal deal. Scola's inside knowledge as a former trader comes in handy as he and Kristen comb through a suspect pool of tight-lipped investment bankers and traders. Through Elena Bondar, they discover that she and nine other girls were used as assets to spread malware in able for an Albanian gang to get inside information to Wall Street trading. O. A. goes through his girlfriend Mona, who is an attorney, identifying their suspect, Nikolas Christo. Bondar goes to a bar to meet Christi, wearing a wire, but is held at gunpoint. After taking out Christo, the FBI frees the remaining girls. Castille informs O. A. that the head of organised crime wants to know how he got Christo's name.
029 07. “Undisclosed”
The team tries to learn who has the most to gain after Robert Cabot, university president of Armstrong University and board member of Cemera, a medical tech company about to go public is murdered. Initial suspicions points to a student, Luke Wagner, who was personally expelled from campus by Cabot, but Wagner reveals he only heard the shots killing Cabot while waiting at his home. The FBI look into people involved with Cemera, and the CEO, Corinne Baker, is shot by the same suspect. The suspect is revealed to be security guard Tommy Ward, who was also one of the witnesses. It is also revealed Cemera's scanners are faulty through a sacked employee, and Ward and other patients developed further stages of cancer. Ward held Cemera responsible for his cancer, and holds a hostage before walking in front of a truck, committing suicide. O.A. is put at odds when his cousin Ryan, through his uncle, asks him a favor that would involve him lying about the cousin being fit to be a cop with the Newark P. D. O. A. decides to be honest, which includes that Ryan is not fit to be a cop, enough for the department to not give him the job, disappointing his uncle.
030 08. “Codename - Ferdinand”
Photographer Frank Webber is killed in a car accident, later revealed to be sabotage. The FBI cross paths with CIA agent Collins, who reveals that Webber worked for the agency photographing suspected sleeper agents. The Russian agents are revealed to be the couple who reported the accident, Ben and Lisa Blake. The FBI works with the CIA to discover their assassination plot, narrowing the target down to being Farhad Amiri, the son of the Iranian defence minister, who is in New York on student visa. They are able to thwart the attack and apprehend Ben. Maggie is accosted by a man who accidentally bumped into her car and gets asked out for coffee.
031 09. “Salvation”
High school English teacher Patrick Miller is murdered after an altercation with a student, Alex Williams. Williams points the team to Max Bailey, Miller's girlfriend's ex-husband who accuses Miller of being a pedophile after seeing him with an underage girl. The girl is revealed to be Jessica Sanchez, a Mexican gang member who has settled in the US and sought help from Miller to get out of it. Her revelations point them to her gang leader, Marco Gomez. Sanchez meets Gomez and the gang, the D15, undercover to find incriminating evidence. The FBI arrest the gang and Gomez and secures a process to get Sanchez into witness protection. However, their efforts are halted by ICE, who have an order of removal on Sanchez. Bell contests the decision and brings it to court. Despite her best efforts, the judge rules in favour of having Sanchez deported due to her past involvement with the D15.
032 10. “Ties That Bind”
Hannah Bloom, the daughter of decorated NYPD detective Harry Bloom, is killed, and the FBI is tasked with investigating the case to avoid a conflict of interest but soon realize she is only the latest in a long line of women to be strangled. They discover that the killer strangled mostly orange haired women stretching from southern New York down to the city. Kristin makes a mistake in field training that leads to Scola being shot with a paintball and worries Scola is going too easy on her when he does not chastise her for it. The team brings in Andrew Cameron, a victim of kidnapping and abuse, whose description matches the killer. Despite flaws in his recollection, after saving another victim, Grace Lennon, the FBI deduces it was actually his brother, Jordan. Harry Bloom intervenes when they are about to confront Jordan, but in an attempt to escape, Jordan stabs Kristen.
033 11. “Fallout”
Kristen is rushed to the hospital as the doctors race to save her life. What happened to her throws the team off balance as they investigate the murder of businessman Keith Gilroy, who lost his position after being accused of sexually harassing numerous female employees of his. The team suspects one of his accusers is behind his death after they discover an assassin, Sarah Baines, was paid to take him out. Their initial suspect, Gayle Dixon, is cleared, and they also learn that Ava Mercer, was Gilroy's daughter, but she did not know him. Gilroy had planned to include her in his will, but died before the change happened, thereby putting his inheritance to his foundation, led by Lila Robbins. Robbins reveals she was also a victim of Gilroy. The team tries to adjust to newcomer agent Emily Ryder. Kristen fortunately makes a successful recovery.
034 12. “Hard Decisions”
After a bank is hold up, but nothing is reported stolen, the team's investigation leads them to a safety deposit box whose contents have fallen into the hands of an infamous cyber criminal, dubbed The Sentinel. The contents threaten national security, as the NSA gets involved. The Sentinel, who is later revealed to be Kenneth Bates, asks to speak to Castille once he is arrested, also revealing high level of knowledge about the team. They trick him in to seeing a live feed from the New York Stock Exchange where he claims a bomb will be detonated. They call his bluff when the alleged bomb does not go off, leading to his arrest. Kristen is discharged from the hospital and returns to the FBI on a desk assignment. She states she's eager to return to field but her teammates are less sure she's ready.
035 13. “Payback”
Jake Osborne, the son of retired FBI agent Dan Osborne, is kidnapped and the team investigates to see if it is an act of revenge from one of the criminals Osborne helped put away. They discover Jake sold pills with Beth Kimball from his school, and was beaten by Warren Cooper. Cooper reveals he let Jake out of his car, and CCTV shows Sean Ellis helping Jake from the scene. Ellis, as revealed by his girlfriend Gina Ramos, was in debt to his gang leader of the Easy Eights. Through CCTV and a car with stolen plates, the team manage to track down where Jake is being held, saving him after a shootout. Castille makes a hard decision to arrest Dan Osborne for drug dealing in turn to earn money to help Jake.
036 14. “Studio Gangster”
The media go into a frenzy when the body of US attorney Scott Conway is found dead steps away from the body of a prostitute, Maya Depriest, accusing the two of having sex, much to the dismay of Conway's widow. The FBI must piece together what really happened, which leads them to rapper Big Tracy who joined the 718 gang for publicity. Jubal's connection with one of the victims makes finding the killer personal. It is revealed that Conway was killed in an attempt to save Depriest from her assailant. The FBI get Big Tracy to work for them, and he discovers cocaine in Thumper's girlfriend's house. After a failed attempt to reconcile with Thumper, Tracy meets him again after Thumper expresses regret. In the process, he reveals that he killed Maya and the FBI move in to arrest him. Jubal also gives Thumper's girlfriend a fighting chance.
037 15. “Legacy”
A truck transferring armor-piercing bullets is hijacked and the crime is traced back to Sulaiman Mansor, the leader of a terrorist group O.A. thought he helped kill years ago. The airstrike that supposedly killed Mansor was called in by an old friend of O.A., Terry Brooks, who O.A. learns did not confirm Mansor was in the building before the strike, having only assumed he was. Now the Mansor and his organisation, the NIA, are on US soil planning an attack in retaliation for his family being killed in the air strike. Jubal allows Kristin to return to the field, joining the team dispatched to West Point, where Mansor is bound to attack a ceremony attended by general Carson, who ordered the strike. The team are able to disable Mansor's men, who are disguised as musicians. O. A. takes the final shot to kill Mansor, who was disguised as a military police officer.
038 16. “Safe Room”
Chloe Ford, the daughter of billionaire Nathan Ford, is kidnapped but the FBI team finds her in under three hours. She and her kidnapper, Mike Helton, are locked in a safe room. Helton says his daughter, Stephanie Rice, was kidnapped weeks ago and the police still have not found her, so he took Chloe to get attention. Since the FBI found her in under three hours, he demands they use less than three hours to find his daughter or he will kill the Chloe. The team discovers that Stephanie was going to Florida to visit a relative, but was kidnapped at a bus station. The kidnapper, a man named Sergio, reveals that he got payed to kidnap girls for a man named Hugo, who used the girls for sex trafficking. They track a pigeon, which Hugo and Sergio rely on for communication, to a house where the girls are being kept. Stephanie is in a frictional condition and is hospitalised. Jubal makes the difficult decision to let SWAT storm the safe room given they've reached Helton's deadline. As Helton is in a critical condition, Jubal tells him and shows proof that Stephanie is alive and has woken up.
039 17. “Broken Promises”
The shooting of prosecutor Nicole Mitchell at a climate rally hints at a political motive, and the team initially suspects her ex-boyfriend Todd Conroy, but is cleared with an alibi. As more bodies pile up and O.A.'s girlfriend is among those targeted, they realise this is a personal vendetta over sixteen-year-old Alex Bryant being sent to prison on trumped up charges. The different upbringings of O.A. and Mona cause their relationship to start to fracture. The team conclude that Bryant's father, Roman, is responsible, killing everyone he deemed responsible for Alex being sent to prison. They manage to disarm while holds a hostage, in a failed attempt to kill Alex's friend Benny Delgado. Maggie is offered a new assignment that would take her away from the New York office, but she is hesitant to tell O. A. When she eventually does, she reassures him she will be back.
040 18. “American Dreams”
A school bus with 26 elementary students is hijacked, sending the FBI into a rush to find them. With Maggie away on her undercover mission, Jess LaCroix of the FBI Fugitive Taskforce and his team join the New York team. They learn the mastermind is white supremacist Tyler Kane. They figure that he is holding the kids at a closed amusement park, which one of the kids, Owen Jamison, tells through sign language. His father comes at odds with the FBI after it is revealed he got a deal with Kane, releasing Owen before the remaining kids. Jess's young daughter, Tali, is taken during an ICE raid on suspicions of being an illegal immigrant due to her skin color. This episode begins a crossover event that concludes on FBI: Most Wanted season 1 episode 9.
041 19. “Reveille”
After taking down a terrorist, the Fugitive Task Force and Special Agent OA Zidan from the New York field office search for the terrorist's wife, who is determined to follow through with her husband's deadly plan. LaCroix's daughter is taken by Immigration and Customs Enforcement officers.

This episode concludes a crossover event that begins on FBI season 2 episode 18
042 20. “Emotional Rescue”
The murder of foreign graduate student Aman Patel leads the team to a drug deal gone bad. They learn that Patel's roommate, Lucas Reed was in dealings with the Chicago based gang Latin Players, and is meant to deliver drugs to them. Meanwhile, Chicago PD Detective Hailey Upton (guest star Tracy Spiridakos) temporarliy joins the team as a part of the FBI's interagency training program and finds her methods clash with the Bureau's by-the-book environment. She, however finds some of her prior experience come to good use when talking to Reed's girlfriend, Harper Quinlan. Initially Quinlan will not cooperate, but later admits to Upton that she was abused by Reed. She uses a wire and tries to get the meeting location from Reed, but he is killed in an attempted escape. They discover the location to be the pier, and Quinlan delivers the drugs before the FBI and Upton make arrests.

