Day 14

12th October 2016

Woke up to a lovely cold but sunny morning - had showers and enjoyed breakfast together (beans on toast!!).

We decided to go for a drive and discover the Wolseley Garden Centre which was not too far away from us and we had a wander around the centre and the gift shop. Everything is Christmas and the decorations, cards and Christmas trees/lights are just amazing, so pretty. There is so much I would love to buy, but I just can't fit it into my suitcase, what a shame.

We paid a visit to Tesco's to stock up on a few needed items - I actually am not minding shopping, it's quite different and enjoyable and everyone is so friendly.

We came home and had a bite to eat for lunch (ham sandwiches and a little tiny pork pie each) and then had a bit of a rest for the afternoon.

We set off for Alison & Andrew's home for tea at about 4.30 pm. We were greeted with lots of hugs and a glass of champers (so yummy!) and caught up on what we had been doing. We sat down to the most amazing dinner of curried salmon and rice and all the trimmings (and a bit of Aussie wine), it was so delicious I kept diving in for a bit more!! Alison had made a sherry trifle for dessert and as my mother used to say, "we were full to capa-city!".

Andrew had kindly printed off our vouchers for a Falconry Experience, and we chatted for quite some time, cuddled Rupert and then listened to him having a snore in his bed (he is so gorgeous) and then left for home at about 9.00 pm feeling very full and tired. What a lovely day.

Silvertrees Holiday Park       
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