This episode picks up after the Chicago P.D. episode "Lines"
Complete 3rd Season (2020 - 21)
043 01. “Never Trust a Stranger”
The team welcomes newcomer Tiffany Wallace, who is partnered with Scola. Maggie returns from her undercover assignment, just as the team investigates the shooting of employees at a media house. They trace the perpetrators to stem from a group of freedom fighters. The case becomes more complicated when O. A.‘s informant, Zayne Wells, is revealed to have been the driver for the shooters. Zayne flees when O. A. and Maggie attempts to meet him, taking seven people hostage. They track a second assailant, who Wallace manages to stop before he enters the target location. O. A. goes in and manages to talk Zayne into surrendering.
044 02. “Unreasonable Doubt”
The discovery of three murdered women in a lake in Westchester County, makes Jubal revisit an old case he investigated eight years ago where Cory McMay was convicted for allegedly murdering a woman in a similar way. Bell and Zidan is handed the old case to revisit it, but do not discover anything new. Castille and a former colleague of Jubal questions his intentions with revisiting the case. As another victim is discovered, Jubal decides to prove McMay’s innocence. The team discovers that McMay’s DNA was found on the recent victim, but he has been in prison the last eight years. They discover that Peter Deleon, whose car was allegedly stolen by the killer, received a bone transplant from McMay to treat his leukaemia when he was a boy, resulting in McMay’s DNA being a part of his body. With Deleon arrested, Jubal initiates the process to have McMay released from prison.
045 03. “Liar's Poker”
Upon arriving in New York, drug cartel leader Antonio Vargas’ driver kills an NYPD officer while on a traffic stop. The FBI are called in to apprehend Vargas, but an explosion in one of his warehouses wounds several SWAT members. During interrogation, Vargas reveals he warned SWAT members of explosives, but was not believed. Fellow agent, Elise Taylor, is kidnapped and sent to the FBI’s New York office with a bomb around her neck. Vargas’s men demand his release or the bomb will detonate. Despite her and Assistant Deputy Director Reynolds’ best efforts, Castille reluctantly decides to let Vargas go in exchange for the bomb’s code, risking her job in the process. The bomb reaches six seconds before the timer stops and Elise is released. At a press conference, Castille vows to bring Vargas to justice.
046 04. “Crazy Love”
A shooting at a quinceañera, leaves a 15 year old girl and her mother dead in what seems to be a racially motived crime. However, as the FBI digs deeper, they uncover that a waiter, Gabriel Ochela, was the intended target by the Latin Players Queens leader Jose Martinez. Ochela was targeted after Martinez that his girlfriend Valentina, was seeing him. Ochela is lured to a meeting place to supposedly meet Valentina, but is ambushed and killed by Martinez. The FBI brings in his girlfriend and make her informant to get closer to Martinez. However, Nestor Vertiz’ RICO investigation into Martinez forces Castille to put their investigation on hold for five days. However as Valentina’s situation gets more dangerous, Vertiz allows Maggie’s team to move in to secure Valentina and apprehend Martinez.
047 05. “Clean Slate”
Five year old Grace Harris is kidnapped from her parents’ cabin while they’re out by a campfire with friends. A man in the area, Don Kirkpatrick, reveals to the FBI he saw someone forcibly drag Grace from the scene. Suspicions turn to Grace’s father, Ben, who is revealed to have changed his legal name from earlier after having been arrested for murdering ten year old Lucy Parkin when he was twelve. They conclude that her brother, Dave, is out to seek revenge. Maggie and O. A. stop Ben after he tries to escape to pay a ransom for his daughter. His wife, Rhonda, takes matters into her own hands and tries to negotiate with Parkin, but he is shot once the FBI arrive on scene. They track Grace to a motel, and eventually find her in the trunk of Parkin’s roommate’s car.
048 06. “Uncovered”
Armoured robbers steal a small ammonia tank from a harbour, leaving two toll officers dead and one severely injured, who manages to injure one of the perpetrators. The FBI identify the injured perpetrator as Damon Marshall, and manage to corner him at his mother’s house before he is short by Maggie and falls to his death. They start tracking down the second perpetrator, who through undercover work with the gang unit, manage to identify him as Clint Helms. Helms refuses to cooperate, while Scola and Wallace capture another man at an abandoned warehouse. They also uncover that the gang is not making meth, but a bomb. The third perpetrator, Ronny Wilkinson, plans to bomb a federal building. Vertiz brings him to O. A. and Maggie who try to defuse the bomb. Though reluctant, Wilkinson eventually gives up the deactivation switch’s location within the car. Maggie decides against moving in with Vertiz after he presents her with a new apartment.
049 07. “Discord”
Congressman Logan Reed is shot and killed at his home after a brick is thrown through his window. The FBI quickly link activist Damian Thomas to Reed, whom he disliked, but he has an alibi for the time of the murder. Thomas provides them with intel of the murder of Marcus Ervin, who was murdered in a similar way. They conclude Reed and Ervin were killed by the same person. Wallace clashes with Thomas’ daughter over her stance with the black community. The team tracks down Cody McGowan who beat Ervin as revenge for his brother’s imprisonment. A vigil is held for Damian Thomas after he is also murdered by the assailant. McGowan reveals his car and gun were taken by someone else, and the team deduces said person is his mother, Janine. Scola and Wallace arrest her at the vigil before she can shoot Thomas’ daughter.
050 08. “Walk the Line”
A car bomb detonates in a street after another car with a loudspeaker causes a distraction a block away. After some initial investigation, the FBI narrows in on a suspect pool of a Middle Eastern restaurant owner, Hassan Ali, and his associates. Rina Trenholm steps into to assist, calling on an informant of hers, Vega Assad, to help but he surprisingly refuses. They convince him otherwise in exchange for full citizenship, but he again backs down. O. A. struggles to satisfy the bureau and protect Vega simultaneously. Via Ali’s restaurant security footage, they discover the real suspect, Philip Stafford, whose business was filed for bankruptcy. They corner him after he narrows down his sister-in-law as his next target. Stafford resists, and is shot by Scola. Castille and Trenholm confront O. A. about the Vega operation, and he is sent to arrest him prior to subsequent deportation.
051 09. “Leverage”
Political journalist Addie Ricard is kidnapped while on the way home. The FBI learns from a former cop turned private investigator that she was involved with political higher-ups, having had a discussion with Senator Walter Hoffman’s chief of staff, Ethan Shaw. Shaw reveals he tried to sort of the message to the press about Hoffman's relationship with Ricard. The FBI identify Ricard’s kidnapper as Viktor Branislav, the nephew of property developer Sergei Ivanovic. Shaw learns from Senator Hoffman that Ricard was kidnapped in retaliation for his inability to take action in a property of interest development process. The senator plans to give Ivanovic a ransom, which the FBI follows. Branislav tries to escape, but is killed, while Ivanovic and Senator Hoffman are arrested. Ricard is found alive in Branislav's car.
052 10. “Checks and Balances”
Howard Kirkland, a security officer who notably patrolled the 26 Fed, is shot and killed in a bank robbery. The FBI is assisted by the NYPD, and track down the original robbers. One of them, Justin Maynard, gives them an alibi for him in his partner, thereby making the actual robbers copycats. Scola and Wallace collide on the issue of having her former superior, Frank Dixon, and his partner Roger Palmer, involved in the investigation. The tension between the two only increases when evidence suggests that Palmer was involved. Another detective, Kyle Webb, is also revealed to be involved, but is killed before he can answer further questions. Dixon reveals to Wallace and Scola that he filed a witness report for him and Palmer to give the latter an alibi, having essentially obstructed the investigation. Palmer is arrested, and Scola decides to not pursue an obstruction charge against Dixon.
053 11. “Brother's Keeper”
ATF agent Russel Griffin is killed when a package bomb detonates in his own home, severely injuring his husband, Henry Lasher, in the process. The FBI connect the bombing with Mark Frazier, who becomes a person of interest. Frazier reveals that a rant blog post the FBI has discovered was posted by his brother, Richard, who is mentally unstable. When he is later asked to come in for further questioning, Mark escapes and buys cigarettes for his brother and to meet him in Times Square. However, they arrest him and Richard escapes. Frazier reveals his brother is targeting anyone or anything related to an artificial intelligence program, Aurora, because he fears machines are taking over from humans. The FBI corner him at the program's lab, and Richard escapes into a restaurant, holding his last stand. Maggie manages to talk Richard into surrendering. Maggie also deals with the recent arrival of her sister, Erin, in New York, where she is studying. However, she grows skeptical and suspects she is on drugs again, which proves her right when she discovers pills in her dorm. She promises her to be by her side when she reenters rehab.
054 12. “Fathers and Sons”
Doctor Nicole Wright is abducted near the hospital she works at, and the FBI, along with the NYPD, soon discover that another doctor, Lucas Caldwell, was also abducted from his home by the same person. The kidnapper is later revealed to be a former Mexican soldier, Octavio Diaz, who kidnapped the doctors to conduct a kidney surgery on his twelve year old son, Tony. As the FBI stake out the property, Diaz spots the snipers and opens fire. He wants another doctor to assist Wright after Caldwell is shot. Jubal goes in undercover as a doctor himself after disagreements with Castille. Though hesitant, he is forced to pull aside for the snipers to get a shot on Diaz. Caldwell and Tony are rushed to the hospital. Jubal learns from his ex-wife, Samantha, that his son, Tyler, has been feeling sick, which is later revealed to be caused by leukaemia. The doctors say its curable, given it was discovered at an early stage.
055 13. “Short Squeeze”
Wall Street CEO of Regular Joe, Tim Davis, is murdered while outside the SEC while talking to protesters. Protester Paul Winters' recording of the shooting, points the FBI in the direction of Elliot Plank, who they apprehend shortly after searching his home. Scola confronts Kix CEO Nathan Gold, who was present at the protest against Davis' company, putting his job on the line. Scola is knocked out by a new assailant and Gold is kidnapped. The new assailant's motives are revealed to be against Kix, alleging them to be fraudulent. Wallace and Scola question another company CEO, Gunner Crenshaw, who reveals one of his employees, Nick Wilkes, had an interest in Kix. The FBI deduce Wilkes to have kidnapped Gold, holding him hostage at a silo. Wilkes demands Kix's chief scientific officer to admit the company is fraudulent, but she refuses, citing her and the company's reputation. Instead, Castille goes in guised as her, and shortly after giving a false confession of fraud, Wilkes is arrested.
056 14. “Trigger Effect”
A shooting in a local restaurant in Morningside Heights leave several people dead and multiple injured. The FBI discovers that the target was lawyer Frank Olsen, who recently had fired a lawyer, Neil Jacobs, who ended up suing his firm for wrongful firing. Jacobs however proves to have an alibi despite having a record of harassing Olsen. Their focus turn to Fraudster, a company whose aim is to reveal people's darker secrets, after the assailant kidnaps its chief, Maria Muños. They track her location to her home, only to find her dead. The FBI learns that Olsen's firm partner, Bob Avery, was fired after alleged pictures of him being published, implying him to be a pedophile. Avery targets Jacobs, but he survives with minor injuries. The FBI corner Avery at his son's school, where he takes a girl hostage, and his son, Josh, refuses to talk to him. Bell manages to tackle Avery before he can commit suicide. Bell convinces Elise to seek council after she expresses suffering from trauma from her bomb incident.
057 15. “Straight Flush”
Castille and the New York office are forced to return their focus to Durango drug leader Antonio Vargas after his biological son, Felix Serrano, is killed in a trendy hotel along with four other wealthy men. Castille's team arrest Miguel Rojas for the murders, who is revealed to be a Durango lieutenant going against Vargas. They have him wear a wire upon Vargas' return, but he shoots him before he is arrested. Rita Trenholm is made acting assistant director, and causes friction with Castille and Jubal over relaying ongoing information. Castille dispatches Bell and Zidan to Mexico to use Vargas' wife and younger son as leverage against him. Vargas reveals that three bombs have been planted in Grand Central Station. Bell sneaks into Vargas' house and films his wife and younger son, which Castille uses against Vargas, forcing him to give up the code for the bombs, and he is subsequently arrested. Trenholm is offered the assistant director position permanently, which she accepts, while also entering a relationship with Jubal.
Complete 4th Season (2021 - 22)
058 01. “All That Glitters”
A man is murdered in Budapest, and the shooter re-emerges in New York where he shoots a woman, Nicole Wyatt. The FBI uncovers that Wyatt was the pimp in an underage sex trafficking ring, targeting rich people. The girl she was with before being murdered, Julia Walcott, is reported missing, but later re-emerges before being kidnapped by the shooter. The Most Wanted team’s Kenny Crosby joins Bell and Zidan in taking down the kidnapper, former veteran Curt Williams, but is severely injured. Williams identifies Nathan Tate as the culprit, but he is shot and thrown from his office building before the FBI can arrest him.

This episode begins a crossover event that continues on the season 3 premiere of FBI: Most Wanted and concludes on the pilot episode of FBI: International.
059 02. “Hacktivist”
New York Children's Hospital is put on system lockdown after suffering from a cyberattack. Jubal’s son, Tyler, is also being treated there. The FBI soon learns the demand from the hacker, which is unusual with it being for them to track down an alleged serial killer, who has killed recently discharged patients from a psychiatric hospital. They stop a man, Jason Cooke, who planted the malware at six other hospitals as well. Through patient records, they narrow the hacker to be Lydia Ryan, who sent complaints following her roommate’s death. She refuses to lift the hack despite Jubal bringing his son up. Subsequently they pinpoint the psychiatric hospital’s Secretary assistant, John Maguire (born Mullen), as the suspect. Wallace and Scola prevent him from killing another recently discharged suspect, and the FBI corners him in a storage facility. Initially Ryan accuses them of manipulation, until Maggie convince her by mentioning her own sister’s rehab. Tyler goes through a successful surgery after power is returned to the hospital.
060 03. “Trauma”
A bomb detonates at the Federal Courthouse, having been planted in the bag back belonging to a young boy. Surveillance cameras help the FBI in identifying the suspect as Ryan Davis, a veteran. Despite refusing to talk to them, further background checks lead the FBI to a veterans club, the Garrison Lounge, who has also been on the ATF’s radar. Castille asks O. A. to ask his friend, fellow veteran Chris Zapata, to go into the club with a wire to get them an inside view of the club. Facial recognition from Zapata’s button cam, lead them to the bomb maker, Victor Maxwell. Furious that there was not enough evidence to take down the club owner, Nick Hawthorne, Zapata returns to the club and takes Hawthorne hostage. Despite surrendering, Zapata shoots and kills Hawthorne as he tries to disarm him.
061 04. “Know Thyself”
The murder and subsequent discovery of Rob Holden, leads the FBI to track down a serial killer who prays on young homeless black men, with a spree lasting the last two weeks. The killer’s description matches Isaac Jones, but despite this, he’s quickly ruled out as a suspect, but is later found dead at the hands of the killer. Scola discovers that Tiffany’s cousin, Terrence, was at the club where Holden was before being killed, setting the suspicion on him. Off the record, Tiffany learns that Terrence suspects he is gay, which was why he went to the club. Suspicion against him increases when the FBI learns that a blue van, which is also owned by Terrence’s church, was used in kidnapping the victims, as confirmed by a victim who escaped. Tracking the whereabouts of the club’s guard, Greg Robinson, the FBI determines that he was at the forrest dumping sight. Scola discovers another victim nearly alive, as Robinson arrives and attempts to kill him, but is stopped by Wallace. Castille gives her a warning for taking part in an investigation with a conflict of interest. Scola and Wallace agree to talk more and be more open in their partnership.
062 05. “Charlotte's Web”
Charlotte Kincade is kidnapped from her suburban home whilst her husband, Alex, is away in Newport. As the FBI’s New York Office look into the case, they quickly discover that Alex was not being honest about his Newport trip being business related, and that he saw another woman, Jamie Barker, with whom he had an affair with. Looking through Charlotte’s last movements, they discover she was chased away from an ATM by Grant King, who reveals the “chase” was a mere fantasy experience, and Charlotte was played by another woman. The New York Office also discovers that Charlotte was a member of the same sex club as King, which her husband was not aware of. They identify the suspect as high school drop out, Andrew Frazier. Frazier escapes as Scola and Wallace attempt to apprehend him. The team also uncovers a house with specifically decorated rooms to his victims, one of them being Brenda Mason. With Alex’s help, the team track down Frazier to an inn which Alex and Charlotte once visited. O. A. convinces Frazier to release Charlotte and manages to disarm him in the process. Despite Mona’s suggestion for him to change careers, O. A. remains firm on working for the FBI.
063 06. “Allegiance”
NYPD detective James Gerrard from the 27th Precinct is shot and killed outside a bar. Soon after, a fellow detective, Aaron Dane, from the same precinct is shot, but survives. The FBI take in career criminal Rafael Alvarez, who explains that he gave a warning to Gerrard and Dane about money they stole from a raid, that belongs to a crime family. They learn that another detective, Pat Rudinsky, was sent to prison after having been forced to take $10,000 of said money, having also told the truth to his son, Ray, who is also identified as the killer, taking out police members that were involved in sending his father to prison. Ray takes Wallace and officer Michelle Ruiz hostage and demands to see Dane. Dane and fellow detectives arrive on scene, but are held back. After Ruiz reveals the truth of her involvement in his father’s case, the FBI storm the residence, and Scola neutralises Ray. Wallace later decides to open a case against Ruiz and others involved in the case.

Note: This episode refers the 27th Police Precinct, which is the location of Law & Order.
064 07. “Gone Baby Gone”
Lucia Diaz is abducted from her daycare centre, while on the surface her parents seem to have a clean record. However, her mother, Jenny, later steals jewellery from a former nanny employer in order to help her husband, Hugo, pay of a debt he owes to the Queensbridge local Latin Kings leader, Ricky Moreno. Wallace and Scola find Hugo in a park, high on drugs prior to his meeting with Moreno. He cooperates with the FBI and wears a wire while meeting Moreno. Maggie is distracted when she learns that her sister, Erin, has overdosed, resulting in a narrow escape for Moreno, who shoots Hugo and a police officer in the process. O. A. discharges her from the mission so she can tend to her sister. A previously interrogated suspect, Tito Velasquez, is revealed to have been a look out for Moreno, and Castille convinces him to reveal the former’s location. The FBI storms the warehouse, arrest Moreno and his goons and saves Lucia. Maggie decides to distance herself from Erin while she undergoes a second round of rehab.
065 08. “Fire and Rain”
Elliot Young, a former veteran and bomb technician, is shot in his home and crawled outside before dying. The FBI and NYPD discover a hidden lab in his basement, used for making bombs. A stolen car leads them to Hannah Thompson, who’s boyfriend, Alberto, is revealed to be a part of a Venezuelan socialist revolutionary movement, and real name being Felix Ramos. Thompson meets his friend Ernesto, to deliver money for their staged film company, before the FBI intervenes. A second meeting puts Thompson face-to-face with Carlos “the Jackal” Velez, who attempts to force her into a car. The team tracks down Ramos, who reveals a bomb has been planted at Thompson’s workplace. Scola uses Ramos’ brother Pablo, as leverage for him to give up the code. Afterwards, Wallace encourages him to move forward from thoughts of his brother having died on 9/11, and he finally decides to meet his brother’s wife again.
066 09. “Unfinished Business”
Trenholm is shot when she and Jubal are about to head to work, being in a critical condition. Through her surveillance footage, Jubal and the team discover that someone followed her to work one day, a man named Castlewood, who reveals to be working for someone higher up that both he and another associate, Logan Winters, won’t cross. Winters manage to evade the FBI at multiple turns. Despite ATF objections, Jubal gets a warrant for them to search a gun store owned by Bill McCain. McCain reveals that Winters and their higher up, were both in the same prison prior to the former’s release. McCain had also been tasked to build several automatic gun boxes with built in facial recognition that would target all FBI agents involved in a case, including Castille and Jubal. They learn that the one who orchestrated the assassination of Trenholm is Antonio Vargas, who they had previously locked up. Vargas reveals his motives to be revenge against the FBI after his wife and child were murdered and hanged on a bridge in Mexico. The team manage to corner Winters, who takes a hostage before being shot. He also tells Jubal about the remaining boxes.
067 10. “Fostered”
Armed robbers rob a jewellery store, killing the shop owner and a woman in their escape. The FBI manage to find several stolen fake watches in a box in a pawn shop, where the shop owner was killed. Nearby traffic cameras point to 16 year old Jamal Carter who was the last person to carry the box. The FBI's suspicions turn to his three older brothers, and with permission from child services, have him wear a wire to his house. The connection is lost for a brief second, but Bell and Wallace have a hard time getting Jamal to tell them the truth of what happened. The FBI discover a secret room in his foster father's room, containing weapons of different sorts. They deduce that he assisted the older brothers in the robberies. He and the brothers rob a bank and hold people hostage. Through their escape, they send out smoke grenades as a distraction, but are still caught. Scola reveals to Bell that Wallace was the officer who shot Jamal's biological father on Christmas Eve seven years ago, something she feels guilty about.
068 11. “Grief”
Jubal arrives at the hospital, only to discover that Trenholm died the previous night after her parents who had the power of medical attorney decided to have her life support discontinued. The FBI team investigates the recent abduction of 19 year old Angela Mullins, and track the car she was dumped in to Long Island, where a victim escapes but is hit by a truck. The victim is identified as Cassidy Drabeck, who had been reported missing by her father for four months and who is angry at the NYPD and FBI for not doing more into the investigation concerning his daughter's disappearance. Further evidence establishes a club owner, Beth Paige, as an accomplice to kidnapper, Doyle Buckler, whom Paige tries to protect. Buckler's motive is retaliation against his first date, Darcy Edmonds who broke his heart, by kidnapping girls who share a similar appearance to her. Jubal takes a personal interest in securing justice for Cassidy's father, Phillip but he is outraged for Buckler having to wait a year before trial. During the case, Jubal reunites with Trenholm's mother, Nicole and gives her a box containing her daughter's belongings. After Buckler's arrest and hospitalisation, a vengeful Phillip arrives at the hospital and takes a young woman hostage, demanding that Buckler be handed over to him, before Jubal uses his hostage negotiation skills to talk Phillip into surrendering. Later, Jubal returns to the office where Trenholm worked and breaks down in tears, devastated over his girlfriend's death.
069 12. “Under Pressure”
Maggie goes undercover at a bar, after its owner, Colin McConnell, suspects some of its customers, schemes about utilising bombs in attacks that previously killed an NYPD inspector. The councilman for the district, Doug Archer, is killed in another bombing at his office. Jubal and the rest of the team track the delivery man, Brian Markham, who reveals another man gave him the package in exchange for 100$ dollars. The man is identified as one of the extremists, Eric Park. Despite a rejection from McConnell to wear a wire, Maggie decides to plant listening devices in a private room in the bar, which is later made by the extremists. As their leader, Dominic Lawson, heads to warn McConnell, Maggie and O.A. rush to stop him, arresting him. Park and James Wright, drive a truck to a shelter where Lawson's sister was killed. The FBI manage to arrest them and Maggie brings the truck to an isolated dock before it detonates. An enraged McConnell accuses Maggie of intentionally endangering him and his family for the sake of the case, and decides to move to New Hampshire.
070 13. “Pride and Prejudice”
Pakistani student Kosey Khan and his brother Amir are assaulted by masked men in their apartment, leaving the former dead and the latter with serious injuries. The FBI suspect James Tinker, a janitor who had continuously harassed the Khans, suspecting Kosey of stealing. This proves true as he had stolen parts to make plastic guns for someone. OA and counterterrorism agent, Rashid Bashar, talk to his local imam, Mustafa, about the suspects having visited his mosque. Bashar pushes the limits, leading to Mustafa filing a complaint. The suspects are identified as Chechen nationals Tapa and Rasul Petrov, who are seeking revenge against former Russian general Dmitry Borchin for a massacre in their village. Maggie and OA manage to stop Tapa, but Rasul escapes. The FBI rushes to Borchin's seminar in Brighton Beach, and manage to disarm Rasul before he can assassinate Borchin. Castille brings Mustafa's complaint to Bashar and OA, the former dismissing it. OA decides to support Bashar instead of Mustafa.
071 14. “Ambition”
A bomb detonates in the building of Jamie's Foundation led by anti-gun activist Ann Tasker. The FBI discover that Gotham Freedom Front had encouraged attacks against Tasker, although its leader, Paul Bogdan, does not condone violence. He does however point them to David Moder, someone he labels a loose cannon. After Moder escapes during a protest, he's tackled by two NYPD officers who continues to beat him. Wallace reports the incident to Internal Affairs, but Bashar asks OA to water it down if he were to get a promotion. In Moder's storage room in Hackensack, the FBI discover a bomb lab. Moser points them to someone dubbed Wally who also helped with the bombs, revealed to be Walter Forrest. He points them towards an unknown person he met on the GFF chat board, whose IP is revealed to belong to Tasker. Another bomb detonates at the empty offices of the newspaper The Sentinel, killing three teenagers who had broken in. A hostage situation occurs at GFF, with Bogdan's assistant taken hostage by Tasker. Maggie calms her, pointing to her actions being the opposite of what she wanted to do. O.A speaks to Internal Affairs and remains firm on Wallace's side of the story, that Moder's arrest was an assault.
072 15. “Scar Tissue”
Twenty nine year old Violet Kent frantically attempts to enter a bar, and asks the woman on duty to call the police. A mysterious man breaks in and kidnaps Kent. The FBI investigates and receives the bar woman's witness account, describing a muscular man with black hair kidnapping Kent. They identify a man who was aggressive to Kent at a bar the night before, Bobby Gannon, but he has an alibi. Kent is later found dead and further evidence shows a string of four victims in several cities across the country, with Kent being the first in New York. They bring in Dwight Maddux, who also matches the description, but he points them towards a Latino man matching the description. Said man is identified as Andres Silva, a MMA fighter. Silva's assistant points them towards his brother, Eduardo, but he also has an alibi. Castille approved a sneak and peek warrant into Silva's hotel penthouse, much to her father's dismay, who owns the hotel chain. Tiffany and Scola attempt to arrest Andres at the gym, but he isn't present, while his assistant is also missing. She is later found dead in Queens and Andres escapes. Eduardo explains to OA and Maggie how they were both abused by their father as children, which impacted Andres the most. Prior to their Miami visit, his girlfriend had also dumped him. Castille is informed that Andres is headed to an airfield in Farmingdale. There, OA and Andres get into a fight in which Andres almost kills OA before Maggie shoots him. Castille's father asks her out for dinner and that they reconcile their relationship, which she accepts.
073 16. “Protective Details”
Right before the start of a charity event hockey game, a sniper opens fire, killing ICE agent Mike Mulder while also injuring other people present, with congressman Curtis Grange and his son Ethan also in attendance. The investigation leads to a local gunsmith, Jim Weaver, who gives Scola and Maggie a list of his clients and the ammo they purchased. The list points them to Bradley Baker, who has a Facebook Wall full of messages and posts about abolishing ICE. Wallace and OA go to question him, only for Baker flee on his motorcycle. Grange releases a video about his opinion of the shooting. The team analyse the gun and realize that Baker's rifle couldn't have been the one used, but a semiautomatic rifle, ruling out Baker as the shooter. Immigration judge Alvarez was shot down while Baker was in custody, it was the same modus operandi as the first shooting. The team discovers a connection between the victims and the assailant, Oscar Rodriguez, who was romantically involved with Baker with Rodriguez's parents being murdered once they were deported. Rodriguez successfully targets Grange at a campaign gathering. Baker is brought in to talk him down when he takes a hostage. He's unsuccessful and OA is forced to shoot him. OA offers Ethan Grange an application to join the FBI when he's of age, and reassures him that he will help him with the process when he's ready.
074 17. “One Night Stand”
John Kraus and Julia Miller are killed by a masked assailant at the General Grant National Memorial. The FBI discover that they had returned from a trip to Cancún, which not even Miller's mother knew of. Medical examination reveals that she had smuggled cocaine in her body, and the driver who drove her and Kraus is identified as Benny Gomez. Scola and Tiffany learn that he was working with Nina Chase, an undercover agent and a former date of Scola. The team learn that Gomez was her informant in order to take down the Mexican Regents headed by Hector Garcia, known as El Perro. Gomez is cleared from the case, and the director orders Chase's investigation to be merged with Castillo's after it becomes obvious that the cases are related. Gomez goes in with a wire and manages to convince Garcia's enforcer Octavio Lopez to meet Chase. At the meeting, she lands a deal with him and to subsequently meet Garcia. Gomez runs late to Lopez' second meeting, having to calm him down before he meets the FBI. Once Chase and Lopez meets and he's shown the money, Castillo orders Lopez arrested, choosing not to risk letting him go. Lopez cooperates with the FBI and reveals that Garcia plans to rob and kill Chase at their meeting. Scola and Tiffany rush to the rendezvous, where a shooting occurs after Garcia arrives. He is shot by Tiffany during it, and Gomez is wounded in the process, but survives. Scola sets out to ask Nina to dinner, hoping to mend their relationship, which she eventually accepts.

This episode marks the debut appearance of Shantel VanSanten (Nina Chase) with VanSanten being credited as a Special Guest Star.
075 18. “Fear Nothing”
After the murder of Tom Hamilton, a federal reserve security guard; the investigation leads the team to two unknown men who are in possession of a chemical weapon, sarin gas, an extremely toxic compound. The gas is odorless and colorless, due to its extreme potency as a nerve agent it is known and used as a chemical weapon. Wallace and Scola find one of the men, Nassar Ali, a known terrorist in Syria, and attempt to apprehend him, but are forced to kill him when he resists arrest. OA and Maggie go to an abandoned building belonging to Gen Research where the other man, Hakeen Abbas, and the sarin gas are located. OA and Maggie split up upon entering the building to cover more ground. Maggie finds Abbas, and tries to get him off the ledge but he pulls a gun on her, resulting in Maggie killing him. In the process, a canister with the gas falls on the ground, exposing the room, closing the doors automatically. OA, with the guidance of a doctor at 26 Fed, manage to get Maggie out, but her severe injuries lands her in hospital for an uncertain period of time.
076 19. “Face Off”
With Maggie in hospital, Isobel meets with ADIC Hawkins who's furious that she sent Maggie and OA to the warehouse without any backup from Hazmat or SWAT and that it could have cost the two agents their lives with Hawkins revealing Maggie is going to have through months of physical therapy to recover from the effects of the gas. The FBI's New York office investigate the murder of Maria Blake, who with her wife Olivia were attacked by an assailant who lurked into their home. Olivia survives and his hospitalised while her daughter Brooke is taken care of by child services. Nina Chase steps in as Maggie's substitute, and Castille is given a BAU supervisory agent to tag along. The team talks to carpenter Jeremiah Carver, who argued with Olivia prior to her death, having been fired. However he is soon cleared of suspicion, all the while the team realises that they're dealing with a serial killer targeting women in high ranking positions. Having obtained the Blake's surveillance footage, Castille decides to give the public the fragment of the killer's face it shows. They also identify glass from a church in his footprints, leading them to his sanctuary, where it's discovered that Castille is his next target. She manages to fend him off and reveals that he wears a silicon mask, and that he had white skin color and not black. Just as they determine that Olivia's ex-husband David Owen is the killer, Brooke is kidnapped from her school, fleeing to a family house in Bear Mountain Ridge. Owen holds his daughter captive and shows strong signs of going into a frenzy, Isobel believing that he's breaking down and that he doesn't care about his daughter, having used her as a human shield and she orders OA and the team to breach. Along with the SWAT team, the FBI sneak into the house from behind. O.A. talks Owen down while Scola and Chase flank him from behind, securing Brooke and arresting Owen.

Shantel VanSanten (Nina Chase) is credited as a Special Guest Star.
077 20. “Ghost from the Past”
TSA agent Cher Wilkins is murdered in an industrial area, with her supervisor having raised suspicions about her. OA and Chase red-con a restaurant Wilkins frequented just before her death, where he sees someone who resembles a known terrorist he once hunted in Afghanistan, long believed to be dead. Chase and other team members remain skeptical about said terrorist, Tamir Hazara, being alive, they also learn that Wilkins was on the restaurant owner, Jem Polat's payroll. The team apprehends Jorge Cissneros, who smuggled drugs through the airport to Chicago. The first run is revealed to be a test, and they have him wear a wire for his second, which they discover is actually a bomb. Polat is also discovered to be an Afghan national with his name also an alias. OA has Ian look through restaurant surveillance and identifies Hazara with certainty that he is Polat's partner. Scola goes to the airport in Cissneros' place and identifies the new TSA guard on Porat's payroll to be Wilkins' supervisor, Bill Reynolds, who explains that his wife and son are taken prisoner by Hazara. The team track his location to an abandoned industrial area, and has it surrounded. Knowing how Hazara operates, OA takes to the sewers with Chase to stop him. While she finds the hostages, he fights Hazara before killing him. In the aftermath, OA takes Chase's advice and decides to see a therapist.

Shantel VanSanten (Nina Chase) is credited as a Special Guest Star.
078 21. “Kayla”
Retired DEA agent Thomas Webber is gunned down right outside a local bakery. The FBI learns that he went on to work as a security guard at a nightclub, where he came into conflict with Rafer Boggs, who alleges that a girl he dated, cheated on him with Webber. Despite this, he is cleared of suspicion. Following the murder of Wallie Lamox, a church janitor, they learn that both he and Webber were considered witnesses against heroin gang LS-19, led by Callum Brewster. Tiffany asks Castille that they use one of Brewster's restaurant waitresses, Kayla Marsh, to get Brewster's phone, something she and Chase disagree on how to approach. They manage to convince Kayla, who successfully gets the phone for OA to clone. Texts on Brewster's phone confirms he's the killer, in addition to ballistics on his gun. However, as they move in to arrest Brewster, they discover him dead. Despite the initial promise to Kayla not to further involve her, Castille asks Tiffany and Chase to get her back on board to retrieve her boyfriend, Trey Copper's gun. Once ballistics is run on his gun, it's confirmed that it was the same gun used to kill the other victims. Tracking Cooper to a heliport, he takes Kayla hostage before being gunned down by Tiffany. Kayla is also arrested for having aided and abetted Cooper. Tiffany and Chase set aside their differences in the aftermath of the case.

Shantel VanSanten (Nina Chase) is credited as a Special Guest Star.
Complete 5th Season (2022–23)
079 01. “Hero's Journey” September 20, 2022
Working undercover on a sting operation, OA succeeds in getting close to the buyer, but things take a turn when the buyer's partner is murdered and the bomb they were after has disappeared. Via information from Curt, they learn that the man that stole the bomb is intending to use it at a building where the Federalist Society conference will be held. With still more than 300 people inside the building, OA decides to act against Castille's orders which are to leave the area. He takes an SUV, puts the bomb in it, and manages to get to a safe distance before it detonates. The main suspect flees, taking a young man hostage and the two enter a building with Jubal arriving to lead the hostage negotiations. As Jubal talks to him, Scola and Tiffany use the opportunity to sneak up on him, bringing the crisis to an end. Jubal finds himself struggling to fulfill a promise to attend his son Tyler's birthday party and eventually misses it. Tyler's mother, Sam informs Jubal that four children came to the party, a relief for Jubal as Tyler is going through a tough time as a result of being diagnosed with leukemia.

Shantel VanSanten (Nina Chase) is credited as a Special Guest Star.
080 02. “Love is Blind” September 27, 2022
The FBI team investigate a shooting at a pawn shop that leaves two people dead, one of whom is a police detective. Scola and Nina are revealed to be in a relationship, but keeping it a secret. The team investigate the shooting and arrest a suspect after tracking his phone. He took a photo of the robber's car, which comes back as being stolen. It is traced using GPS with Nina and Scola being dispatched to the scene, where they are fired on by a masked individual. The individual, Dev, is in a relationship with a woman named Skyler that Dev's parents believe "ruined" him. Further investigation reveals that Dev was on a drug run, but lost the drugs he was supposed to deliver. His boss, Ramon, kidnapped Skyler to make Dev deliver the drugs. Ramon is found dead at his house, and the team realize Dev killed him - freeing Skyler and they are on the run. Spotted at a gas station, Dev and Skyler take hostages after being confronted. Dev sustains a wound that means he only has an hour to live, and Skyler takes charge. With time running out, OA is ordered to take point and tries to negotiate with Skyler. Nina goes in disguised as a paramedic, against Scola's wishes, and attempts to convince Skyler to peacefully surrender. When this fails, Skyler is shot by a sniper, ending the crisis.

Shantel VanSanten (Nina Chase) is credited as a Special Guest Star.
081 03. “Prodigal Son” October 4, 2022
Two masked assailants rob a gun store and kill the owner in the process. The FBI manages to identify one of them through surveillance cameras, Clayton Hall, who has a history of odd behaviour and resorting to violence. When they arrive at his house, he commits suicide after refusing to leave his room. The case becomes personal for Jubal when it's discovered that his son, Tyler, plays video games with a friend group which the second assailant might be a part of. The case becomes more complicated when Jubal learns that Tyler was on speaking terms with the second assailant, Zac O'Connor. The FBI discovers through social media that he is targeting a girl from another high school. In addition, Tyler leaves home in order to talk Zac down, but with his father's arrival, he is taken hostage by Zac in a book shop. Jubal tries to negotiate with Zac, but shoots down his demands in order to convince him to let the hostages go. When he refuses, Jubal asks him to shoot him, but Tyler manages to knock the gun away from his father before shots are fired. Once Zac is detained and arrested, Jubal thanks his son for saving him and the two bond.

Shantel VanSanten (Nina Chase) is credited as a Special Guest Star.
082 04. “Victim” October 11, 2022
Before heading to work, OA is robbed at gunpoint by a man and a woman. Though he brushes it off, the NYPD launches an investigation, which reveals that the couple were responsible for at least ten similar robberies. The FBI investigate the murder and rape of a young woman, which is just the beginning of a string of many more rapes and murders of other women. With limited clues at their disposal, the FBI reach out to surviving victims, notably Citra Susanti. Her recollection of what happened to her is minimal, but she is able to remember it all later when OA puts her through a visual examination process. The FBI later identify the assailant as Jason Tanner, who was a clerk at a accessory store which the FBI had previously visited for the investigation. They manage to stop him from raping another woman. OA, taking notes from the rape investigation, decides to fully cooperate with his robbery investigation and manages to identify the robbers, and even checks on another victim who was shot by the couple.

Shantel VanSanten (Nina Chase) is credited as a Special Guest Star.
083 05. “Flopped Cop” October 18, 2022
Accountant Frank Leone is assassinated by two gunmen in the middle of broad daylight. His wife hands the FBI his laptop, which leads them to the notorious drug leader El Feo, who was a client of Leone prior to his death. The FBI learns from the state attorney that El Feo was going to be imprisoned, and Leone was most likely going to testify against him. They discover he had an informant on the judge panel, but she is later found tortured and killed. Wallace reaches out to a friend, Ralphie, who is the cousin of El Feo and a former cop and lost his brother to El Feo's drugs; who is willing to help. He goes in undercover to get a job from El Feo, while also cloning his phone to gain intel. Scola is skeptical to Ralphie's motives, which is later proven correct when he takes matters into his own hands and is willing to kill El Feo as revenge for his brother's death. The ensuing hostage situation forces Wallace to shoot Ralphie, while Scola shoots El Feo who tries to retaliate. Ralphie later dies of his injuries, and Wallace tells Scola why Ralphie flopped; it being that he didn't give up the names of officers who were involved in a prank.

Shantel VanSanten (Nina Chase) is credited as a Special Guest Star.
084 06. “Double Blind” November 6, 2022
The five year old son of Liza Peters, Luke Peters, is kidnapped and his nanny killed in the process. The FBI learns that Liza had once dealt business in Eastern Europe, but she is withdrawn about the specifics of it. This is despite them unraveling the fact that Chechen terrorists kidnapped Luke, and the team being forced to kill one of them who tries to flee. Liza escapes from her home after guards are put out to protect her. A second examination of her house reveals a safe containing money and passports form four different countries and four different identities. The CIA confirms that Liza was an agent of theirs and notably worked in Chechenia, but has recently been assigned to desk work. Together with the CIA, the FBI deduces that Liza is going to exchange an informant for her son. Scola and Chase find Liza, and the latter decides to disguise herself as the informant during the exchange. However, the plan changes and they head towards an undisclosed location together with the goon assigned to them. After their arrival, Chase and Liza take the goon out and go into the compound to retrieve Luke. After Liza is injured, Chase continues solo and retrieves Luke. Chase reveals to Scola that she is pregnant with their child, and is later reassigned to white-collar crime.
085 07. “Ready or Not” November 15, 2022
Marisol Lugo and Enrique "Kiko" Cortez are killed by a gunman in a park, and the FBI learns that Marisol had aspired to be an FBI agent. Cortez' girlfriend tells them that they were threatened by the MHB, a local Bronx gang, warning him against selling drugs on their territory, despite him not being affiliated with any rival gangs. They identify the assailant as Mateo Diaz, who has been frequenting an LGBT youth club to meet his boyfriend, Sam Sloan. The FBI asks Diaz to meet the gang boss, Jose Florial, in order for him incriminate himself, but Diaz notes that he isn't a commander and thereby can't meet Florial. Instead they try to convince a gang commander, Frankie, to do it, but the operation to flip him goes south. With Frankie hospitalised, Florial calls in Diaz to explain his business connection to Maggie. Florial asks Diaz to execute her, but he refuses just as the FBI moves in to arrest Florial. Maggie, who has returned from her hospitalisation, faces uncertainty as she tries return to her duties. OA discovers anxiety pills in her bag, and tries to substitute for her in relation to the undercover operations of the investigation, much to her annoyance. With the investigation successful, Diaz and his boyfriend enter witness protection as promised by Maggie, and he praises her for keeping her word.
086 08. “Into the Fire” November 22, 2022
Trucker Clay Parker is killed when he tries to prevent two robbers from gaining access to his trailer. The robbers successfully steal barrels of ammonium nitrate, suspected to be utilised for a bomb. The FBI determine the Norseman Brotherhood to be behind the robbery, which Maggie is in the process of infiltrating. She manages to get a jacket from the leader, Eric Ward's home, which confirms his involvement. The FBI arrest him after Maggie fails to put a tracker on his pickup truck. They discover a farm in Staten Island which has been utilised to construct the bomb, and an unknown person flees the scene. Security camera footage also reveals that Nick Foster, the owner of the Brotherhood's frequent gun store, driving a truck of supplies. The FBI manage to retrieve his phone in a joint effort undercover by Maggie and Scola, but its sudden disappearance nearly blows her cover before Foster is apprehended. The phone reveals that Ward's brother, Deke, is taking the bomb to its location. The FBI and NYPD surround his van and Maggie manages to talk him into surrendering. Maggie and OA agree to renew their partnership despite OA blaming himself for her near death experience with the sarin gas.
087 09. “Fortunate Son” December 13, 2022
Teen Trevor Logan departs home quickly with his father, who is shot by another driver in a black car. While his father is hospitalised, he asks Trevor to secure a bag of drugs, which Trevor instead takes to the FBI, believing they could help them both. The FBI asks Trevor to gain more info from his father about the fentanyl in the bag, which he reveals once belonged to someone named Nick, who he is in debt to. Trevor also leads them back to their house where they retrieve his father's phone and chase the driver from earlier. The FBI identify "Nick" as Nico Chao, who they set up a meeting with to return the drugs. Trevor gets the chance to tell his father he loves him, but he becomes suspicious of Trevor instead. Sometime later, his father sneaks out of the hospital and kills Chao and retrieves stolen items from his club. As law enforcement surround him, Trevor goes forward to try and talk his father down with Scola by his side. Despite their combined efforts, his father resists arrest and is killed. Chase reveals to Scola that she is moving to Los Angeles with their baby and asks him to sign a waiver, which in effect strips him of his parental rights. After some thought, he refuses to sign the document and desires for himself to be present in the child's life. Chase accepts and reveals the baby's gender to be male.
088 10. “Second Life” January 3, 2023
Chloe Rogers, a pizza delivery woman, is abducted while heading out to make some late night deliveries. The FBI find it difficult to identify her despite the small amount of information they receive about her from her boyfriend and college students. DNA samples from her toothbrush confirms her identity to actually be Annabelle Collier, a girl who went missing 18 years ago, and whose abduction Castille and her partner Jake Reed then investigated. The FBI re-question the original suspect, Eddie Lyman, who they confirm had an alibi for both the original and recent abduction. Castille asks Annabelle's mother, Joan, to look at a photo array of other suspects and she identifies Jeff Whalen. Whalen had once worked for her husband and had a close connection with Annabelle before they both disappeared. Further investigation reveals that Whalen has been living in multiple places under different aliases, recently in Nelsonville. Noting Whalen's constant use of aliases, the FBI determine his purchase of a cabin to be done by him. At the cabin, Maggie and OA apprehend Whalen, and Castille finds Annabelle inside the cabin after an explosion caused by a rigged stove.
089 11. “Heroes” January 10, 2023
Kelly Moran finds himself in a hostage situation during a bank robbery on his way to work, but manages to alert Jubal. The NYPD and FBI quickly ascend on the scene and the investigation into the perpetrators ensue. The FBI identify them as Marco and Jennifer Salazar, whose target is a deposit box registered in the former's father's name. Further investigation into the father's background reveals that he owned several shell companies and dealt with money laundering to Colombia. Maggie and OA find the father tortured and deceased in his home in Long Island. A secret security camera reveals he was tortured by two unknown goons about his safety deposit box, which contained a key to his Bitcoin transaction. Marco and Jennifer have thereby robbed the bank in order to save their daughter who was kidnapped by the same goons. Jubal enters the bank disguised a locksmith and is guided by Ian to unlock the deposit box. However, a malfunction causes the security gate to come down. The Salazar daughter's location is pinned and Maggie and OA manage to save her. Jubal's cover is blown when Marco knocks out his earpiece. Kelly takes the opportunity to use their daughter's rescue as a distraction until SWAT and the FBI enter to apprehend the Salazars.
090 12. “Breakdown” January 24, 2023
Two MTA workers die when they accidentally trigger a Botulinum toxin gas bomb hidden on a bus. The bomber is quickly identified as another MTA worker, Aurelio Martinez, who is subsequently found murdered. The FBI discovers that Martinez was paid to plant the bomb by Bin Zada, the alias of an operative working for a Houthi extremist group. They detain Amal Janubi, another accomplice of Bin Zada, who reveals that Bin Zada is planning to detonate another chemical bomb soon. The FBI learns Bin Zada's real name is Hassan Nasif. Nasif is out for revenge after his mother was killed by an American-made cluster bomb in Yemen. The FBI tracks Nasif down to his next target - Grand Central Terminal, where Jubal captures him and Maggie disarms the bomb before it can release the toxin. Meanwhile Jubal relapses into drinking after he gets potentially worrying news about Tyler's health. When this adversely affects his job, Maggie urges Jubal to seek help, warning him that she'll have no choice but to report him to Castille if he doesn't. Jubal later visits his ex-wife, Sam and learns that they found a cyst while informing her that he relapsed. The episode then ends with Jubal attending an A.A. meeting.
091 13. “Protégé” February 14, 2023
The FBI investigates when a man is found murdered in an Opportunity zone in Red Hook. The victim is identified as Cole Dixon, an informant who was working for Agent Gwen Carter, Maggie's friend and former mentor. Gwen joins the investigation, despite Maggie's growing concerns over her friend's health. The investigation leads the agents to Walt Taylor, a former chemist. The FBI raids Taylor's home, only to find him dead. The agents discover that bomb-making material was stolen from Taylor's home and that the same gun used to kill Taylor was also used to kill Dixon. A witness reports seeing two Asian men fleeing the scene at the time of the shooting. A DEA agent later informs the FBI that Taylor was being paid by Rex Yu, the head of the Chinese gang East-19. When Maggie's team tries to arrest Rex and his accomplice, an ailing Gwen fails to provide backup in time, resulting in OA getting shot. Although OA is not seriously hurt, Rex escapes with a bomb. Scola and Tiffany interrogate Rex's accomplice, but he refuses to turn against his boss. The FBI later determines that Rex has been hired by Chinese oligarchs to assassinate Victor Ho, a prominent dissident living in New York. Maggie's team and Gwen arrive at Ho's penthouse, where OA disarms Rex's bomb while Maggie chases after Rex. However, Rex ambushes and overpowers Maggie and grabs her gun. Carter, despite having been instructed earlier by Maggie to hang back, shows up just in time to shoot Rex and save Maggie. Afterwards, Gwen confesses to Maggie that she's been diagnosed with multiple sclerosis. Recalling the lessons Gwen taught her years earlier, Maggie convinces her former mentor to retire from the field.
092 14. “Money for Nothing” February 21, 2023
An armored truck delivering cash to a strip club is robbed by a masked man in broad daylight. The same perpetrator is linked to two other robberies. Maggie's team eventually track down and arrest the suspect, Tom Hoffman. Hoffman admits to committing the robberies but explains he's being threatened by Mason Simonian, whom he owes $300 thousand. Simonian is suspected in several other murders, including the killing of an entire family in Queens. Hoffman agrees to meet Simonian while wearing a wire, with Tiffany posing as Hoffman's girlfriend. However, despite Hoffman and Tiffany's efforts, Simonian doesn't admit to the murders. The operation then takes a turn for the worse, when Simonian abducts Tiffany. The rest of Maggie's team track down Simonian and rescue Tiffany, while Simonian and his henchman are killed in a gunfight. Meanwhile, OA starts to panic when his investments in cryptocurrency tank. While he initially plans to take out a high interest loan, upon reflecting on the similar circumstances that led to Hoffman's downfall, he ultimately decides not to.
093 15. “The Lies We Tell” February 28, 2023
Off-duty diplomatic security guard John Reagan attempts to detain a man whom he recognizes but is shot dead in public. When the FBI tries to investigate the Reagan's background, they are repeatedly stonewalled by the State Department. The shooter, Luca Cilic, is eventually linked to a religious Croatian rebel group. The situation becomes even more perilous when it's discovered that Cilic has stolen an extremely deadly mutant strain of Covid-19 from a Hudson Genetics lab and plans to bring it back to Croatia. When his co-conspirator, James Levins, is determined to be the only man who can help the FBI find Cilic and the virus refuses to cooperate without proof that his kidnapped wife has been rescued, Castille resorts to using a deepfake video to trick him into cooperating. Despite this, Levins's wife is later found dead. The FBI determines that Cilic is headed back to Canada where he was seen before New York. After they approach Cilic and is associate, he flees and takes several hostages and threatens to release the virus. SWAT moves in and Cilic is neutralised and the virus secured.
094 16. “Family First” March 14, 2023
Corrections officer Mia Lopez is shot in broad daylight. The FBI tracks the casings to a gun owned by Kenny Nelson, a member of a MC club, who reveals he sold the gun to a man the day before. Surveillance from the MC's bar reveals a company van, which was driven by Michael Landry, a former soldier who served during the Afghan War. More shootings occur against a judge, a police officer and a doctor, all involved in the case of Michael's sister Haley's death, who died in custody. Michael suspected foul play and killed the ones he blamed for Haley's death. After he steals a car and crashes, the FBI surrounds his location and chase him to a roof top, where he threatens to kill himself, but has run out of bullets and is subsequently arrested. Tiffany tries to convince her troubled younger brother Brian to seek help for his increasingly erratic behaviour, which he eventually agrees to.
095 17. “Imminent Threat - Part Two” April 4, 2023
Chase is rushed to the hospital after being shot and Forrester is assigned to keep tabs on her while Jubal is summoned back to New York to aid Scola's undercover operation. Scola manages to secure a meeting with his contact, Nico Sabalenka's boss, Andrej Chernin, with help from the Fugitive Task Force's Remy Scott. When Chernin meets Scola, he becomes suspicious and is later arrested. However, an agent from the State Department takes over Chernin's arrest. Jubal discovers that the agent tortures Chernin, and tries to stop him, but Chernin breaks loose and commits suicide. An unrelated HR manager is kidnapped by Lenkov's men, and Nico is tied to his operations. At the penthouse of a real estate building where Nico works, the FBI discovers notebook pages that supposedly outlines a hit on the US President.

This episode continues a crossover event that begins on FBI: International season 2, episode 16 and concludes on FBI: Most Wanted season 4, episode 16. Luke Kleintank (Scott Forrester), Heida Reed (Jamie Kellet), Vinessa Vidotto (Cameron Vo), Keisha Castle-Hughes (Hana Gibson), Roxy Steinberg (Sheryll Barnes) and Dylan McDermott (Remy Scott) are credited as Special Guest Stars.
096 18. “Obligation” April 11, 2023
Colonel John Sittenfeld is abducted and tortured before the abductors take his keycard to gain access to his home base and steal Javelin anti-tank missiles. When the FBI finds him, he dies after recounting what happened. The FBI manage to secure fingerprints from a trolly and find the driver, Ray Nichols, who refuses to cooperate. His wife reveals he worked for a former Turkish army man who sells stolen weapons. She goes in with a wire, but her cover is almost blown before Maggie's team intervenes and kills Adem Polat and his associate. Nichols eventually cooperates and tells them a Mexican hitman bought the missiles to take out a witness scheduled to testify against a former cartel leader. The FBI secures the armoured van and Scola attempts to stop the assailants from firing the missiles. The rest of the team come to his aid and they manage to stop the assassination. Both Scola and Nina decide to change jobs, but Scola later decides to remain in his.
097 19. “Sins of the Past” April 18, 2023
Trucker Vince Duggan is killed by his contacts after crossing the Canadian border. The FBI originally suspects he was drug smuggling, but his contractors are revealed to be terrorist planning a large scale attack in New York and that he delivered explosives. The team is joined by Jubal's former colleague Jack Lombardo. OA goes undercover in a childhood restaurant where the terrorists once visited. They question the owner, and get him to talk more with a "Queen for a day" deal. His explanation narrows the target to the 1 Police Plaza. During the confrontation with the main culprit, Mustafa Samir, he accuses Lombardo of having killed his father shortly after 9/11. OA later unearths the police report, with medical exams concluding that Samir's father died of a fall and had bruised ankles, indicating he was held over the edge. Jubal wears a wire to gain a confession from Lombardo, who is then arrested.
098 20. “Sisterhood” April 25, 2023
Rafael Morales, a drug dealer and guard at the Emeralds bar is found shot and dead in a federal park. The investigation coincides with Maggie's sister's return to New York, who is quickly involved in the case when her friend Nikki is kidnapped, which is linked to another dealer, JJ Gomez. Gomez tries to secure money from Nikki's father to pay a debt to the bar owner, Samuel Rowe. Erin goes in undercover to gain intel on Rowe's drug operation and Nikki's whereabouts. Maggie grows weary and doesn't believe Erin when she claims she didn't snort cocaine while talking to Rowe. Maggie reluctantly agrees to Erin being undercover a second time after Gomez dies from injuries sustained from a fall. She manages to secure a deal to pay JJ' debt to Rowe and confirmation that Nikki is alive. Maggie tries to hold her back from meeting Rowe at Pier 90, but Erin convinces her. As she hands over the money, her cover is blown, and the FBI are forced to neutralise Rowe when he resists. Scola and Wallace rescue Nikki from her captor, the barman from Emeralds. Later, OA gives Maggie the results of Erin's drug test, proving that her sister was telling the truth.
099 21. “Privilege” May 9, 2023
Allison Becker, the daughter of Senator David Becker, is abducted from the streets of Brownsville. His father tells the FBI that she thought she was being stalked, but said person turns out to be working to get suspicious pictures for a super pac. They use one of his photos to discover where Allison worked, a halfway house, where a similar-looking girl, Katie Ryan, has been missing for three days. They take on both cases and identity the suspect as Caleb Vance who had an emotionally distant mother who deprived him of heat and food, even resorting to locking him in a closest, and Castille improvises to differentiate Allison and Katie, as he targets addicts and women who looked like his abusive mother. They together with the NYPD, find Allison alive, but Katie dead. During the investigation, Maggie accuses the NYPD's dispatched detective of ignoring Katie's abduction because the victim was an addict, but OA tells her that the blame lies with the system itself. She eventually manages to put aside her differences with the detective. Maggie and Castille visit Katie's mother who angrily berates them for failing to respond her call to help find her missing daughter.
100 22. “Torn” May 16, 2023
A worried mother discovers her missing daughter and other teenagers dead in a forest, from overdose. The FBI learns that the position utilized stems from usage in animals, and are aided by organized crime to take down the Albanian mafia led by Fabian Shabani. Organized crime's undercover agent Val Sula utilizes his connection within the mafia to learn more about the dealings of the poison. The uncle of the distributor to the teens is revealed to be making it for the mafia. Sula's devotion to his Muslim faith puts the mission on the edge of breakdown, and he withdraws when he finds it hard to handle. O.A instead plants a secondary bug in the apartment above the mafia's bar. He also holds up the Imam who resides there, who's unaware of the mafia using it as a meeting location. The FBI follow the mafia to a warehouse, where their own secret lab is located. A shootout ensues, with all surviving members arrested. In the wake of the mission, Sula resigns from Organised Crime.
101 23. “God Complex” May 23, 2023
Dr. Paul Hendrix a Renowned Neurosurgeon, is abducted and later found dead in a federal park. The FBI question Derek Lawson, who threatened Hendrix, blaming him for his wife's death, but his alibi checks out. Surveillance footage edges them closer to identifying the suspect after a retired army colonel is found dead in a similar fashion as Hendrix. A pastor from a church identifies him as Frank Silver, who worked for the church as a janitor but was fired for erratic behaviour. A psychologist determines that Silver suffers from a form of narcissism. The FBI investigate an abandoned church, where they uncover Silver's hideout and torture chamber and a new victim who is alive. Newspapers from his hideout helps the team determine that he targets individuals who works with life and death situations, and they determine that a judge is the next target. They secure the judge and evacuate the court house, but Silver escapes through the subway. He re-emerges at a cemetery, where he holds Maggie hostage before the team subdues him. Nina is hospitalised after an infection is discovered, and Scola is faced with choosing to save her or their baby. He ultimately aims to save both, but only Nina if all else fails. Fortunately, the doctors manage to save both mother and child. Scola reveals to his colleagues that he and Nina have a baby son, named after his brother who died on 9/11.
Complete 1st Season (2020)
001 01. “Dopesick”
When Justin Brock fatally kills his wife after also shooting dead an intruder in his home with the 911 call recording everything that happened, he is placed on the Bureau's most wanted list and the FBI's Fugitive task force led by SSA Jess LaCroix is assigned to track him down. They learn that Brock gave multiple proscriptions provided by the Forsaken Sons biker gang, with whom he worked. An associate of his, upon being arrested, reveals that Brock operates another clinic in Pennsylvania under a different name. Brock transferred money to an account in Richmond, Virginia, which he plans to deposit from with the help of his estranged daughter. LaCroix and his team convince her to deposit the money herself to lure her father, after revealing to her that his military history was fake. Brock enters their trap and confronts his daughter, who outsmarts him and LaCroix talks her down from killing her father.

Henry Thomas (Justin Brock) is credited as a Special Guest Star.
002 02. “Defender”
When her son is given a harsh sentence for a petty crime, single mother Denise Tyson goes on a deadly rampage at a Public Defender's office, taking justice into her own hands. Her rampage takes her across state lines and injuring the ones she blames for dissolving her perfect image of her family. The Fugitive Task Force face a delicate challenge when it is revealed that she also has a daughter that was in the foster care system before running away to Miami. LaCroix decides to use her anonymity of appearance to their advantage upon Denise's arrival in Baltimore by having a police recruit and Barnes pose as the daughter and foster mother. However, Denise sees through their ploy, but LaCroix manages to talk her into surrendering. On the personal front, LaCroix seeks to support his daughter coping with the loss of her mother.
003 03. “Hairtrigger”
When young mass shooting survivor Doug Timmins radicalizes into becoming an anti-government terrorist and shoots a cop and a hit-and-run driver, the team works to track him down to prevent from exacting revenge against those he blames for his trauma. The Fugitive Task Force manages to stop his associate Max Kellerman, who shares his beliefs, and has his wife get audio samples they can use to trick Doug's stepsister about new targets. However, they quickly realise that she and Doug already planned to target the location in question, which is also where she works. As the evacuation gets underway, she sneaks away to help Doug prepare. The task force and SWAT team raid their location, causing Doug to threaten to kill himself. Both LaCroix and his stepsister try to talk him down with different aims, but LaCroix tackles him in a moment of hesitancy.
004 04. “Caesar”
Tyrone Jackson, leader of the Rolling Sixs gang, plans to gain more power and territory and seemingly steals robbery plans from a rival gang. The Fugitive Task Force deduces a meeting place he and Cleo Wilkens shared, only to find him dead inside the water tower. They're quick to deduce that Cleo was behind the murder and that she herself wants to continue his work. As she continues her quest for power, Barnes decides to go undercover, reassuming an identify she utilised five years ago to get in touch with an old associate that leads her to Cleo. She proves her loyalty and is soon tasked to aid Cleo and her crew in a robbery, utilising the same plans that she stole disguised as Tyrone. Once the FBI raids the location, she holds Barnes' associate hostage, but she and LaCroix talk her into surrendering. LaCroix grapples with how to explain to his daughter what her mother worked with in the name of protecting her loved ones.

Alana De La Garza (Isobel Castille) is credited as a Special Guest Star.
005 05. “Invisible”
When military veteran Scot Weitzen snaps after the death of his brother-in-arms, the decorated sniper's expert abilities are put to use when he kills five people in a gun range and continues to lead the Fugitive Task Force on a cat-and-mouse hunt. The Task Force uncover mass drug addiction usages and other struggles by veterans in order to understand who Weitzen is and how he operates. The case becomes personal for Crosby with his veteran history, and he treads a delegate line after losing his temper. With the help of the same nurse that treated his brother-in-arms, the Fugitive Task Force try to talk Weitzen down, but he upholds his resistance. Gibson utilises his phone in order to give Clinton acoustic assistance in order to take him out. LaCroix and his family unite to tend to his wife's grave.
006 06. “Prophet”
Quinten Garvey, a former con man and now cult leader, orders the death of his family when he has a "dream". Unbeknown to him, his wife escapes with their infant. The Fugitive Task Force tracks Garvey and his most trusted as they utilise burner phones, and corners them at his second property, Rising Sun. However, he escapes with the girls brought along. Things escalate when his group takes a teenage girl with them, who later escapes. The Task Force learns that his paintings belonged to his former cell mate, who they trick into being released early to confirm their contact. Everything comes full circle and leads to a last stand in Clayton, Georgia where Garvey demands free passage, but allows LaCroix to check on the girls. He confronts him with his con past and convinces the two remaining girls to turn against him. LaCroix manages to secure the last girl and shoot Garvey. LaCroix attempt to get his daughter back into orienteering, but after failing, turns to Clinton for a solution. The next time he tries, Tali accepts his offer.
007 07. “Ghosts”
After the disappearance of his daughter is ignored by local PD, Reginald Waters, a Native American man decides to take matters into his own hands and the Task Force must track him down before his crusade claims lives. Waters' crusade crosses multiple state lines, pursuing a possible sex trafficking ring his daughter was forced into. In Maryland, he kidnaps a prostitute who tells him that his daughter was killed by another don. The Task Force learns that the don was later killed, and that Waters turns back to his father to stop the cycle of abuse his family endured. He takes his younger brother to his father's former reservation school outside Ontario, Canada, where they conduct a ritual to lift the curse. When surrounded, Clinton talks Waters into surrendering. His daughter's remains are later found and identified and given a proper burial.

Martin Sensmeier (Reginald Waters) is credited as a Special Guest Star.
008 08. “Predators”
The Fugitive Task Force desperately hunt for Ronnie Bishop and his girlfriend, a young couple who rapes and murders young women across multiple states. As they learn more about Bishop, they figure out that his targeted locations where the same ones where his prostitute mother was arrested when he was younger. Bishop also goes out of his way to target older men with the younger women, including someone who once was his mother's boyfriend until he kicked them out. The Task Force Secure his girlfriend after she is used as bait for another victim, who he keeps hostage along with his mother's ex boyfriend. In one last ditch effort, the Task Force allows him to see his girlfriend, which tips him over the edge for a final stand-of, claiming his life. LaCroix worries that he's missing out on Tali's achievements when she gets an arts reward, and later decides to learn how she pieced her art together.
009 09. “Reveille”
After taking down a terrorist who was responsible for kidnapping 26 children, the Fugitive Task Force and Special Agent OA Zidan from the New York field office as well as OA's colleagues in the New York office search for the terrorist's wife, who is determined to follow through with her husband's deadly plan while Jess attempts to find Tali who was taken by Immigration and Customs Enforcement officers when the local food bank she volunteers at was raided.

This episode concludes a crossover event that begins on FBI season 2 episode 18. Zeeko Zaki (Omar Adom "OA" Zidan), Ebonee Noel (Kristen Chazal), John Boyd (Stuart Scola), Alana De La Garza (Isobel Castille) and Jeremy Sisto (Jubal Valentine) are all credited as Special Guest Stars.
010 10. “Silkworm”
After former FBI counterintelligence agent Paul Hayden is caught leaking classified information to the Chinese government and attacks his former partners, leaving one dead from cyanide poisoning and the other in a coma, the Fugitive Task Force must track him down before he escapes the country for good. A Chinese aaset working in a church points then to someone going by the name "Silkworm", who they through undercover work learn is Hayden's mistress, with whom he has a son. Hayden asks his Chinese handlers to escort her and their son, but the task force stop them to use her and the son as leverage against Hayden before he can leave the country. Despite the revelation that she is transgender, Hayden decides to remain in the US. LaCroix has his reservations about Tali publishing a dancing video from the Georgia immigration camp to social media, but ultimately decides to respect her wishes.
011 11. “Ironbound”
After Morristown police officer Gabriel Clark claims he's the victim of a deep-rooted conspiracy and begins taking revenge on those he believes are responsible for his downfall, Jess and the team learn that he might be right. They learn that his recollection from a drug raid during his tenure with the Newark PD was contradicted by his colleagues and superiors. Further information added notes that the police raided the wrong house, with all the collective information and ongoing rampage leading to an internal investigation. Clark however still refuses to surrender, and LaCroix and his team turn to his former mentor, hoping he can get through to him. After releasing a falsified email to lure Clark, they drive him to a rendezvous point where both LaCroix and the mentor attempt to talk him down. Clark enters the house and sets himself ablaze, but LaCroix stamps out the fire and saves him. On the personal front, he decides to ground Tali after her grandmother gets worried after she looked for a hawk. LaCroix later changes his mind and vows with Tali to model their decision-making after her mother.
012 12. “Ride or Die”
After manipulative student Connie Romano commits murder in a fit of jealousy, the team races to capture her and her accomplice Amber Matos before she escapes across the Mexican border and out of their jurisdiction. Through everything LaCroix and his team learn about Romano, it becomes obvious she is psychopathic and is manipulating Amber into believing her plans for a better life for her. They also learn that Romano's ex fed into her ego by showing some remaining affection despite their split. Once they capture Matos in Georgia, she claims responsibility for Connie's crimes. During interrogation, they feed into Connie's ego with her lust for her father who abandoned her as a child, which gradually leads to her confession. LaCroix also teaches Tali to stand up to bullies, and is impressed when she handles an issue without his advice.
013 13. “Grudge”
The Fugitive Task Force searches for an unknown subject who is a cyberstalker who recently attempted to kidnap market staffer Chris Thompson. They find the van the stalker utilised and it being filled with torture equipment. The common theme for both the man who sold the stalker the van and the one who made the equipment, was that they both were blackmailed by him. The stalker is identified as David Fallon, who targets anyone he believes wronged him, also having a history of stalking tracing back to when he was eight. Thompson takes matters into his own hands, seeking to put an end to Fallon's reign of terror himself, but ends up captured. The Task Force arrive in New Jersey, to a neighbourhood Fallon chose to recreate the scene of his father's humiliation by their neighbour. LaCroix talks him down, forcing him to accept that his father suffered from depression and had committed suicide. During the case, Hana receives texts from a former date willing to share relevant information on Fallon, but eventually deduces that he used as a ruse to get back together with her. Once Fallon is arrested, Hana puts her former date in his place and severes ties once and for all.
014 14. “Getaway”
Father and son duo Blake and Steve Wilson escape from a prison transport van on their way to their trial, and son unite with Blake's prison pen pal Jeri Earls to plan their next robbery to secure passports to leave for Canada. As they go, the Fugitive Task Force see a pattern of erratic murders in their wake, which they narrow down to being Steve's doing. Once they manage to trap Jeri, they find passports in her home for only her and Blake, implying they want to get rid of Steve. LaCroix decides to use this to their advantage when the Wilsons strike a bank in Hartford, Connecticut, causing Steve to shoot his father, feeling betrayed, while LaCroix talks him into surrendering. On the personal front, Tali and Clinton convince him to re-enter the dating scene after he strikes up conversation with a woman at their local coffee shop.
Complete 2nd Season (2020-21)
015 01. “Rampage”
LaCroix and the Fugitive Task Force must hunt for 17-year-old Kyle Dennison and his accomplice Harris Folger who are on a rampage throughout a small town in Pennsylvania, killing people they believe oppressed them. They learn that both suffered heavy losses in the early months of the COVID-19 pandemic, with Folger losing his wife and job, while Kyle lost his disapproving father not long after his mother in a car accident. Remaining acquittances of Kyle describe him as a good person despite his involvement, and LaCroix asks his art teacher to make a message for him in addition to urging his surrender. When Folger and Kyle scope their last target, he has second thoughts and kills Folger and escapes to his mother's memorial, where the task force talks him into surrendering. LaCroix's father Byron returns to celebrate Tali's birthday, bringing a new girlfriend with him, with whom they announce that they will get married. Despite his re-emergence into LaCroix' life, the animosity between them still lingers.

Terry O'Quinn (Byron LaCroix) is credited as a Special Guest Star.
016 02. “Execute”
The Fugitive Task Force searches for a hacker after he triggers a car crash in which three members of the same family are killed, leaving a young girl as the only survivor. Through the deceased son's game chat, they identify a user that he and others bullied for an alleged malfunctioned hack, subsequently identifying him as Lucas Earley, who was kicked out of his family home for his refusal to give up gaming and find a job. Earley targets a hospital in Boston, where his mother works and shuts down its electrical system, causing two fatalities. He later targets a tech company he used to work briefly for, which he utilises as a midway point to hack an airliner. The task force track his location to a former computer camp councillor's house, where he keeps her hostage. LaCroix and his team storm the house, while Hana and Crosby work to neutralise his hack on the airliner while LaCroix attempts to talk Earley down. He is however unsuccessful once Earley becomes more and more dangerous, allowing Clinton to snipe him. At a group dinner later, Hana reveals that she was adopted and is considering seeking out her biological mother, which her colleagues encourage her to do.
017 03. “Deconflict”
Avery Garnier is abducted from her own home after an elderly man steals from her safe and kills her husband. The task force investigate and Jess discovers similarities in the case to an old case he worked 18 years ago in 2002 when he first joined the FBI, with them learning that the fugitive is the same as back then, Maurice Hewitt. Their investigation crosses paths with the U. S. Marshals and bounty hunter Jackie Ward, who is also on the hunt for Hewitt. His murder pattern strikes anyone close to Garnier, whose real name is Elyse Shipchuck when she was placed in witness protection. As his final stand, Hewitt robs the same bank as he did 18 years ago, but traps Garnier in the process. LaCroix outsmarts him and cuffs him, and learns that Hewitt blames him for some of his actions and that he has a son. On the personal front, his relation with his father nears a boiling point and LaCroix reveals that he was upset that he didn't attend his wife's funeral. His father reveals he spent 15 months in prison for a petty crime, and ultimately decides for him and his fiancee to stay at LaCroix's sister's place.

This episode also marks the final appearance of Clinton Skye (Nathaniel Arcand) while Terry O'Quinn (Byron LaCroix) and Amy Carlson (Jackie Ward) are credited as Special Guest Stars.
018 04. “Anonymous”
With Clinton on TDY for the director in regards to a case concerning public corruption that requires the use of agents with law degrees, the team search for Eva Martin, who's embarked on a killing spree and heading down a deadly road all while using her ties to an online conspiracy organization to help further her agenda. They learn that she was once was an aspiring law student, but struggled to meet her father's expectations until finally quitting shy of her graduation. When they learn she is targeting a local New Jersey councilman running for re-election, they discover an accomplice who shares the organisation's values, who reveals that Eva is carrying a bomb. At her former law school, they learn that Eva filed an accusation against fellow student Yates Warren, but the case was dismissed. After subduing a waitress, Eva infiltrates a private gentleman's club to seek revenge against Yates and his father, killing him and taking Yates hostage. Barnes manages to talk her into surrendering. On her personal front, she is hesitant with her wife's suggestion of having a second child, but is convinced to do so after the case.
019 05. “The Line”
The Fugitive Task Force hunts for a rogue militia group after they shoot at several native teenagers crossing into the U.S. from Canada, working together with special-agent-in-charge Mike Fritts. They quickly learn from the shooters' family that they're weapons at illegally bought and that the group has never killed before until now. They surround a radio cabin, where Rob Wahl and his uncle Paul Flanks are hiding, where Paul tries to shoot back, but is swiftly taken down, while Rob surrenders. He points them to the third shooter, Anthony Noel, a former Iraq veteran turned radical, fighting against those he seems to have invaded his country. LaCroix and his team learn that he attempted to brainwash border guard Whitney Anderson, with whom he also fathers a child. They and police surround Noel at the immigration centre in Plattsburgh, and Crosby takes him out when he charges forwards. LaCroix and his father reconcile and he asks LaCroix to forgive him and asks him to come to his wedding, which he later accepts.

Terry O'Quinn (Byron LaCroix) is credited as a Special Guest Star.
020 06. “Dysfunction”
The Fugitive Task Force is called in after a robbery goes wrong which ends with two dead and a mother and her daughter abducted. The second perpetrator, Peter Timmons, has a history of being non-violent, thereby proving his actions alongside accomplice Sam Rutledge to be out of character. The Task Force learns that the abducted mother, Amelia Cartwright, worked at the same prison Timmons was imprisoned at and the two had a relationship, resulting in their daughter Gracie, who is abducted daughter. It is also revealed that Amelia was the mastermind behind the robberies and the two kill Rutledge. The Task Force further learns that Amelia is manipulative and controlling, also bringing former football star David Collins into her plans for her and Timmons. The Task Force surround the Collins cabin and has him and Timmons arrested. Hana is shot when she tries to arrest Amelia, but Crosby prevents her from escaping. He also settles in with Hana and her roommate when his apartment is being repaired for leaks.
021 07. “Winner”
Travis Russell, a man on trial for murder, escapes before his trial starts and goes on a murder spree, seemingly targeting people who won the lottery. LaCroix and the Fugitive Task Force work with Jackie Ward, who is Russell's bonds person to capture him. Further investigation into the lottery factory, reveals that Russell had an accomplice on the inside to aid him tamper with the lottery prices in order to turn it into his ideal of lottery, but that she betrayed him and that he now seeks revenge. When his accomplice dies of food poisoning, the Task Force and Ward race to stop his second accomplice who he thinks betrayed him. Upon stopping her car, she tries to shoot Ward before Crosby tackles her. They discover Russell's body in the car, having been overpowered by the accomplice. On the personal front, LaCroix takes an interest in Tali's horseback riding teacher Sarah, but she declines his invitation for dinner.

Amy Carlson (Jackie Ward) is credited as a Special Guest Star.
022 08. “Vanished”
As Special Agent Ivan Ortiz from the FBI counter-terrorism unit and also a Los Angeles native joins the Fugitive task force, the team hunt for repeat offender Samuel Smith who kidnapped a young boy, Caleb Vaughner, after killing his mother and grandmother. The Task Force paints a picture of a traumatised Smith who was kept in strict line as a kid, which he later put over his victims, two of which supposedly died. They identify an accomplice of Smith, who provided him with potential victims and arrange a meeting in a parking garage. Once they surround him, they attempt to retrieve Caleb's location from Smith, but he commits suicide by jumping, claiming they'll never find Caleb. His phone triangulation leads them to an old house, where they find his second victim, Daniel Cain, alive many years after his supposed death. Cain provides them with clues to Caleb's location, who survives and hospitalised. Simultaneously Daniel is reunited with his parents. Sarah tells LaCroix she is recovering from a recent breakup and wasn't prepared for him to ask her out, which she asks him to do again, which she this time accepts.

This episode marks the debut appearance of Ivan Ortiz (Miguel Gomez).
023 08. “One-Zero”
The Fugitive Task Force sets out to catch Ira Kopec, a serial killer who is placed on the FBI's Most Wanted List in the wake of the murder of several high school jocks. Kopec's actions escalate when he attacks and rapes a woman, who survives the ordeal. The Task Force learns that he also utilised medical substance provided by a medical colleague at his medical school used to drug his victims. They learn from his mother that he had a rough childhood, suffering from bullying by specifically jocks, whom he now blames for his suffering. They race to prevent him from shooting up his class' 10th anniversary reunion, where he also brings the former girlfriend of one of the former jocks, trapping her in a bathroom. Though they try to talk him down, Kopec resists and is gunned down. Hana returns from her medical leave, albeit continuing work in a limited capacity. On the personal front, LaCroix meets Sarah's ex husband for the first time, who desperately tries to get her back.
024 09. “Spiderwebs”
When Crosby's old army buddy Matthew Turner is attacked late at night and the police suspect a drug deal gone wrong, it leads the team to search for answers and uncovers a dangerous web of conspiracy that originates with the murder of two gang members of a notorious Filipino gang in a prison in New Jersey. They soon learn that the fugitive is prison guard Brendan De Rossi who is trying to get back at the gang by using their burner phones as evidence. After his new girlfriend, who also conspired with him, double crosses him, he kills her and her mother as he goes to confront the head of the organisation responsible who also has ties to the prison, the gang and a sex trafficking ring. The Task Force finds themselves in a shootout with De Rossi and the gang before making their way through to apprehend De Rossi. Sarah comes to LaCroix to apologise for the encounter with her ex-husband. He questions if she still loves him, which Sarah rejects and he forgives her.
025 10. “Obstruction”
Former teacher Claudia D'Ambrose commits a double murder in Philadelphia, which the Task Force suspects was caused by her psychosis from bipolar disorder. They further discover that she blames herself for the murder of her favourite student Anissa Gomez in Sunnyvale, Maryland, who was murdered alongside her boyfriend Derek Krohl. With her murder pattern becoming unpredictable, all they gather is that she acts like a vigilante to seek justice for Anissa, much to the townsfolks' satisfaction. But as her pile of innocent victims grow, the Task Force learns that a recording of the killer's voice was edited to cover up the killer's identity, as admitted by the local sheriff. Claudia takes the sheriff's daughter and the mayor's son hostage and forces the latter to confess to killing Anissa just as the Task Force and police storm the diner. As LaCroix's relationship with Sarah grows, her ex-husband Hugh trashes her home, but is caught on a doorbell camera. LaCroix meets him to confirm Hugh's motives and local police arrest him.
026 11. “Criminal Justice”
James Johnson, a young African American man accidentally shoots a white cop in self-defense and goes on the run which leads to the team members finding themselves in a moral dilemma on the best way to carry out justice while public support for Johnson increases despite his racking criminal actions. Members of the public sympathetic to his cause aid his escape, and the case becomes challenging for Barnes when her wife becomes a part of Johnson's legal defense team. Johnson releases a video to the media where he confesses to killing the cop, but remains vague on if he thinks it was justified. With the help of another young African American, he holds a former undercover cop hostage in Queens, who identifies his half-brother as a drug dealer scene years ago. The Task Force manages to get the half-brother to the scene from prison for him to talk to Johnson. Barnes' wife Charlotte arrives to give assurances to Johnson and he, his half-brother and Johnson's accomplice surrender in the end. Charlotte is offered a position at a law firm, giving her a chance to return to courtroom practise and she and Barnes lay out plans to have a second child.
027 11. “Toxic”
The Fugitive Task Force sets out to track brothers Greg and Wyatt Hammond, both placed on the Most Wanted List after they are set on getting revenge against members of Griffin Coal & Power that caused their town's environmental destruction. Their pattern of killings starts with Greg's former supervisor, a member of the HR department and another employee before they go after the company boss Larry Griffin. A bomb goes of in an art gallery which the company spent money on instead of aiding the community and the Task Force stop Wyatt from getting to Griffin's attorneys. When his daughter is kidnapped by Greg, Griffin takes matters into his own hands in order to end it all. His confrontation with Greg makes his daughter change views on him once Greg is apprehended, she decides to relinquish the land that she was set to inherit from Griffin, forcing his company to finally publicly acknowledge that they dumped illegal waste. Sarah gets to meet LaCroix's family, but his father and sister share a heated disagreement about letting her stay at their place without Jess' input. However he accepts the proposal.

Terry O'Quinn (Byron LaCroix) is credited as a Special Guest Star.
028 12. “Hustler”
The Fugitive Task Force works with the JTTF, heads to Washington, D.C., to protect a former informant, Sheri James, of Ortiz after a hitman tries to kill her, but killing her sister instead. The case becomes personal for Ortiz who was in a relationship with Sheri, but things take a turn when she is murdered. The Task Force also deduces that Max Nikolla, who Sheri had helped Ortiz get behind bars and who was recently released from prison, wasn't responsible for her death, but solely the bombing of a marathon event. Ortiz also learns that to his dismay, Sheri had been hustling her clients, including himself, and was also pregnant. They track down the hitman, Nancy Lawson, who was paid by Indiana congressman Reese Holland, and deduces that he might be the father of Sheri's child. Holland is arrested for his involvement. Byron and Marie get married on the LaCroix farm, also attended by Jess' colleagues and Sarah. His father also encourages him to go further with his relationship with Sarah.

Terry O'Quinn (Byron LaCroix) is credited as a Special Guest Star.
029 13. “Chattaboogie”
A Special Agent with the Office of the Inspector General enlists the help of LaCroix and the Fugitive Task Force to locate DEA agent Clayton Smith, who is laying low or operating undercover in Tennessee after they suspect he may have turned dirty. However, when they find his informant and Smith dead, they suspect he may not have gone rogue after all. The Task Force and local police tactically begin to question three families involved in a drug and money laundering ring out of a car dealership, where the shooter, Evan Greeter, is trying to take over his deceased father's place in the operation by wiping out everyone he believes failed his family. The Task Force and police get ahead and surround the Kleinman residence where Greeter and his girlfriend holds Susan Kleinman hostage. However, she manages to break free and they take out Greeter and his girlfriend, with the former surviving. Sarah wonders if she was too quick to move in with Jess and Tali. At the end of the episode, Sarah's estranged husband, who has been released on bail, turns up at Jess's house with a gun. He breaks in, Kenny and Jess follow, round a corner and multiple shots are fired, ending the episode in a cliffhanger.

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